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How do you deal with dust?

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I store all my models in plastic tubs from The Container Store with lids, stacked on shelves, usually sorted by unit type.  Then when I make a list I just go into the appropriate tubs and transfer those models to my bag.  Works pretty well and it's not too fancy/expensive.

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I had to deal with this recently

1) You can store models inside a bag. Some bag ranges like Battlefoam or KRMulticase not only offer bags, but also have a range of card and plastic containers that fit their foam sizes so that you can not only have them work for bags, but also keep models contained. Models will still get "some" dust, but it will be greatly reduced and shouldn't be an issue unless you are going for very long term storage. 

2) Another option is the glass fronted cabinet which has the bonus that it also puts your models on display whilst keeping dust on them to a minimum. Will generally take more room and can vary depending on the quality of cabinet that you get, so try to get a decent one. 

Note auctions and market sales and such can be an ideal place to pick up things like this at cheap cost, since most people don't have means/desire to transport/pay for transport for furniture to be transported home. It might make you a saving, but you might not be able to get a matching setup for a room if you want to have several. 

3) If you have to store on a shelf and your models get dust on them don't panic. A said above something like a make-up brush can be used to sweep the dust off. Done regularly this can help prevent dust build up. Note don't try using normal dusting items - feather dusters, cotton dusters and the like are disasters; the material they are made of will catch on the model rather than sweep over and then you've got a nightmare cleaning that fluff off the models. 

Another option is to wash them, a simple lightly warm water, touch of soap and an old toothbrush. Just the same as cleaning up rein or models to get release agent off. Works even on painted models as you're only dipping them in water and then giving them a light wipe with the brush to get any built up dust off - ideally works best if you've varnished your models. 

4) A simple cloth cover over an open display area can help cut down on dust. Keeping air flowing in the room helps too as whilst wind can bring in some dust; the majority of dust in a building is just dead skin and such building up over time whilst there is little to no airflow to push it around.

Generally keeping the room clean helps - regular dusting of the shelving, hoovering and the like. 

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If you are going to do a glass cabinet, make sure its a very air resistant one! Some have gaps at the top of the door where eventually dust can get in. Check reviews for ones bought at funiture stores.


Also this is more for "micro" models so no great daemons or vehicles, but some places like the Japanese Budget store Daiso have these neat Plastic display cases for small knickknacks. They are extremely affordable at being less than $5 a box, though you might end up with a lot of them if you want to display a lot of models. They do stack though, but getting all the models out will take time. My brother has a bunch he uses to store Nintendo Amiibos, while I have one that has Star Wars X Wing minis (even the wide base Outsider fits perfectly).






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I researched the cabinet I use, it's a LINNART from Ikea. Sadly they don't make them anymore but I have found them to be great for keeping dust off of my models in a very dusty house! They aren't sealed 100% but the seal is enough to keep it out and I am very satisfied with the result. The shelves are deep enough to hold an entire army and as the sun can't shine in on it all day long as the sides are wooden I don't have to worry about the paint jobs slowly fading over time. Its also robust and an accidental tap from something falling won't cause a disaster! Now I need to figure out how I can add a few extra shelves to the one I have... 

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Oooh big news alert for those with big models. This is I assume aimed for Gunpla builders, but theres some upcoming "Model Covers" from Hobby Base releasing in October (or at least for HobbyLinkJapan, a popular website for buying asian goods for westerners). They seem to come in all sorts of sizes.


https://hlj.com/search/go?af=selectmanufacturer%3ahobbybase newadditions%3alast30days&lbc=hobbylink&method=and&p=Q&ts=custom&uid=866655169&w=model cover uv protection&view=list




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