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The Rumour Thread

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To me, personally the NPE of Lumineth does not come by strength, but by the huge amount of core-rule-elusion.

Games have a certain flow, and any disruption to that flow has to be justified. In that sense I'm also not sure how much NPE there is in the new Nighthaunt. But at least they mostly keep their strange interactions to their turn.

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5 minutes ago, novakai said:

Eh, beside the fact that tournament data is not a true representation, they only in the middle of the pack in popularity like most other armies in the game.

It is the data we have, which does indicate that LRL is one of the more popular armies.


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++ Mod hat ++ 

While the discussion of NPE is interesting, it should go on another thread :) If anyone would like to continue the discussion, please create a new thread yourself  or I will if enough people react to this post/reply saying they would.

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1 hour ago, pnkdth said:

It is the data we have, which does indicate that LRL is one of the more popular armies.


A lot of the online survey only put them in the middle of the pack. 

personally talking to GW employee (taking it with a grain of salt) working in retail they said the top five are SCE, Warclans, Slaves, Gitz, and NH.

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9 minutes ago, novakai said:

A lot of the online survey only put them in the middle of the pack. 

personally talking to GW employee (taking it with a grain of salt) working in retail they said the top five are SCE, Warclans, Slaves, Gitz, and NH.

If this rumour is true, and it may be for at least that stores sales, then it may explain why they don’t care to balance armies that much in competitive such as Gitz. 

“Clearly people don’t care if they’re strong or not, they’re buying it anyway so we can leave things as they are.” Might be their reasoning 

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6 hours ago, chosen_of_khaine said:

While I agree that Foxes, Sentinels, and Total Eclipse aren't the most interactive to play against, every army has elements that could be a "NPE" (such an awful, overused term). Let's not ignore the fact that much of what determinies which armies get hate and which armies are deemed "fine" is merely the discourse around them coming from 1-2 major AoS content creators, whose (often poor) takes get uncritically parroted throughout the community and basically just become memes. I would bet money that ~50% of people who have complained about LRL online have not played a single game against them.

Season of War once had a battle report with LRL a while back that ended up very one sided, not because of any "cheese" or "NPE", just the mission and dice plus some very good play from the LRL player. Nonetheless, the comment section was full of "ugh stop playing LRL" or "nerf LRL already" because the community just decided they were the army to hate. Like most internet memes, it gets tired pretty quick.

My problem with Seasons of War LRL is he doesn't play the real filth!

I want to see Jordan running circles around Carl's Ironjawz with Foxes.

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People will call any army they can't beat a negative play experience. It's a competitive game, your opponent is trying to beat you. Their army should be effective, not fun for you to play against.

Foxes are not an issue in high level play. If you don't have shooting use magic, if you don't have magic use 3d6 charges or out of phase abilities. You can also pin during the movement phase by putting one unit behind and one unit in front of them. 

If you really don't have the tools then focus on getting into that castle and hitting the rest of their army.

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What other AoS stuff, if any, do you think we'll see between now and September. 

We've got the warcry stuff and I'm guessing the krondespite and scenery will get individual releases but otherwise we don't have anything else. 

Q3 and 4 for Underworlds is yet to be announced and I don't think we know what's next for bloodbowl either. 

This summer would be a great time to drop some kits that need updating. I'll love a couple of weeks with new maneaters, Skaven globadiers, saurus and other much needed plastic kits. 

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9 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

What other AoS stuff, if any, do you think we'll see between now and September. 

We've got the warcry stuff and I'm guessing the krondespite and scenery will get individual releases but otherwise we don't have anything else. 

Q3 and 4 for Underworlds is yet to be announced and I don't think we know what's next for bloodbowl either. 

This summer would be a great time to drop some kits that need updating. I'll love a couple of weeks with new maneaters, Skaven globadiers, saurus and other much needed plastic kits. 

i would say the only thing to look forward to is the next two boxset heroes for the next two battletomes.

GW rarely (i could say never really) drop surprise update for kits that are not tied to a battletome, most of the stuff that were revealed at Warhammerfest is what is slated for much of summer (Q3) until another reveal show come out. the only thing they didn't reveal fully was Warcry (nothing so far on the boxset, the legionaries, or the full Nurgle marauder Warband).

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18 minutes ago, acr0ssth3p0nd said:

So, back to actual rumors...

What do we think for the two upcoming destruction battletomes? Ogurs, Gitz, or BigBois?

I think Gitz need it the most, followed by Ogors. Sons not only came out the most recently of the three, it also got a WD that fixed the few problems that army had to begin with.

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18 minutes ago, Ravinsild said:

Aren’t Sons of Behemoth a really new army? 

i mean so is Lumeneath and they are jumping the queue to get a tome first.

DoK also got their tome first as well despite the last one being a year old.

I guess it is hard to grasp how GW releases stuff but often time it's what gets done and publish first over community priority and metadata.

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Sons need the change of playstyle, though. They’ll be very vulnerable to the new „each model counts as 3“ battalion and the special rule, where only Galletian veterans can contest one specific objective. 
Some of that could be fixed through the FaQ, though!

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6 minutes ago, Rachmani said:

Sons need the change of playstyle, though. They’ll be very vulnerable to the new „each model counts as 3“ battalion and the special rule, where only Galletian veterans can contest one specific objective. 
Some of that could be fixed through the FaQ, though!

I'm actually think Sons should be vulnerable to the new GV rules, considering how the new season is supposed to take place in cramped tunnels and passages.

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15 minutes ago, novakai said:

i would say the only thing to look forward to is the next two boxset heroes for the next two battletomes.

GW rarely (i could say never really) drop surprise update for kits that are not tied to a battletome, most of the stuff that were revealed at Warhammerfest is what is slated for much of summer (Q3) until another reveal show come out. the only thing they didn't reveal fully was Warcry (nothing so far on the boxset, the legionaries, or the full Nurgle marauder Warband).

Aside from the warcry stuff which is yet to be fully revealed and the chaos stuff which is coming in the winter we've had everything shown at warhammer fest. 

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15 minutes ago, novakai said:

i mean so is Lumeneath and they are jumping the queue to get a tome first.

DoK also got their tome first as well despite the last one being a year old.

I guess it is hard to grasp how GW releases stuff but often time it's what gets done and publish first over community priority and metadata.

Having not read the DOK book how much of the new books are just brining it in line with 3.0 standards like battalions and Path to Glory rules?


In other words would a late release such as Lumineth, Soulblight Grave Lords or Hedonites release be a complete reworking or just an update? If it is the latter I hope they do a release like Broken Realms Teclis That supplements the new rules and also includes a few extras for people that have those books already.


A narrative featuring Daughters of Khaine, Lumineth, Hedonites and Soulblight would make a perfect little Broken Realms epilogue tbh.

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4 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

Aside from the warcry stuff which is yet to be fully revealed and the chaos stuff which is coming in the winter we've had everything shown at warhammer fest. 

CSM and the remaining Horus heresy stuff not yet released (leviathan dreadnought and other individual release from teh AoD box).

Also, the new paints are supposed to come out in July ( i know not part of Warhammer fest but it seem like they wanted to clear some space in july for the paints)

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43 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

What other AoS stuff, if any, do you think we'll see between now and September. 

We've got the warcry stuff and I'm guessing the krondespite and scenery will get individual releases but otherwise we don't have anything else. 

Q3 and 4 for Underworlds is yet to be announced and I don't think we know what's next for bloodbowl either. 

This summer would be a great time to drop some kits that need updating. I'll love a couple of weeks with new maneaters, Skaven globadiers, saurus and other much needed plastic kits. 

This is the first time Im actively hyped for Warcry. There is so much opportunity for Destruction and Seraphon!!

42 minutes ago, acr0ssth3p0nd said:

So, back to actual rumors...

What do we think for the two upcoming destruction battletomes? Ogurs, Gitz, or BigBois?

Im thinking all Big Ladz with Ogor Mawtribes and Sons of Behemat!!

36 minutes ago, pnkdth said:

GW likes to pamper popular/profitable armies.

To be fair the Sons would be over 2 years old at this point if not for Covid. 

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5 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

Having not read the DOK book how much of the new books are just brining it in line with 3.0 standards like battalions and Path to Glory rules?


In other words would a late release such as Lumineth, Soulblight Grave Lords or Hedonites release be a complete reworking or just an update? If it is the latter I hope they do a release like Broken Realms Teclis That supplements the new rules and also includes a few extras for people that have those books already.


A narrative featuring Daughters of Khaine, Lumineth, Hedonites and Soulblight would make a perfect little Broken Realms epilogue tbh.

the New DoK book was mostly to bring it in line with 3.0 standard (everything that use to be rerolling dice is now a straight +1), though the biggest thing for them was more internal balance among the subfractions (Hag Nar was finally not a paragraph worth of abilities that overshadow the other 5 subfactions) and making the Avatar of Khaine more useable.

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