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2 hours ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

My point really was that they seem to have taken destruction in a new direction with kruelboyz. They're more serious, darker and less comic. I guess whether they'll build on that will depend on how popular the new faction has proved.

The whole dark & serious thing really is more chaos' wheelhouse. When it comes to seriousness it varies a lot based on the army, Ogors and Ironjawz are pretty no-nonsense, but gitz and gargants are silly.
To me Kruleboyz really missed the mark on a few levels though, even though I like them and have a painted army.

  1. Units don't reflect their narrative, the sculpts do, but the army is just a bunch of rank and file infantry and monsters, which is about as far from sneaky and kunnin as you can get. The book really pushed shooting as the kunnin aspect, probably because it was the only thing the model range had that came close.
  2. Generally destruction is written as a force of nature, or a natural disaster. Ogors are like locusts, Beastclaw are a blizzard, Gitz are like a flood, etc. Kruleboyz do a poor job of matching the theme. They're supposed to represent the dark unknown places of the wilds (swamps in particular) but thats just not as threatening or impactful as something like an earthquake, which could strike anywhere at any time.

For me Kruleboyz (as a whole) just don't hit right, even if the sculpts are fantastic, and I'm not exactly sure where to start unravelling the issue.

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I give Kruleboyz points because they feel like the 40k danger of Orks being sneaky and highly intelligent instead of just “charge and bash” warriors.

They excel at magic, manipulation(both on how they use eachother under Kragnos and other races like making deals with Nurgle worshippers so they can experiment on the diseases to make better toxins), guerilla warfare and the ones in Chamon are straight-up Ork Meks building automated fortresses and reverse engineering Cogforts.

And they do prove a deadly threat to all as they transform entire countrysides into toxic swamps by said magic or poisoning leylines that only they can “safely” live in.

They work well as the evil & crafty Morruks to the Ironjawz’ more Order-aligned and head-on Gorruks. While Bonesplitterz are in the mad middle worshipping both parts(and indeed their new tome does show Kruleboyz becoming Bonesplitterz is a thing so any Orruk can be pulled into their insane vortex of Waaagh zealotry)

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1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

I personally cannot wait for this book! My ties to LONG LOST NEHEKHARA AND MYSTERIOUS ARABY!!! aside, my favorite faction to read/build has generally been Slaves to Darkness. AOS has made them be out to be the most populous faction in lore, but we rarely see things from their point of view besides "Chaos is evil, and that's a good thing." With this book though.... We get to see why so many tribes and nations turned towards the dark gods instead of Sigmar and company. My only complaints are that it's set in Aqshy and not Ghur (we're in The Era of The Beast), and that it looks like the main character will turn towards Khorne as usual for chaos characters.

22 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

The whole dark & serious thing really is more chaos' wheelhouse. When it comes to seriousness it varies a lot based on the army, Ogors and Ironjawz are pretty no-nonsense, but gitz and gargants are silly.
To me Kruleboyz really missed the mark on a few levels though, even though I like them and have a painted army.

  1. Units don't reflect their narrative, the sculpts do, but the army is just a bunch of rank and file infantry and monsters, which is about as far from sneaky and kunnin as you can get. The book really pushed shooting as the kunnin aspect, probably because it was the only thing the model range had that came close.
  2. Generally destruction is written as a force of nature, or a natural disaster. Ogors are like locusts, Beastclaw are a blizzard, Gitz are like a flood, etc. Kruleboyz do a poor job of matching the theme. They're supposed to represent the dark unknown places of the wilds (swamps in particular) but thats just not as threatening or impactful as something like an earthquake, which could strike anywhere at any time.

For me Kruleboyz (as a whole) just don't hit right, even if the sculpts are fantastic, and I'm not exactly sure where to start unravelling the issue.

I always thought that the Kruleboyz were supposed to be like buzzards and other carrion eaters, you know they're out there but that doesn't;t mean you want to see them near you. Don't get me wrong, I wish certain models and ideas were taken in a different direction, but overall I think GW did a decent job with adding more "Mork" to the Destruction mix.

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Also not completely humorless(besides the Chamon ones being so lazy even a Waaagh can barely make them put up a run) as Kruleboyz love to gamble and make deals while Hobgrots are seedy merchants.


“You swindle and deal among the realms’ unsavoury societies, until it’s time to grab your slitta-knife and line up in formation.”

“Most Hobgrots are more merchants than warriors, but no one who follows Gorkamorka can avoid the fight forever. When an Orruk clobbers a group of Hobgrots into submission, roaring that they’re joining the Waaagh! and they’re going to like it, the Hobgrots quickly form ranked lines. The profits of their trading prove useful here, for every Hobgrot goes to battle with a slitta-knife, as well as Duardin-sourced ‘bangstikks’ which poison and ignite their foes. “

“Hobgrot Slittaz never forget a debt, and they call in favours to gain the upperhand amongst more brutal creatures. Many in the realms dread the smirking grin of a Hobgrot as they whisper “You Owe Me…”

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I've heard that there are rumours on the Christmas Battleboxes floating about. Valrak's youtube channel mentioned that both the 40K and AoS boxes had apparently come out (again in rumour), but of course he seemed to neglect to mention what the AoS ones supposedly are.

Any word on here about that?

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9 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

I've heard that there are rumours on the Christmas Battleboxes floating about. Valrak's youtube channel mentioned that both the 40K and AoS boxes had apparently come out (again in rumour), but of course he seemed to neglect to mention what the AoS ones supposedly are.

Any word on here about that?

Not here

but that typical Valrek and his hate for AoS. I bet he could get reliable  AoS rumors if he wanted to since he been on point with some of the 40K ones

Edited by novakai
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22 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

I always thought that the Kruleboyz were supposed to be like buzzards and other carrion eaters, you know they're out there but that doesn't mean you want to see them near you. Don't get me wrong, I wish certain models and ideas were taken in a different direction, but overall I think GW did a decent job with adding more "Mork" to the Destruction mix.

They hit the mork note narratively, but not really unit-wise or rules-wise. Theres a bad disconnect there, especially since destruction really needs an army that embraces it.
Even with completely rewritten rules I think they'd struggle to make the army feel fully "morky" because of the models available to the army. A morky feeling army would be a finesse army like KO or Slaanesh, or a heavy synergy army like khorne (which they're working on eliminating in aos3).
Destruction really needs an army to fill the pure morky void, like gitmob, grotbag or spiderfang if they really push them to stand on their own. Gitz are a bit too chaotic to properly fit the bill.
Kruleboyz should stand as an in-between, an army with finesse elements that can take a hit without crumpling, because it would be good narratively and a forgiving starter army for new players, which is where I think they tried to put them but failed with the rules.

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5 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

I've heard that there are rumours on the Christmas Battleboxes floating about. Valrak's youtube channel mentioned that both the 40K and AoS boxes had apparently come out (again in rumour), but of course he seemed to neglect to mention what the AoS ones supposedly are.

Any word on here about that?

I remember someone mentioning it a few pages ago, cant seem to find it though.

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3 minutes ago, novakai said:

Not here

but that typical Valrek and his hate ****** for AoS. I bet he could get reliable  AoS rumors if he wanted to since he been on point with some of the 40K ones

Well I've commented asking him on his video, if he gets back to me with them I will post them here if someone else hasn't found something out on them by then

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7 minutes ago, novakai said:

Not here

but that typical Valrek and his hate ****** for AoS. I bet he could get reliable  AoS rumors if he wanted to since he been on point with some of the 40K ones

In comments of his video he replied to people asking infos for AoS boxes (he "forgot" to mention it... what a surprise) : Stormcast, Skavens, Sylvaneth and Nighthaunt.

Edited by Draznak
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20 minutes ago, Mutton said:


Apologies. They never showed the actual profiles in the video. Just the presenter saying I'm looking for 3s etc. We'll see when the book comes out but it does look like the army has been lightly buffed overall but the playstyle hasn't changed. 

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5 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:



Really powerful stuff here!! I'm happy for the big-but-not-biggest dudes in AoS.

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20 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

They hit the mork note narratively, but not really unit-wise or rules-wise. Theres a bad disconnect there, especially since destruction really needs an army that embraces it.
Even with completely rewritten rules I think they'd struggle to make the army feel fully "morky" because of the models available to the army. A morky feeling army would be a finesse army like KO or Slaanesh, or a heavy synergy army like khorne (which they're working on eliminating in aos3).
Destruction really needs an army to fill the pure morky void, like gitmob, grotbag or spiderfang if they really push them to stand on their own. Gitz are a bit too chaotic to properly fit the bill.
Kruleboyz should stand as an in-between, an army with finesse elements that can take a hit without crumpling, because it would be good narratively and a forgiving starter army for new players, which is where I think they tried to put them but failed with the rules.

I would love for gitmob and grotbag to lean more into the crazy contraptions, warmachines and fast moving things. Loved the spear chukkas  doomdivers, pumpwagons etc. Things u wont see coming until you are already dead.

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My joy at seeing more Everwinter freeze effects instead of just generating damage. :D ❄️ 

There’s so much more flavor they can put in for freeze effects like that.

If Beastclaws were still on their own so they didn’t have to balance it with Gutbusters I’d do something similar to the NightHaunt with the effect building up around them:

Ex: staying 1 turn in a BCR Everwinter aura causes you to hit last.

staying 2 turns causes -1 Hit as you freeze up.

Staying 3 turns causes you to lose -2 Rend as your weapons turn brittle and break.*

*(that’s from the old Realmscapes Chamon rules in the chance you fought in their frigid sub-realms:

Brittle Isles: This region is so cold that weapons may shatter when they strike a target’s armour, making well-protected opponents much more difficult to harm.

Ignore the Rend characteristic of all weapons for the duration of the battle. )
Edited by Baron Klatz
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45 minutes ago, Draznak said:

Still have yet to see the bloodpelt in any of those pics. im very curious of his size. Is he on a 40mm or 50mm like the tyrant?

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