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Lets Chat: Legions of Nagash


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10 minutes ago, smucreo said:


I'll spam with my list too :D This is the latest version of the list I've been brewing up, still not sure if I'd use the vamp lord to summon 40 of the 2x40 skellies far ahead or not though. I'm also not sure if I really want vamp lord instead of wight king, even though i have the points and another caster could be cool, since I'd rather stay with the skellies and have an extra save on the hero. For the necromancer artifact I just put the balefire as placeholder, but it could work so hey let me know your thoughts. I think this list is pretty good, it uses the regen to a great deal and has access to nice buffs for magic while also having a pretty strong hammer in a unit of 4 Morghasts (or 2x2).  

I like the looks of this more and more. Again though I don't know if the Battalion is the goto or Arkhan for that matter but I do really like the general set up found here.
One of the biggest advantages of Arkhan is indeed that he's affordable, no problem. At the same time though I can't help but wonder if Terrorgheists arn't a more optimal choice here if you can find the points for them. Outside of Grand Host I like Morghast but I also really like Terrorgheists. Also as a big distraction piece.

8 minutes ago, Aginor said:

I might have missed it, but:

Do we already know how Battlelines work? For example Black Knights: Are those Battleline in a GHoN or LoS army?
They used to be Deathrattle Battleline IIRC, but I assume Deathrattle allegiance doesn't exist anymore after Legions of Nagash, does it?

- Skeleton Warriors
- Dire Wolves
- Zombies
Battleline if:
- (Soulblight) Blood Knights
- (Grand Host of Nagash) Graveguard
- (Grand Host of Nagash) Morghast Archai
- (Grand Host of Nagash) Morghast Harbingers
- (Nighthaunt) Hexwraiths
- (Nighthaunt) Spirit Hosts

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Not quite all.  Compendium, Forgeworld, and Shardspire units are not available to LoN armies, nor is the knight of shrouds (though malign portents eill probably make it available to any death army in malign portents games), nor any future units.

FAQs and forgeworld updates will probably fix that for stuff other than compendium units, though.

Note that morghasts are only battleline for grand host if nagash is your general.

Also, the three mortarch legions cannot take nagash, only grand host, where he must be your general.  and if the mortarch legions take any mortarchs, they must take their own first, who then becomes their general.

So sacrament, for instance can take arkhan and mannfred, but not just mannfred.

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1 hour ago, Xasz said:


Read the entries in each (or any, doesn't really matter, they are all the same) Legion about Magic and then the text on top of the spell lore pages.

It is different in LoN compared to the other battletomes.

Bottom line, they get only one spell.

I havent seen the actual pages.

Why would GW seperate the Legions and give them a redundant extra footnote explaining exactly what every other battletome does? I dont see the point of adding a specific footnote for each legion that all says the same thing

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2 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

I havent seen the actual pages.

Why would GW seperate the Legions and give them a redundant extra footnote explaining exactly what every other battletome does? I dont see the point of adding a specific footnote for each legion that all says the same thing

This was done to prevent generic grand alliance death, which is reprinted in this book, from having lore access, in the effort to prevent any possible synergy with FEC and (especially) TK

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6 minutes ago, Acid_Nine said:

So since I don't have time to look back in this forum, anyone mind telling me how the soulBlight alligence works if they have the book? I want to see if it's just a copy / paste from the GH or if they have something that makes them worth 260 points...

Mostly copy-pasta.

Soulblight has access to the Lore of Vampires and Vargheists are no longer battleline-if in Soulblight

Plus a formation consisting of Prince Vhordrai and some Blood Knights, and the "new" palanquin thingy

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2 minutes ago, Xasz said:

No and I missed some things, see edit above.

Awesome, just what I needed, my favorite army to get a kick in the teeth. Thanks for that, GW... now my 260 points will die faster than my skeleton block for the same amount of points, and go down faster when fighting the stuff they need to kill like those bow tsangors. (Did I mention that they can recover themselves with a spell?)

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Plus Mannfred and Neferata got the Soulblight Keyword. But with the removal of summoning, not being able to use graveyards, and not having access to what is IMO the best spell lore, Soulblight got kicked hard. Good new though is that it will only cost you 180 points in direwolves to switch to one of the Legions ;-)

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51 minutes ago, Aginor said:

Follow-up question on that:

Do I read that correctly that all non-FEC Death units can be taken with the allegiances in the book (so not as allies )?
Please excuse me if I seem dense, it is just..... almost too good to be true. :D

For the Legions/Grand Host you can pick every unit in the Battletome: Legions of Nagash.

As mentioned before, the whole Keyword crux is removed completely. As below, I see no reason to not play any of these Allegiances over all other Death choices ;) 

25 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

I havent seen the actual pages.

Why would GW seperate the Legions and give them a redundant extra footnote explaining exactly what every other battletome does? I dont see the point of adding a specific footnote for each legion that all says the same thing

What whast this question about?

The thing is: Every Deathmages Wizard knows one additional spell from the Lore of Deathmages, every Vampire Wizard knows one additional spell from the Lore of Vampires. For the Deathlords you can pick one of either for every one you can pick. Meaning if you know one, you pick one. If you know two you can choose.

It works the exact same in Desciples of Tzeentch. Models with Keyword Daemon and Mortal do not know one out of both Lores, they know one of either. Pick one, choose one. This is also directly described under their Allegiance abilities however some Tzeentch players didn't bother to read that for the first month...

2 minutes ago, Grimnaud said:

Plus Mannfred and Neferata got the Soulblight Keyword. But with the removal of summoning, not being able to use graveyards, and not having access to what is IMO the best spell lore, Soulblight got kicked hard. Good new though is that it will only cost you 180 points in direwolves to switch to one of the Legions ;-)

Fact to thake from this book is that it's currently handicapping yourself if you don't pick any of the Legions/Grand Host.

Having said that, Blood Knights in Legion of Blood kick some serious butt. The Legion of Blood has the strongest Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon by default aswell. However the real power for every Legion still comes with it's Summonable units...

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35 minutes ago, Sception said:

Not quite all.  Compendium, Forgeworld, and Shardspire units are not available to LoN armies, nor is the knight of shrouds (though malign portents eill probably make it available to any death army in malign portents games), nor any future units.

FAQs and forgeworld updates will probably fix that for stuff other than compendium units, though.

Note that morghasts are only battleline for grand host if nagash is your general.

Also, the three mortarch legions cannot take nagash, only grand host, where he must be your general.  and if the mortarch legions take any mortarchs, they must take their own first, who then becomes their general.

So sacrament, for instance can take arkhan and mannfred, but not just mannfred.


Wait,what? No Sepulchral Guard?

I mean: They weren't too great to begin with, but I would like to be able to play them nevertheless. :(
I kinda expect them to be re-added. They are loyal followers of Nagash now, after all.

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1 minute ago, Aginor said:

Wait,what? No Sepulchral Guard?

I mean: They weren't too great to begin with, but I would like to be able to play them nevertheless. :(
I kinda expect them to be re-added. They are loyal followers of Nagash now, after all.

They arn't in the book. Though use the models for those 40 Skeleton Warrior blocks for sure.

I do expect another errata to arrive for Death this or next weekend. From Forgeworld and Games Wokshop.

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"Having said that, Blood Knights in Legion of Blood kick some serious butt. The Legion of Blood has the strongest Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon by default aswell. However the real power for every Legion still comes with it's Summonable units..."


Well, yea, they get an extra attack, sure. That can be good, but how long will they last after the first charge? You can't bring them back in, you can't heal them with the fancy new invocation,  they are still very squishy compared to other heavy hitters (trust me, I know how squishy they are after bringing them to a tournament) and even with one extra attack they are still only super effective on a charge. 

You just cannot say they are worth more than kurnoth hunters, skyfires or even concussers now because they lost their most important gimmick to make them even remotely match up.

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This looks to be an awesome artifact vs magic armies, but I'm not 100% sure how it works.

Oubliette Arcana: When an enemy WIZARD casts a spell within 30" of the bearer, instead of attempting to unbind it....Roll a dice. On a 6+ the spell is negated and has no effect. In addition, that spell cannot be cast again by that WIZARD for the rest of the battle.

This is a bit confusing. It says "instead of attempting to unbind". But unbind requires LoS and 18"? So you could not even attempt to unbind if you were 30" away. To me, it sounds like a clarification, that whenever you are doing this, you cannot also attempt to unbind.

The other issue is unbinding is typically once per wizard. Does this imply that you could only do this once per turn? Because then this artifact becomes way to rare to be useful. If, however, you can use this as many times as spells are cast within 30", it becomes a very interesting way to deal with magic heavy lists.

If the unblinding thing is only a clarification, then the lack of any 'once per turn' wording implies that you can do this repeatedly, in which case this artifact would be a godsend against Tzeentch where you can start to shut down some of their magic, and have any hope to stop their constant 12+ casting rolls. 

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7 minutes ago, Acid_Nine said:

 Can it bring models back?

'fraid not. 

It reads: 

...has a casting value of 7... pick an enemy unit within 12" and a... DEATH unit within 6" of that enemy unit. The enemy unit suffers D3... for each of these wounds... you can heal 1 wound allocated to the friendly unit. 

Nothing about bringing back unfortunately. 

Obviously, that's the abridged version but I'm sure you get the picture. 

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Just now, lare2 said:

'fraid not. 

It reads: 

...has a casting value of 7... pick an enemy unit within 12" and a... DEATH unit within 6" of that enemy unit. The enemy unit suffers D3... for each of these wounds... you can heal 1 wound allocated to the friendly unit. 

Nothing about bringing back unfortunately. 

Okay so it's fairly high value and depends on more damage. Cool, but still doesn't cover the gaping hole in the unit's chest now does it.


It's really rustling my bones that they spent so much time working up the blood knights as being vanguard and heavy hitters while taking away a key feature and keeping them the same. Now I may as well just take morghasts cause at least those are still heavy hitters without conditions.

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12 minutes ago, WoollyMammoth said:

This looks to be an awesome artifact vs magic armies, but I'm not 100% sure how it works.

Oubliette Arcana: When an enemy WIZARD casts a spell within 30" of the bearer, instead of attempting to unbind it....Roll a dice. On a 6+ the spell is negated and has no effect. In addition, that spell cannot be cast again by that WIZARD for the rest of the battle.

This is a bit confusing. It says "instead of attempting to unbind". But unbind requires LoS and 18"? So you could not even attempt to unbind if you were 30" away. To me, it sounds like a clarification, that whenever you are doing this, you cannot also attempt to unbind.

The other issue is unbinding is typically once per wizard. Does this imply that you could only do this once per turn? Because then this artifact becomes way to rare to be useful. If, however, you can use this as many times as spells are cast within 30", it becomes a very interesting way to deal with magic heavy lists.

If the unblinding thing is only a clarification, then the lack of any 'once per turn' wording implies that you can do this repeatedly, in which case this artifact would be a godsend against Tzeentch where you can start to shut down some of their magic, and have any hope to stop their constant 12+ casting rolls. 

Its fun for sure. The effect can be used if a spell is cast within 30" and basically removes the option to unbind, but yes it has a larger range. You can do it more often, can lead to fun stuff if you roll 6+.

I love GHoN's Terrorgheist Mantle as someone pointed out greatly that you can use it as much as the guy is still alive. Which is really a massive boost for any Hero. Likewise while I'm not sold on Legion of Night's Artefacts, Morbheg's claw leads to a +3 on cast rolls if a Corpse Cart with Unholymoly is involved. Juicy!

1 minute ago, Acid_Nine said:

Okay so it's fairly high value and depends on more damage. Cool, but still doesn't cover the gaping hole in the unit's chest now does it.


It's really rustling my bones that they spent so much time working up the blood knights as being vanguard and heavy hitters while taking away a key feature and keeping them the same. Now I may as well just take morghasts cause at least those are still heavy hitters without conditions.

Just go Legion of Blood, you worry way too much.

They will be your heavy hitters there, all your Vampires. Just don't skip on Skeleton Warriors/Dire Wolves.

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So I'm still fairly new to AoS/Death and I'm starting up an escalation league.  I need to get models built in a hurry so I need to finalize a list.  

Advice on spells and artifacts appreciated:


1k Legion of Sacrament


Vampire Lord - General (Bound to the Master), Flying Horror, Wristbands of Black Gold, Spell: Amaranthine Orb

Vampire Lord - Flying Horror, Spell: Vile Transference


40 Skeletons - Spear and Shield

15 Grave Guard - Great Wight Blades

10 Dire Wolves

Corpse Cart - Unholy Lodestone


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