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I can definitely see a new warcry/underworlds release for seraphon…… A relaunch isn’t in order for them. They just need a few things cleaned up. Kroxigors, Salamanders, and cold ones. If you follow GW motive, they don’t like when third party models become more popular than their own, hence, Belakor, Kroak, new daemon princes and all the vampires. Kroxigor and salamanders are proxied a lot. Would make sense to drop a warclan that had 1-2 of each of those in it, because people would buy multiple boxes for the updates of those sculpts. Always look to models that people proxy often. They always get revamped. That’s my two cents….. 

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That generally not how GW treat Warcry/ Underworld units, they are usually model from a side game first before being AoS model. So far Underworld model are just alternative sculpts use for fun and Warcry warbands are their own unique units and not meant to replace any one particular model in an army (at least in S2D and DoK so far)

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19 minutes ago, acr0ssth3p0nd said:

A lot more reliable, that's for certain. And this Overgrown Terrain feature is making me very excited!

Overgrown feels like it’s something to do with turning existing terrain into wyldwoods which is something I’ve been pitching forever as an idea to combat wyldwood placement issues.


im very excited see what it is

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2 hours ago, Sahrial said:

New Durthu leaked

im iffy on it being 50pts better but it is better

Soo glad the Talon ability got improved. It always felt like such a waste before!! I like the new changes, and excited to see these overgrown terrain rules 

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I know people don't always love unbridled optimism in this hobby but I am loving these new warscrolls they are fluffy and simply understood. In looking at the units I can get an impression of what they might be capable of and the rules reflect it.

Is it balanced? No clue

But the second that rat jumps out of a unit of Skaven and naruto runs while tossing shuriken I will be grinning ear to ear. 

Edited by Neverchosen
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45 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

I know people don't always love unbridled optimism in this hobby but I am loving these new warscrolls they are fluffy and simply understood. In looking at the units I can get an impression of what they might be capable of and the rules reflect it.

Is it balanced? No clue

But the second that rat jumps out of a unit of Skaven and naruto runs while tossing shuriken I will be grinning ear to ear. 

The AoS 3.0 team is following a faction design philosophy that I've been more and more of a fan of - the "One Rad Rule" philosophy. The model stats are fairly bland and follow a standard approach, but that simiplification of the stats means that each faction has design room for 1-3 really, really rad abilities that are powerful, usable, and not too complex.

If we're lucky, the "overgrown terrain" mechanic is one that Sylvaneth fans have wanted for years - the ability to turn other terrain into Wyldwood-lites. It's just another indication that the rules design team has the finger on the beat of how the game plays, its weaknesses, and what each appeals to faction's fanbase as the "core" of that faction's gameplay vibe. I'm more optimistic for a Warhammer product than I've been in years.

And I'm similarly excited to see where Skaven go. The new Bell's summoning mechanic is more reliable than it has been in the past, but still feels as "madcap Skaven" as ever.

Edited by acr0ssth3p0nd
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4 hours ago, novakai said:

That generally not how GW treat Warcry/ Underworld units, they are usually model from a side game first before being AoS model. So far Underworld model are just alternative sculpts use for fun and Warcry warbands are their own unique units and not meant to replace any one particular model in an army (at least in S2D and DoK so far)

Units no. Models yes. When they drop these warband/underworlds kits they are almost useless as an actual AOS unit. However, they are used as a proxy for models used in the AOS game. Units champs, small foot heroes, etc. I know a bunch of S2D players who use the kits to have chaos warriors in different sculpts and as a chaos sorcerer. Same with IJ for brutes and ardboyz. GW is aware of this. So they will drop warbands kits that fit both purposes. GW loves when people proxy their models with other models they make. $$$$$ Which in turn can be cool for certain sculpts that we may want updates for. 

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28 minutes ago, acr0ssth3p0nd said:

The AoS 3.0 team is following a faction design philosophy that I've been more and more of a fan of - the "One Rad Rule" philosophy. The model stats are fairly bland and follow a standard approach, but that simiplification of the stats means that each faction has design room for 1-3 really, really rad abilities that are powerful, usable, and not too complex.

If we're lucky, the "overgrown terrain" mechanic is one that Sylvaneth fans have wanted for years - the ability to turn other terrain into Wyldwood-lites. It's just another indication that the rules design team has the finger on the beat of how the game plays, its weaknesses, and what each appeals to faction's fanbase as the "core" of that faction's gameplay vibe. I'm more optimistic for a Warhammer product than I've been in years.

And I'm similarly excited to see where Skaven go. The new Bell's summoning mechanic is more reliable than it has been in the past, but still feels as "madcap Skaven" as ever.

Overgrown has the chance to be amazing!!! I’ve always felt the army needed a ward. Trees are supposed to be tough. Would love to see a ward when within like 12 of something overgrown 🤞🏼

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15 minutes ago, Jetlife said:

Units no. Models yes. When they drop these warband/underworlds kits they are almost useless as an actual AOS unit. However, they are used as a proxy for models used in the AOS game. Units champs, small foot heroes, etc. I know a bunch of S2D players who use the kits to have chaos warriors in different sculpts and as a chaos sorcerer. Same with IJ for brutes and ardboyz. GW is aware of this. So they will drop warbands kits that fit both purposes. GW loves when people proxy their models with other models they make. $$$$$ Which in turn can be cool for certain sculpts that we may want updates for. 

Yes but the intention from GW is not there, sometimes they don't even get simple thing as base size correctly and I doubt even the community treats the warbands that way either beside just side product to occasionally to use.

GW attitude towards seem contradictory to your statement. Putting the UNderworld warbands in Range rotation suggest it not a high important product to them

Edited by novakai
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39 minutes ago, novakai said:

Yes but the intention from GW is not there, sometimes they don't even get simple thing as base size correctly and I doubt even the community treats the warbands that way either beside just side product to occasionally to use.

GW attitude towards seem contradictory to your statement. Putting the UNderworld warbands in Range rotation suggest it not a high important product to them

Putting them on webstore only was already closing the casket.

It's just a result of GW planning obsolescence of Underworld warbands. Which is why I'll never use mine in that game. I should just throw the board and cards away.

Price gauging makes sure I'm not going to buy them for the models again either.

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6 hours ago, Jetlife said:

I can definitely see a new warcry/underworlds release for seraphon…… A relaunch isn’t in order for them. They just need a few things cleaned up. Kroxigors, Salamanders, and cold ones. If you follow GW motive, they don’t like when third party models become more popular than their own, hence, Belakor, Kroak, new daemon princes and all the vampires. Kroxigor and salamanders are proxied a lot. Would make sense to drop a warclan that had 1-2 of each of those in it, because people would buy multiple boxes for the updates of those sculpts. Always look to models that people proxy often. They always get revamped. That’s my two cents….. 

don’t worry theg don’t care.

there are tons of third party ratman sellers, that are currently doing a better job then gw.

and they haven’t gotten much

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30 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

Although I might be wrong, (hopefully) seems like seraphon might get at least something new, no idea what it is and how big, but they will definitely get something.

maybe a scar veteran on foot with spear.

or new saurus warriors

Maybe the mythical Seraphon vs Sons of Behemat box? Or was that a fake? I remember it being a big thing a few years ago.

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5 minutes ago, Garrac said:

Maybe it's another box with just a new hero model


Btw, there's already panic at the skavendom and some people rumouring that the runners are going to Legends

I mean sure, then I guess the guy who was talking about starting a eshin army was lying.

either that or death-masters can become battle-line.

Edit: personally I believe those rumors started of people getting scared because skaven have gotten another model range update at all (excldung that one new model)

I really don’t think gw would actually axe everything that makes the skaven iconic.

they would bave to rewrite them entirely, should the old world join the game system at some point. Something I doubt as well.

so till we get pur update we are just going to be stuck at metal models.

Edited by Skreech Verminking
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17 hours ago, EntMan said:

I want to build and paint a Treelord, and I'd been planning to make him an Ancient so then I can have a wood. (I already have the halfling to perch on his shoulder)

Beginning to think I should just go all in and get a Sylvaneth army.

Yea if you were gonna built and paint 480pts of Sylvaneth and a wild wood, you might as well go sylvaneth. It will probably be better than just shoe-horning them into a Living City army. 

I use to play LC a lot (they are honestly flat out better than Sylvan) but dropped it in disgust when they became the fulminator meta. 

I didn't want to have to explain to everyone after a tournament: "yes i brought living city, no I didn't bring fulminators" 

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I do wonder how the development of The Old World system influences their design decisions for those factions that carried straight over into AoS.

I’ll finding it hard to explain, but I mean, are they anticipating everyone with lots of Witch Aelves as going to be able to use those in The Old World games? Or will they want to make the two systems distinct?

If they go the latter route, it’s kind of inevitable that they gradually phase out/redesign the classic WHF factions that carried across — because those factions are iconic to The Old World.

I guess the dwarfs are a good example of what I mean. They have taken two, very distinct themes and run with them. Your ‘classic’ dwarfs have received very little attention and even talk of the faction being ‘reunited’ is no indicator that we’ll get more of the classic dwarfs for AoS — just that there might be more interplay between the FS and KO.

What happens when The Old World launches and there are Skaven everywhere — do model updates get concurrent rules and updates for most systems? All with a choice of bases? Or some can be used on one system and not the other… It all starts to get a bit messy?

Therefore, could we expect to see AoS races like Seraphon lean heavily into this space techno theme, to distinguish them from the more tribal Lizardmen we know and love from WHFB? Wackier Skaven, sea aelves, snake and bat aelves, winged forest sprites etc etc…

Would love to know people’s thoughts?

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Just now, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

I do wonder how the development of The Old World system influences their design decisions for those factions that carried straight over into AoS.

I’ll finding it hard to explain, but I mean, are they anticipating everyone with lots of Witch Aelves as going to be able to use those in The Old World games? Or will they want to make the two systems distinct?

If they go the latter route, it’s kind of inevitable that they gradually phase out/redesign the classic WHF factions that carried across — because those factions are iconic to The Old World.

I guess the dwarfs are a good example of what I mean. They have taken two, very distinct themes and run with them. Your ‘classic’ dwarfs have received very little attention and even talk of the faction being ‘reunited’ is no indicator that we’ll get more of the classic dwarfs for AoS — just that there might be more interplay between the FS and KO.

What happens when The Old World launches and there are Skaven everywhere — do model updates get concurrent rules and updates for most systems? All with a choice of bases? Or some can be used on one system and not the other… It all starts to get a bit messy?

Therefore, could we expect to see AoS races like Seraphon lean heavily into this space techno theme, to distinguish them from the more tribal Lizardmen we know and love from WHFB? Wackier Skaven, sea aelves, snake and bat aelves, winged forest sprites etc etc…

Would love to know people’s thoughts?

It's honestly still a big mystery to me. Apparently, GW wants people to be able to run their old armies in TOW, which would probably have to entail also making currently out of production units and armies available again in some form. And then they also want to add a bunch of new units on top of that. The amount of models required honestly seems impossible for GW to commit to, given the fact they don't even want to keep a bunch of Underworlds warbands in production.

I have heard speculation that maybe the Dawnbringer Crusades announcement and the redesign of AoS humans it entails is partially to keep the TOW Empire and AoS Cities of Sigmar distinct. But honestly, I don't know how GW will do it. AoS has been around for 8 or so years now, and in that time they could not manage to release AoS specific Freeguild models. And now they are supposed to be releasing full ranges of redone Cities, Empire, Bretonnia and Kislev models within the next couple of years? It is hard to imagine that they have the capacity and will to do it.

To me, it is still completely unclear how GW plans to launch TOW in a way that is both workable and satisfying.

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