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Converting and painting in the Age of Sigmar


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Hey there folks!

So I've had a bit of hobby block recently with My Age of Sigmar order army. I'm building a mixed army using the Hammerhal allegiance, though it is a free city of my own design using the Warhammer community free city builder(https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/09/26/make-your-own-free-city-the-easy-way-sep26gw-homepage-post-4/) . But I just can't seem to think of how to put things together, especially since order is made of so many factions broken up and after seeing images of Chris Peach's Hallowguild and Duncan Rhodes' Solakian Guard (https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/10/04/converting-your-own-free-city-oct-4gw-homepage-post-3/), I would very much like to make my army look more 'Age of Sigmar' than Warhammer fantasy. I'm not sure how to achieve this though with the newer kits looking so much better and in some cases slightly larger scale than the old ones.  I would like to ask how you guys have converted or painted up your armies in age of sigmar, please post images if you can! It would be awesome to see everyone's work :) 

Also apologies for my bad writing skills, it really isn't my forte! 

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I haven't done much converting for AoS myself, except for a hero model I'm working on. There's a whole heap of possible conversion projects out there, and it will all depend on which direction you want to take your city.

Are there any distinguishing features about your city that you like? or a particular historical period? Things like that could go a long way in picking a theme to work with.



Just a quick example (I've been looking at getting some vostroyans as new 40k project)

If I were to start a free city myself I'd probably go with a Winter-theme. Using the vostroyan models as an example, you could build some freeguild regiments using the GW Fantasy kits and some 3rd party bits.

For example; anvil industries has recently released a bunch of dress uniform conversion bits for the imperial guard that would not look out of place in AoS (https://anvilindustry.co.uk/Regiments/dress-uniform)  So I would combine the bearskin hats and Cuiras uniforms with freeguild guard, to make a unit that is part of my city's standing army.  Their feet might get cold, so I'd might try and sculpting boots from greenstuff for them.

Next of I'd might add some cavalry inspired by the old Kislev "Winged Lancers", so I'd look into bits to combine with pistoliers to make something that 'counts-as' light Cavalry (perhaps some kind of Elven Cavalry). I have a bunch of Ravenwing biker bits laying around, so I could use their 'banners' to add 'wings' to my lancers.

The fenrisian wolf models are just plain cool looking, so I would include a few units of them; counting-as gryph hounds.

Duardin have a suitably wintery feel to them as is; so I'd add some artillery and perhaps an infantry unit or two. Maybe some of those Scibor bear-riders to use as counts-as demigriph knights.

And before you know it all you need is some heroes to lead the lot. A vostroyan commander would probably work as a hero on foot, and than.. just as an excuse to put a howdah on a thundertusk; one of those fyreslayer heroes on magmadroth to use as a warmamoth-creature. I'm sure there are Ice wizards/sorcerers/mages produced by some 3rd party company, so i'd get a few of those as well.



So (very)long story short; start with a theme you think is cool and start from there. :)

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Thanks very much so far guys! 

When I was generating the city I rolled a twin city the size of a sprawling metropolis in Ghur/Shyish, predominantly occupied by humans/aelves with small enclaves of duardin and a stormkeep belonging to the Hallowed Knights. The other distuinguishing features I rolled were: Great Armoury, Master Craftspeople, Legendary Library and site of a great battle. So this gave me an idea of something akin to a karak or essentially a mountain city existing on and inside the mountain, with a realmgate there leading to Shyish. However in the age of chaos the part of the city in Shyish fell, though the part in Ghur held out, meaning that the library in the city contains a great wealth of knowledge from that era drawing in scholars from many of the mortal realms. The fact that it's people are master crafters also draw in a lot of trade, so I was possibly thinking of drawing inspiration from the hanseatic league and making the city run by some sort of merchant council but I'm definitely not so sure on that as I can't decide whether I want the city to have a standing army or if it should be mish-mash of peoples and guilds. After the coming of the stormcast eternals the city needs more land due to the increased number of residents leading to them mounting expeditions to re-colonise the shyish side. That's where I am with the fluff at the moment, there's a lot of things I haven't finished thinking of though (like the name)

My collections consists of mainly elves and stormcast at the moment, but I would like to stick to GW only kits if possible going into the future since I play quite often at my local store which sort of limits what I can do, One of the things I'd like to do is convert the darkling covens infantry to look more neutral rather than like dark elves to be the standing army, and possibly convert freeguilders up from different realms but I'm not sure what to do, my mind is all over the place on how I could achieve this :S

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11 hours ago, TheDayman said:

Thanks very much so far guys! 

When I was generating the city I rolled a twin city the size of a sprawling metropolis in Ghur/Shyish, predominantly occupied by humans/aelves with small enclaves of duardin and a stormkeep belonging to the Hallowed Knights. The other distuinguishing features I rolled were: Great Armoury, Master Craftspeople, Legendary Library and site of a great battle. So this gave me an idea of something akin to a karak or essentially a mountain city existing on and inside the mountain, with a realmgate there leading to Shyish. However in the age of chaos the part of the city in Shyish fell, though the part in Ghur held out, meaning that the library in the city contains a great wealth of knowledge from that era drawing in scholars from many of the mortal realms. The fact that it's people are master crafters also draw in a lot of trade, so I was possibly thinking of drawing inspiration from the hanseatic league and making the city run by some sort of merchant council but I'm definitely not so sure on that as I can't decide whether I want the city to have a standing army or if it should be mish-mash of peoples and guilds. After the coming of the stormcast eternals the city needs more land due to the increased number of residents leading to them mounting expeditions to re-colonise the shyish side. That's where I am with the fluff at the moment, there's a lot of things I haven't finished thinking of though (like the name)

My collections consists of mainly elves and stormcast at the moment, but I would like to stick to GW only kits if possible going into the future since I play quite often at my local store which sort of limits what I can do, One of the things I'd like to do is convert the darkling covens infantry to look more neutral rather than like dark elves to be the standing army, and possibly convert freeguilders up from different realms but I'm not sure what to do, my mind is all over the place on how I could achieve this :S

If you want some neurtal elf heads the eternal guard/wildwood rangers kit has a nice set, you can make your rangers look more dark and use the eternal guard heads to make your darkling infantry a bit lighter

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1 hour ago, AGPO said:

@Melcavuk that's one of the nicest armies I've seen! Do you have a blog anywhere?

Cheers, sadly not of late. I tend to try and convert up a new faction (or new take on existing faction) once or twice a year. The fire aelves hit roughly 6000 points for a narrative campaign i ran for my local GW (Rise of the Phoenix Queen). Dark Sylvaneth are my current conversion project after which I'll pick something else that hasnt been seen yet.

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Usually I make ‘utility’ conversions, like taking excess parts of kits to make extra characters. Example photo is Bloodthrone herald on a juggernaught, or using the  Necromancer or other bits from the Death monsters to make HQs

I’m currently researching how to take Dragon Ogors and make them into khorgorath standins, but not certain how the size works. Love the Ogors but hate their rules and un-Khorneness. Love to give them leftover Bloodthirster whips, sharpen their claws and adorn them with skulls and oversized wrathmonger helmets.


err... to answer your your original question, I would say looking at how the freecity boxes mix order factions, like Stormcast and Dark Aelves, or dwarves... you could mix their gear: give the stormcast with Bows the cannon guns from the ironbreakers, dwarfs are gifted stormcast hammers, or even give dwarf berserkers stormcast wings and call em persecutors! Sucks that the keywords dont always work but allligence to appropriate freecity might help.



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My order army has been converted to have a thematic of a more or less classic medieval theme, but in the Realm of Life. I made a thread about it here some time ago: 

It's made from the Perry plastics and other models that are in bit more realistic scale than GW, so the models are chosen to keep that them along. I have a lot of ideas for the expansion of the army, but have to finish few other projects (mostly to other games) before I can get to them.

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On 1/29/2018 at 12:44 PM, TheDayman said:

I would very much like to make my army look more 'Age of Sigmar' than Warhammer fantasy. I'm not sure how to achieve this though with the newer kits looking so much better and in some cases slightly larger scale than the old ones. 

I think that much of the Empire kits with a head or weapon swap could potentially work. You just need to disguise thier period-dress vibe a little with more fantastic elements. It helps to use kits which are more fantastic to begin with. Demigyph riders, guys with elaborate armor, or fancy dress is a good start. Add to this Elf heads, especially the hooded ones, or some of the helmeted ones from newer kits. Some of their weapons to make things more high-fantasy as well. You could go the other direction with the Flagellants if you wanted something more rough-shod looking. Hooded heads and lots of flaming details (say from the Hexwraith kit) could go a long way making it look like they can somehow channel magic fire. Space Marine models can be used if you can hide the clearly Imperial or high tech looking parts. These will go a bit better with larger scale bits too. I could see Liberator (or whatever the basic Stormcast guys are called) heads on Dark Angel cloaked bodies making some kind of armored monk badasses. It can't hurt to just get two kits with parts you like that are in a near proximity to one another in terms of scale to fool around with. 

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For what it is worth, I have decided to start a Tzeentch-worshiping order army, so Stormcast (think chaos space marines, I mean stormcast) and freeguild as Tzaangors and and Kairic respecctivly. Hopefully it'll look pretty peaceful, so nothing truly Chaotic. After all, the Mortal Realms have freedom of speech (I hope), so its ok to follow whatever religion/chaotic deity you want

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I think an important part of creating an army for a city is creating a great color scheme and stikking to it. Painting units in totally different colors than usually seen. Some kind of icon or symbol that is seen on shields and banners also helps. 

Try to buy multiple different kits at the same time. It is easier to try out which parts you want to swap. Multi-build kits are also perfect as you’ll end up with a lot of spare parts.

for my slaanesh elves army I stuck to units of six. That fits with the fluff but also means I end up with a lot of spare parts. 

Sometimes you need to go a little crazy to create a cool cinversion. For my main character I ended up buying a while kit just for two wings...

but offcourse there are numerous bitz sites you can check out. I use bitzbarn, megabitsshop and bits-and-kits. 

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Another thing about AoS armies is the ‘concept’ of the army can be boiled down to a singular word encapsulating the army, like fire (fireslayers; their hair, mounts, basing and runes) or Thunder (stormcast) Blood (bloodbound) etc.

if you focused on the mountain, everything ties to that. Both High elves and Empire have eagle or bird mounts, use the new dwarves footmen as miners but leave the zepplins and floaty ball dudes off the list. Maybe siege weapons, and the new harbringer, then base everything standing on bark chips painted like boulders.

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18 hours ago, CrimsonKing said:

Usually I make ‘utility’ conversions, like taking excess parts of kits to make extra characters. Example photo is Bloodthrone herald on a juggernaught.




He looks awesome!!

I have a spare Blood Throne herald lying around, but where did you get the spare juggernaut bits?

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To be honest I sorta lost the whole skullcrusher set to conversions. Another jugger went into making custom Lord on Juggernaught for 40k/AoS, and most torsos/arms/shields embellished my chaos warriors and knights to increase their khornare detailing.

Could also use third jugger to make a khornate gorebeast chariot.

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My freeguild have gone with a 'European soldier & Aztec militia' theme. Basically I couldn't work out what I wanted for my free city and then I got some old mordheim Amazons and decided I wanted to use them in AoS. Now since I only had like 8 (and one extra that I figured made a cool mage) I decided to use them as a militia weapons unit for freeguild and had the normal freeguild guys as the European style guys (going for yellow with blues and reds for my colour scheme as that seems to be medieval Spanish colours).


Though seeing those anvil industries dress uniforms I feel the cuirass bodies with sallet helms and the legs would make brilliant halberdiers as I have spare halberds from my guard sets. I'm also experimenting with turning flagellants into jaguar warriors using greenstuff (with moderate success, just that the heads are difficult to do as my sculpting skills need a -lot- of work.) these will be a unit of greatswords to fit with the Aztec vibe. Though I'm sure my Aztec theme will eventually just become general tribal style along with my general European style guard.


I would love winged lancers (a-la polish winged hussars) or a tribal looking cavalry but no clue what to count them as. Unfortunately freeguild have only demigryph knights for melee cavalry and I'd prefer to keep them mostly human if I can (could use brettonian cavalry but I'm trying to avoid compendium units as there's no telling how long they'll remain usable)


There's also the issue of models to use xD Trying to make more Aztec militia will be hard without anymore mordheim amazons. Considered convertic kaeric acolytes though as that's what I'm currently using to make the unit up to 10.


But TLDR: I think great conversion projects can come from anywhere really. Before this one I totally wanted to do a Dragon Age grey warden themed army and use only helmeted guards. Since my army is a mercenary company perhaps my armoured halbardiers can be grey wardens ;)

Inspiration can really come from anywhere, definitely try and find a theme or combination of themes first and start from there. Or find a model you like, twist it into AoS style and go from there! I'm considering converting some sisters of silence into more greatswords. Lots of ideas can spawn from one or two little themes or things you want to do and come together in a glorious mess which works amazingly when put together ;)

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Reading your inspiration I'd suggest the following ideas for kit bashes.

Sisters of the Thorn, but armed with Empire bows. These are your almost core troops, hunters from the realm of Ghur who help feed and protect the city.

Your more traditional guardsmen are Phoenix Guard weapons and helms, fitted onto the lightweigh Empire Bowmen. They're protectors who use the halberd's reach like a boar spear

Phoenix Guard bodies with alt. heads and the alt. weapon set from the Sisters of Thorn kit are your elites, the more heavily armed Elven swordsmen. They protect against the forces from Shyish so form a bulwark against invasion. Suggest something like the Amythist Guard for a name and paintscheme

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On 8-2-2018 at 6:38 PM, Melcavuk said:

@Kramer - CHeers, there were a passion project of mine and ran a full narrative campaign at my local gw around their backstory and a lost region of realm of fire.

I love the bases. Tried the same thing (escaped from shadow to fire) still haven’t worked them out.  So this is great inspiration for me 

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