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Stormvault: The New Lore

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Stormvault Lore:


In the Age of Myth, Sigmar and co. roamed around killing enemies. Those that were too strong, he hid in the magical Stormvaults. They are hidden, invisible prisons that have been revealed as of the necroquake. There are also powerful, world destroying artifacts in there.


The most famous Stormvault is the Midnight Tomb, under the Stormkeep of the Anvils of the Heldenhammer. Nagash has attacked this, because he senses that an old ally may be trapped there. The new scenery reflects this, as do the endless spells. 

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3 minutes ago, S133arcanite said:

Stormvault Lore:


In the Age of Myth, Sigmar and co. roamed around killing enemies. Those that were too strong, he hid in the magical Stormvaults. They are hidden, invisible prisons that have been revealed as of the necroquake. There are also powerful, world destroying artifacts in there.


 The most famous Stormvault is the Midnight Tomb, under the Stormkeep of the Anvils of the Heldenhammer. Nagash has attacked this, because he senses that an old ally may be trapped there. The new scenery reflects this, as do the endless spells


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9 minutes ago, S133arcanite said:

Stormvault Lore:


In the Age of Myth, Sigmar and co. roamed around killing enemies. Those that were too strong, he hid in the magical Stormvaults. They are hidden, invisible prisons that have been revealed as of the necroquake. There are also powerful, world destroying artifacts in there.


The most famous Stormvault is the Midnight Tomb, under the Stormkeep of the Anvils of the Heldenhammer. Nagash has attacked this, because he senses that an old ally may be trapped there. The new scenery reflects this, as do the endless spells. 

An old ally? That has captured my interest. 

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9 minutes ago, Mungrun said:

Kemmler? If he returns he will be probably a Mortarch too



Was never really an ally though. In fact he never interacted directly with Nagash.

He did work with Arkahn, but only to betray him to Chaos (only to fatally learn Krell was working for Nagash all along).


Are we sure it said ally? I don't think Nagash ever had one of those in the World-That-Was.

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1 minute ago, Rogue Explorator said:

Are we sure it said ally? I don't think Nagash ever had one of those in the World-That-Was.

Aside from Neffi and Arkhan? Nah, even his other mortarchs where forced into it or had ulterior motives. Vlad was only in it for the promise of Isabella being resurrected (nurgle beat him to it), manfred is waiting for a chance to betray him as well. Krell is basically the closest thing to loyal as it gets outside of nagash's inner circle.

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1 minute ago, Mungrun said:

Yes, even the Carrion King betrayed him if I'm not wrong.

To be fair the carrion king was the closest thing to a nice vampire we had before nagash gave him the vordhai treatment. Literally every other vampire backstabbed him (if it hasn't been retconned that ushoran is the carrion king)

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Settra reviles Nagash. With every fiber of his being. It makes more sense for him to be on Sigmar or Chaos' side then it does Death. I just had a thought of how cool it would be for them to make an Order Undead army (even though Order is already super saturated),  because that's essentially what Tomb Kings were in WHF anyhow. 

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