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Let's chat Stormcast Eternals


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1 hour ago, trarux said:

Can we find the lists somewhere ? Nice to see how they did it :)

Lord-Celestant on Stardrake

-Celistine hammer

-Staunch Defender






-Lightning Chariot


5 Liberators

-Hammer & Shield

-1 Grandhammer

5 Judicators

-Skybolt bows

-1 Shockbolt bow

5 Judicators

-Skybolt bows

-1 Shockbolt bow

2 fulminators

2 fulminators


-Stormcall Javelins

-1 Stormsurge trident

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2 hours ago, DanielFM said:

Yeah, it's a really nice list. But apparently he didn't face Changehost or other mortal wound spammers which would have trashed him.

Other mw spamming lists would be? Skryre?

Nearly every list relies on luck of the draw too.

Ask the changehost player if he'd like to meet a clown car for instance. End of Tzeentch's game R1.


/Edit/ Nurgle Rotigus + plage squall list might push out enough mw to give SC troubles. Otherwise Nurgle isn't so bad for SC (I played two nurgle lists at my last tourney).


/Edit 2/ Kroak on a balewind! Like Jesus on a bicycle. I lost bad to this last tourney but I'd never faced it and my list didn't have enough ranged. Most SC lists have enough range to take out Kroak. Everything in the air and rely on scions - place shooting units and pew pew. Eat the rippers and ignore the bastiladons (bar duality ugh).

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I have a question for people, who play aetherstrike. Isn't it annoying to play against? I have seen some results and know it's not ranking high in tournament play, but I somehow feel like its going to shoot casual and suboptimal lists off the board without much interaction from their side. I have most models ready, but I am still not sure about playing it because I certainly wouldn't enjoy, If my opponent was frustrated by not being able to even get 20" from that raptor glass deathstar.

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51 minutes ago, Trayanee said:

I have a question for people, who play aetherstrike. Isn't it annoying to play against? I have seen some results and know it's not ranking high in tournament play, but I somehow feel like its going to shoot casual and suboptimal lists off the board without much interaction from their side. I have most models ready, but I am still not sure about playing it because I certainly wouldn't enjoy, If my opponent was frustrated by not being able to even get 20" from that raptor glass deathstar.

Generally, yeah. It's a rough list to fight.

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The aetherstrike is a very extreme list. Either your opponent :

1) have tools to deal with it, which will make a tense and tactical and interesting but very tiring game (facing aetherstrike is like doing a puzzle)

2) completely counter it with anti-shooting or even better shooting/sniping/mortal wound/mass of objectives holders and will trash the aetherstrike either in killing it very fast or dying on the objectives and winning by points 

3) don't have the tools to deal with it and will be destroyed so hard that it will looks like a public execution more than a game

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So facing off against a Sylvaneth player tomorrow night at the club and thought I'd dust off the Stormcast for the game. Know he'll have Alarielle but not sure what else.

Thoughts on this list, thinking the Heraldor for tooting woods obviously and have had a Hurricanum built for about a year and never fielded it so thought I'd give it a whirl.

Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals

Celestial Hurricanum With Celestial Battlemage (380)
- Allies
Lord-Celestant On Stardrake (560)
- General
- Celestine Hammer
- Trait: Staunch Defender
- Artefact: Mirrorshield
- Stardrake Trait: Keen-clawed
Lord-Castellant (100)
Knight-Heraldor (120)

5 x Liberators (100)
- Warhammers
5 x Judicators (160)
- Skybolt Bows
5 x Judicators (160)
- Skybolt Bows

3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows (180)
2 x Fulminators (240)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Allies: 380 / 400
Wounds: 84

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Game against LoN last night.


He ran a big blob of skellies, another of 20, and some wolves. Then 4 Morgeist (2 units of two, which started in Ambush)  a Terrorgeist, and a unit of Spirit Host. Zombie dragon as the leader. 

I was running a standard Stardrake list, but only 2 Fulminators as the other two aren't built, so instead used some longshot bows. and some aetherwings. 

Knife to the Heart was drawn, so straight away I knew I had my work cut out. I needed to keep my Drake to deal with the heavy hitters, as I know he'd clear out the guys on the objective. I ended up losing the Longstrikes pretty early to a Morgeist drop and charge (auto drop and 3 d6 charge, these guys are nasty) then he piled everything in to clear my objective. I threw the Fulminators into the other Morgeist unit that dropped and killed my libs, I then managed to get one into the spirit hosts and Terrorgeist to hold them up a turn. I ended up removing the 20 man skelly unit with the drake and then threw into combat with the zombie dragon, which he killed as well. I got charged by the Spirit hosts, but with Staunch Defender and a lantern,  Armour of Silver Sigmarite and the effects of a Lightning Storm, he wasn't doing anything against him really. 


We called it at end of turn 3, as he wouldn't have had the models to get my objective, and I was well ahead on kill points. 



The Stardrake was on point as ever. If I have the chance I would have sent it into the big skellies, as it has the chance to smash them up. but he killed a Zombie Dragon, 20 Skellies and Ate 3 spirit hosts, another turn and he'd have finished that unit off as well as the Terrorgeist if the Juds hadn't already 

Judicators did what they do, chipping off wounds well.


The longstrikes. I've had 4 games now when they just don't do much. 3 just have that chance to wiff, and they just dont have the damage. Against characters I guess they have a place, but if they are taking off 2-4 wounds a turn, you aren't going to keep your best dudes in LOS.  I even tried doing them in a unit of 6, with a blessed weapon Relictor. They just seem Meh. I look at the points, and could take another 2 fulminators (dropping the Aetherwings). 


I'm really liking the minus 1 to hit in melee, maybe because I've not seen a shooting list in a while (mainly playing against death). Having the Relictor hit the Zombie Dragon with a Lightning Storm, then have him trying to hit the Stardrake at -2 (Lightning Storm, Armour) was great. 


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Longstrikes are really only worth it for two things: one minimal unit to sit on a back objective and pick off small units/heroes, or as many as you can humanly fit into a list and blow up the enemy army in two turns. 


So I've been toying with Dragon armies a bit, and have started wondering if it's worth taking the Stardrake over say, a LCoD with another Dracothian Guard unit instead. It's cheaper, more wounds with a similar save, and more attacks. It only really lacks the special eating and tail attacks and trades the Sky of Falling Stars for more reliable breath weapons, plus covers more of the board. While it's not as striking as a big monster Dragon in the middle, I'm considering just running something like LCoD + 3x2 Fulmis instead of the Les Martin build. Still as susceptible to MWs and the like, but can spread out and hit multiple fronts, and is slighly more resilient to the enemy all-inning, since the power is spread out across two units. 

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53 minutes ago, Requizen said:

Longstrikes are really only worth it for two things: one minimal unit to sit on a back objective and pick off small units/heroes, or as many as you can humanly fit into a list and blow up the enemy army in two turns. 


So I've been toying with Dragon armies a bit, and have started wondering if it's worth taking the Stardrake over say, a LCoD with another Dracothian Guard unit instead. It's cheaper, more wounds with a similar save, and more attacks. It only really lacks the special eating and tail attacks and trades the Sky of Falling Stars for more reliable breath weapons, plus covers more of the board. While it's not as striking as a big monster Dragon in the middle, I'm considering just running something like LCoD + 3x2 Fulmis instead of the Les Martin build. Still as susceptible to MWs and the like, but can spread out and hit multiple fronts, and is slighly more resilient to the enemy all-inning, since the power is spread out across two units. 

if you ally in the archmage on horse it could keep up movement wise and give a ward save for MW

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2 hours ago, Requizen said:

Longstrikes are really only worth it for two things: one minimal unit to sit on a back objective and pick off small units/heroes, or as many as you can humanly fit into a list and blow up the enemy army in two turns. 


So I've been toying with Dragon armies a bit, and have started wondering if it's worth taking the Stardrake over say, a LCoD with another Dracothian Guard unit instead. It's cheaper, more wounds with a similar save, and more attacks. It only really lacks the special eating and tail attacks and trades the Sky of Falling Stars for more reliable breath weapons, plus covers more of the board. While it's not as striking as a big monster Dragon in the middle, I'm considering just running something like LCoD + 3x2 Fulmis instead of the Les Martin build. Still as susceptible to MWs and the like, but can spread out and hit multiple fronts, and is slighly more resilient to the enemy all-inning, since the power is spread out across two units. 

I think that approach certainly has legs.

And it could be good fun!

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5 hours ago, Requizen said:

Longstrikes are really only worth it for two things: one minimal unit to sit on a back objective and pick off small units/heroes, or as many as you can humanly fit into a list and blow up the enemy army in two turns. 


So I've been toying with Dragon armies a bit, and have started wondering if it's worth taking the Stardrake over say, a LCoD with another Dracothian Guard unit instead. It's cheaper, more wounds with a similar save, and more attacks. It only really lacks the special eating and tail attacks and trades the Sky of Falling Stars for more reliable breath weapons, plus covers more of the board. While it's not as striking as a big monster Dragon in the middle, I'm considering just running something like LCoD + 3x2 Fulmis instead of the Les Martin build. Still as susceptible to MWs and the like, but can spread out and hit multiple fronts, and is slighly more resilient to the enemy all-inning, since the power is spread out across two units. 

100% agree on the Longstrikes - they currently don't have a real spot in my lists.

For the SD vs Dracoths, I'm not sure. Back when everyone thought the SD was overcosted, that's exactly what I ran - LCoD and Fulminators/Concussors. It was good, then I switched to the SD and found I liked having a centerpiece that could threaten the entire board. I'm guessing either option would see similar results against similar lists - mortal wounds will have an easier time dealing with the LCoD, but then getting rid of Staunch is probably less important to those lists. 

I'm sure either way will be effective. 

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16 hours ago, Requizen said:

have started wondering if it's worth taking the Stardrake over say, a LCoD with another Dracothian Guard unit instead.


Sure, the Stardrake is worth 3 fulminators and a LCoD, but for me, the nomnom attack have been pretty ridiculous about removing thoses skyhooks/great weapons reliably. Plus, the starfall attack, able to reach that aetherkhemist/Bloodsecrator/Runefather hidden in the back is priceless.

Depends on your matchup still. The Staunch defender could also be more easy to remove on a 7wound guy rather than on the 16 one.

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Hello gentlemen, I’m going to a local tournament soon and was wondering on what you think on the list I made.

++ Pitched Battle (2,000) (Grand Alliance: Order) [2000pts] ++

+ Uncategorised +

Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals

+ Leader +

Knight-Heraldor [120pts]

Lord-Castellant [100pts]

Lord-Celestant on Dracoth [220pts]: Tempestos Hammer

Lord-Relictor [80pts]

+ Battleline +

Judicators [160pts]: 5x Judicators, Shockbolt Bow, Skybolt Bow

Judicators [160pts]: Boltstorm Crossbow, 5x Judicators, Thunderbolt Crossbow

Liberators [200pts]: 2x Grandhammer, 10x Liberators, Warhammer and Shield

+ Other +

Concussors [560pts]: 2x 2 Concussors

Gryph-Hounds [40pts]: Gryph-Hound

Vanguard-Hunters [140pts]: 5 Vanguard-Hunters

Vanguard-Palladors [220pts]: 3 Vanguard-Palladors

++ Total: [2000pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)

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On 4/12/2018 at 12:19 PM, Ungface said:

Hense why balance can be so weird at times and how rules like scions can get through testing.

I had to lol when I read this one as Scions is literally a failed deep strike rule from 3 editions ago in 40k which sucked then and has seen multiple improvements already in more recent versions.

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Came in fourth at a Swedish tournament over the weekend. Took the LCoSD, 4 Fulminator + 30 VB list I've talked about and played a good bit.

Minor W v Fyreslayers (Total Conquest: 2x30 VB, 15 AH, 30 HB, RF, RS, BS).

Major W v Mixed Order (Duality of Death: 3 Dragonlords, Loremaster, 20 highborn archers, 20 white lions, bolt thrower, 2x10 skinks and 5 ellyrian reavers).

Major W v Night Haunt (Battle for the Pass: 3 Mournghuls, 3 spirits, 6 spirits, 5 hexwraiths, 3x cairnwraiths, Malign Knight dude and black coach).

Major W v Gutbusters (2x12 Ogors,  6 Ironguts, 6 yhetees, 2 butchers, Malign Shaman dude and Tyrant).

Finally a Major Loss on Scorched earth (worst scenario for my list) against a perfectly played Tzaangor Coven (the eventual  tournament winner).

5 tough matches really, felt good to get 4th! There were a lot of unexpected and tough lists.

Going forward I might try dropping the 30 vulkites. Those or maybe the Fulminators.

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On 19/04/2018 at 6:01 PM, Requizen said:

Longstrikes are really only worth it for two things: one minimal unit to sit on a back objective and pick off small units/heroes, or as many as you can humanly fit into a list and blow up the enemy army in two turns. 


I’ve had good use out of two units of 3 and some aetherwings. With a bit of thought to deployment, there’s a lot of threat area two units can cover and aetherwings are brilliant for ****** about with the enemy’s charge phase 

dare is say it, but I don’t take judicators 

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going to nash con in june. im thinking of aetherstrike

knight-azyros  80

knight-venator 120

2 units of 5 judicators   320

1 unit of 5 liberators  100

1 unit of 12 longstrikes   720

1 unit of 3 longstrikes  180

1 unit of 9 atherwings  180

1 unit or 6 atherwings  120


knight-venator is general with cunning stratigist. 

first time going to such a huge tournament.  just going to have fun and get some experience on the big tournaments work.

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