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Gushing Over Archaon


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Just fanboying here.

I bought Archaon a few years back but never got around to assembling him ...

... until now.

What a neat model!

There are some small gaps in the wing joins, but otherwise he's magnificent. He was a joy to assemble (and I hate building models) and once put together he's just an awesome sight to behold.i mean, sheesh, he's just huge and gorgeous! 

Well done, GW. I'm looking forward to years of enjoying seeing him on my table top.

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I really liked the new Dorghar.  I sold my Archaon but maybe I'll rebuy him, such a centerpiece!  I think with the new Slaanesh tome he might be super good again, as he was playable with Tzeentch and Slaanesh before.  With any luck he'll be in the new Slaves to Darkness somehow.  He needs a permanent home and to get out of foster rules.

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The dragon looks kinda big and chunky to me so I can never seem to get my excitement behind it.  I'malso struggling to list build with him since he costs so many points but his biggest perk is in his command ability which itself requires several other high point models to take advantage of and use properly. And probably all in one faction so you aren't stick with the useless StD allegience ability. And also you need troops to actually affect with it. 

I love support heroes but that combination means I just can't quite get there. Too many list building constraints. I wish he cost maybe 1 to 200 pts less or had a foot or mounted version still usable or maybe just that all the best command abilities weren't all on 400 pt models.

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19 hours ago, Forrix said:

I assembled Archaon separately from Droghar and now I can't get him to fit in the saddle ><

I did too. He kinda snaps into place with a but of a push. Trying putting the foot with the peg down first and then 'rolling' down the other side with a little force.

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Building Archaon was surprisingly easy. My only gripe, model-wise, is how he is fixed to the base. The whole model rests on a small area on Dorghar's tail and a single hook from the same (which is glued to the "wall").

That the balance works out in the end was pretty surprising for me and balls to whoever designed the kit/assembly.

Rule-wise, Archaon is sadly not really compatible with the new stuff and I really hope we'll see him reworked with an actual army at his back, either this year or 2020.

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2 hours ago, Xasz said:

Building Archaon was surprisingly easy. My only gripe, model-wise, is how he is fixed to the base. The whole model rests on a small area on Dorghar's tail and a single hook from the same (which is glued to the "wall").

That the balance works out in the end was pretty surprising for me and balls to whoever designed the kit/assembly.

Rule-wise, Archaon is sadly not really compatible with the new stuff and I really hope we'll see him reworked with an actual army at his back, either this year or 2020.

He is very good with the khorne book. Play him in reaper of vengeance, whip him with bloodstocker, add a few attacks here and there (bloodsecrator/wrathmongers) and enjoy your double-pile in Archaon with full reroll wounds on all his attacks, and watch him one-shotting 100% of the time every hero/monster he come across while he devastate entire units.

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4 hours ago, ledha said:

He is very good with the khorne book. Play him in reaper of vengeance, whip him with bloodstocker, add a few attacks here and there (bloodsecrator/wrathmongers) and enjoy your double-pile in Archaon with full reroll wounds on all his attacks, and watch him one-shotting 100% of the time every hero/monster he come across while he devastate entire units.

He's decent at best, don't forget his price tag and that is command ability (a big part of his appeal) is pretty much useless due to a shift in how/when those abilities are activated.

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Rules wise you really do have to build for Archaon, but if you do he can be a total beast. I love playing him about as much as I loved working on him, so if anyone is interested in trying him out here are my findings so far:

First off, his biggest weaknesses are his sheer size (making it difficult to fit in all the places you want him to go) and his limited number of attacks (making his activations super swingy, a couple 1's come up and you have a bad time watching your 660 points do nothing).  His strengths are having a variety of really good attacks, bonkers special rules for every occasion, surprising resilience, and of course the Slayer of Kings. Usually in list building you ignore the weaknesses and try to double down on strengths, but Archaon's issues really can cripple him to the point of uselessness so you'll need to look for a way to cover them somehow. Increased speed helps with the big base as it makes positioning easier. Buffs to hit/wound, increased attacks, or rerolls, help with the swingy-ness. After that anything you can do to capitalize on the strengths is just gravy. All four of the main armies can do something for him but of course some are better than others.

Khorne is fantastic for him because it honestly does everything. It can speed him up, give him +3 attacks for each weapon, let him reroll attacks and wounds, make him more resilient, let him attack twice, heal, let him move in the hero phase... I could go on. Really the only bad thing I've found is the passive anti magic hits him as well, but yeah who cares lol. He's an absolute monster in a Khorne army built to support him. No clue if it's tournament competitive, but if I were taking Archaon to a tournament this is where I'd start. 

I think Tzeentch is second best of the 4 because of the spell Arcane Infusion (+1 to hit, +1 to wound), the mutation spell that gives +1 attack to a chosen weapon, and then destiny dice. Destiny dice are amazing because they pretty well auto trigger his sword on one chosen monster/hero which can be game changing. They also help guarantee charges which can be critical.

Nurgle is third, but it's close. The biggest buff is insane speed, you can get up to +7 to move and +2 to charge with a run and charge, letting Archaon get pretty much anywhere on the board.  You can also build for more resilience and extra attacks, and moving the wheel to +1 to wound is awesome for the Slayer. He's solid here but fitting him into a list is much trickier because Nurgle is naturally quite expensive. 

Slaanesh is a bit weird. It used to be strong by allowing him to pile in and attack twice, but now the mortal version of the command ability is gone and the daemon version only works on hedonites. It looks like the book mainly offers him some healing, the locus of diversion, and exploding 6's (which just exacerbates the swingy-ness). The biggest thing he brings to the book is the fact that he has 20 very resilient wounds, so he's a real depravity point generator. I'll be doing some testing on this soon if I can figure out a list I'm happy with.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have my fingers crossed that when the new Slaves to Darkness (of whatever the book is called) is released they combined it with Everchosen.....it would also be great to get a version of Archaon that wasn't a dragon either (foot or horse) so they can reduce his points and provide a little more flexibility in smaller games. It would be cool to have him foot slogging alongside updated Choas Warriors, Chosen or even Varanguard without horses.

Having played with Archaon I do think his points are a little too high, or maybe its just that the Everchosen book is so limited?

You are 3/4 of the way to a 2k army with just Archaon and 3x battle line units of Varanguard.........it sounds cool but having played it its not that exciting after a few games, probably more that Varanguard sound and look cool but lack any depth.  He is best combined with other Chaos armies where you can maximize command abilities or stack damage buffs on him.

Regarding Slaanesh, you can get a second KoS 'or' a bunch of other heroes for similar points and they are pound-for-pound superior and are just as effective if not more so in generating depravity. Not to mention outside of getting a lucky roll KoS are devastating in combat and having two of them not only spreads the threat it also provides a great deal of redundancy. 

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