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AoS 2 - Beasts of Chaos Discussion

Gaz Taylor

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So how do you guys use your Chimeras ?

Just rush them forward as fast as possible and try to do as much damage as you can ?

Keep them on flanks an snipe priority targets ?

I was wondering what would be the best strategy since they are fairly fragile, and if there is any shooting on the other side of the board, they are sure to get the pointy end of the stick fairly quickly.

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21 minutes ago, ageofpaddsmar said:

So going back to chariots. Ive just noticed on the base size charts that beasts chariots gobon 105 x 70mm oval bases. Not sure if chaos chariots will fit on those😢

Yeah it's pretty annoying that they recently changed the base size. They used to be on the standard chariot base.

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11 hours ago, Myrdin said:

So how do you guys use your Chimeras ?

Just rush them forward as fast as possible and try to do as much damage as you can ?

Keep them on flanks an snipe priority targets ?

I was wondering what would be the best strategy since they are fairly fragile, and if there is any shooting on the other side of the board, they are sure to get the pointy end of the stick fairly quickly.

I think it depends a lot on what your opponent has - as you said if they've got shooting they're going to be heavily prioritized. If you're facing an army with a lot of shooting then I think you play them aggressive, get in, shoot at something and try to chomp as much as you can. I will say that regardless of your opponent you want to use the Chimera to bully smaller units and more fragile units. The Chimera hits but against a big unit or a really tough unit he'll end up feeling underwhelming. Overall its definitely a 'touch' piece for sure - you've got to make a lot of your choices with the Chimera based on what else is on the table at the time. 

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13 hours ago, ageofpaddsmar said:

So going back to chariots. Ive just noticed on the base size charts that beasts chariots gobon 105 x 70mm oval bases. Not sure if chaos chariots will fit on those😢

Wait they changed the base size AGAIN ?!
Damn you GW ! Decide already ! Right after I bought bunch of 120mm bases and rebased all my chariots. This seriously pisses me off.

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3 minutes ago, ageofpaddsmar said:

So has anyone got any ideas or links to conversions for centigor. Ive googled but there are only pics and no real indepth tutorials.

No links but I am planning using Tzaangors and marauder horsemen's horses to convert some Tzeentch ones.  Should be relatively easy with some green stuff fur to cover any ugly bits.  Could obviously just use Gor bodies for non-tzeentch flavour.

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7 minutes ago, Magnus The Blue said:

No links but I am planning using Tzaangors and marauder horsemen's horses to convert some Tzeentch ones.  Should be relatively easy with some green stuff fur to cover any ugly bits.  Could obviously just use Gor bodies for non-tzeentch flavour.

Yeah the marauder horses come up alot in searches. They look great but its the saddles that bother me. Not sure how hard they would be to remove. Was thinking someting really different and using spider riders but not sure

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23 hours ago, ageofpaddsmar said:

Yeah the marauder horses come up alot in searches. They look great but its the saddles that bother me. Not sure how hard they would be to remove. Was thinking someting really different and using spider riders but not sure

I'm planning on using the Otherworld Centaurs as the base for the conversions.


Backup would be the wood elf wild riders. Bit too active in the posing though.



Edited by Mosquito onthe TenthFloor
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Regarding Centigors - I used the Marauder Horsemen horses and Gor torsos. It takes a little work to get everything right but if you have a Dremmel tool it makes a lot of the work pretty easy. I just ground down the saddles and straps and the like and then green stuffed fur over the top. I also suck at greenstuff/sculpting but fur is about the easiest thing you could try to do (and there are LOADS of tutorials out there). 

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Same with mine, with the exception being I used 1 Bestigor from the chariot kit, and the rest is made from Mierce Mini beastmen who are bulkier then GW ones. For male centigors the Marauder horses are great as they, once complete, make the model look really "buff". And thats how a Beastmen should be looking.

Also I have seen some amazing conversion for Female centigors, using the Sisters of Thorns kit, and turning them into the old school Warcraft 3 dryads. It looked really great and once I am done with my current projects (Beastmen Demon Prince, Centigors, DoK Custom Sisters of Slaughter, Tzaangors using non Disc mounts, etc), I too want to give it a go and convert at least 5 of those.

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Hey everyone. With my Skaven, Living City and FeC armies finishing up, I've been looking into starting up a BoC army (honestly, my first AoS army pick was bray\warherd before I got into Skaven instead). Anyway, been doing a good bit of reading and list-building today and came up with the below. Let me know what you think about this for competitive play:

Allegiance: Beasts of Chaos
- Greatfray: Gavespawn
Great Bray Shaman (100)
- General
- Trait: Unravelling Aura 
- Lore of the Twisted Wilds: Titanic Fury
Beastlord (90)
- Artefact: Mutating Gnarlblade 
Tzaangor Shaman (180)
- Lore of the Twisted Wilds: Tendrils of Atrophy
10 x Bestigors (120)
10 x Bestigors (120)
10 x Gors (80)
- Gor-Blades & Beastshields
10 x Ungors (60)
- Mauls & Half-Shields
30 x Ungor Raiders (240)
3 x Bullgors (160)
- Great Axes
3 x Bullgors (160)
- Great Axes
6 x Tzaangor Enlightened on Disc (280)
1 x Chaos Spawn (50)
Ghorgon (200)
Desolating Beastherd (150)

Total: 1990 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 1

5-drop army that I could reduce to 4 if I combine the Bullgors, but not sure if that's such a great idea for the 1"reach\Bravery although the latter could be mitigated by the Herdstone. The last 60 points are a toss up between the Spawn, extra CP or the Dirgehorn. The Raiders will definitely deepstrike in hopes of whittling away at a squishy unit, perhaps accompanied by a Bestigor\Bull unit as well. Enlightened will play their typical sit-behind-a-screen and provide a heavy counter attack. Standard 10 sacrificial Ungor to gain points for stock replenishment\Chimera and 10 Gor as tax to sit on an objective or be a screen.

Thoughts and CC are most welcome.

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On 1/12/2019 at 10:03 AM, Gwendar said:

Hey everyone. With my Skaven, Living City and FeC armies finishing up, I've been looking into starting up a BoC army (honestly, my first AoS army pick was bray\warherd before I got into Skaven instead). Anyway, been doing a good bit of reading and list-building today and came up with the below. Let me know what you think about this for competitive play:

Allegiance: Beasts of Chaos
- Greatfray: Gavespawn
Great Bray Shaman (100)
- General
- Trait: Unravelling Aura 
- Lore of the Twisted Wilds: Titanic Fury
Beastlord (90)
- Artefact: Mutating Gnarlblade 
Tzaangor Shaman (180)
- Lore of the Twisted Wilds: Tendrils of Atrophy
10 x Bestigors (120)
10 x Bestigors (120)
10 x Gors (80)
- Gor-Blades & Beastshields
10 x Ungors (60)
- Mauls & Half-Shields
30 x Ungor Raiders (240)
3 x Bullgors (160)
- Great Axes
3 x Bullgors (160)
- Great Axes
6 x Tzaangor Enlightened on Disc (280)
1 x Chaos Spawn (50)
Ghorgon (200)
Desolating Beastherd (150)

Total: 1990 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 1

5-drop army that I could reduce to 4 if I combine the Bullgors, but not sure if that's such a great idea for the 1"reach\Bravery although the latter could be mitigated by the Herdstone. The last 60 points are a toss up between the Spawn, extra CP or the Dirgehorn. The Raiders will definitely deepstrike in hopes of whittling away at a squishy unit, perhaps accompanied by a Bestigor\Bull unit as well. Enlightened will play their typical sit-behind-a-screen and provide a heavy counter attack. Standard 10 sacrificial Ungor to gain points for stock replenishment\Chimera and 10 Gor as tax to sit on an objective or be a screen.

Thoughts and CC are most welcome.

If you do the maths on 3 Bullgors, they aren't reliable enough to kill stuff. I would argue that they should almost always be used in units of 6.

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I am about to buy by the last stuff for my Beasts of chaos army. I play Gavespawn with the Phantasmagoria of fate battalion. I was planning on using 6 Enlightened on discs and 6 Skyfires. But for the same points you can get 12 Enlightened and 3 Skyfires. But my question is, will just 3 Skyfires do anything? 

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17 minutes ago, Amradiel said:

I am about to buy by the last stuff for my Beasts of chaos army. I play Gavespawn with the Phantasmagoria of fate battalion. I was planning on using 6 Enlightened on discs and 6 Skyfires. But for the same points you can get 12 Enlightened and 3 Skyfires. But my question is, will just 3 Skyfires do anything? 

Just 3 Skyfires are a bit underwhelming. Skyfires are primarily a melee unit, with shooting as a bonus. Because of their reroll mechanics you want them to delete or at least seriously cripple what you charge with them, so they should be used in a unit of 6 to make that happen.

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6 minutes ago, The_Yellow_Sign said:

Just 3 Skyfires are a bit underwhelming. Skyfires are primarily a melee unit, with shooting as a bonus. Because of their reroll mechanics you want them to delete or at least seriously cripple what you charge with them, so they should be used in a unit of 6 to make that 

Then I will go to my original plan with 6 Enlightened and 6 Skyfires. That way I have  strike first and last rerolls. Thanks

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4 hours ago, Amradiel said:

Then I will go to my original plan with 6 Enlightened and 6 Skyfires. That way I have  strike first and last rerolls. Thanks

This is something I am aiming towards to as well. Eventually would like to get 12 Enlightened, in case I need to repay some poeple who just have to be "that guy" and bring the worst cheese possible. But before I get more of those 6 Skyfires is what I want.


So I was thinking despite the Jabber nerf, there might be times where it might be useful. Buddy of mine put togather High Elf army playing a flying monster circuss of one Drakeseer and two Frost Phoenixes and won 2/3 games on our local tournament, loosing one just because of random objectives.

Seeing those birds in action I think Two jabbers countering one (2 jabbers are 60 pts more) while something else tackles the other one, and a Battle kitted BL/DB with bunch of bestigors tackling the Drakeseer might the right way to go.

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4 minutes ago, Myrdin said:

This is something I am aiming towards to as well. Eventually would like to get 12 Enlightened, in case I need to repay some poeple who just have to be "that guy" and bring the worst cheese possible. But before I get more of those 6 Skyfires is what I want.


So I was thinking despite the Jabber nerf, there might be times where it might be useful. Buddy of mine put togather High Elf army playing a flying monster circuss of one Drakeseer and two Frost Phoenixes and won 2/3 games on our local tournament, loosing one just because of random objectives.

Seeing those birds in action I think Two jabbers countering one (2 jabbers are 60 pts more) while something else tackles the other one, and a Battle kitted BL/DB with bunch of bestigors tackling the Drakeseer might the right way to go.

Yeah I am either going to buy 6 more Enlightened or 6 Dragon ogors. I really like them both. 

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