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Mordheim- mortal realms or the old world?


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When GW announced that specialist games were coming back I do remember them mentioning mordheim a couple of times but  ommiting man o war. If it's still is on the radar for the next couple of years which setting do we think they'll put it in?

It was my favourite game to play at GW when I was young.  Usually we would have a single model each and try to grab the treasure or ring the bell or something fun for kids! I played once in a group who used  coreheim fan rules and that probably my worst ever gaming experience! 

I feel either setting could work really, just want a cool rpg skirmish game with progression and a tight multi level board.  If they could adapt the rules slightly and just release some awesome warbands ala necromunda I think they'll do a cracking job of it these days!

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I figure Skirmish will end up being the testing waters for the return of Mordheim in the same way Shadow War led up to Necromunda's release. So. I would say Age of Sigmar, branching off from stuff like Shadespire. The only reason to do the Old World is nostalgia, and they can fuel that just fine in Age of Sigmar with callbacks and references.

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GW couldn't set it in the old world even if they wanted to, as afaik they've sold off the licence to make new products based on that IP. And I don't think they want to either, a new Mordheim would most certainly be set in the Mortal Realms.

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47 minutes ago, Swooper said:

GW couldn't set it in the old world even if they wanted to, as afaik they've sold off the licence to make new products based on that IP. And I don't think they want to either, a new Mordheim would most certainly be set in the Mortal Realms.

Yeah I'm not sure but they have not sold of their IP for the old world

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15 hours ago, Carnelian said:

Mordheim in AoS is the dream

Yeah The Setting Was Great But Could Be Moved Elsewhere.  It was the interesting warbands all in search of something different that drew me in, you could do that anywhere 

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9 minutes ago, MrCharisma said:

I can't see Mordheim returning anytime soon (sadly). Most specialist games seem to be entry level games focused on people buying new armies or entering the hobby.

Necromunda is one of the exclusions.

Well the specialist games are necromunda and blood bowl which are both fully fledged systems in their own right. The boxed games like overkill, execution force are entry level intros, if they did redo mordheim I would imagine it would be done the same as necromunda.

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Could well be either.  Each game they're looking at the best way of tackling it, Andy Hoare has confirmed that it's unlikely they'll do cardboard scenery again which is going to be the initial stumbling block.  Necromunda was only given the green light after the Sector Mechanicus terrain was designed, before that they knew it wasn't going to happen.  We know the next game for release is Adeptus Titanicus, and they're working on Necromunda Gang War expansions and a bit of Bloodbowl currently.

For me one of the biggest things about Mordheim was that it was set prior to the timeline and in a single place (the city of Mordheim), I'm not sure how that would work within the Mortal Realms other than doing something like they have with Shadespire - or to use Shadespire and then confuse people.  You'd also not be able to use the Mordheim name if it weren't set in the old world - the place the game is named after was blown up :)

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I suppose if there was one place that could still exist in the mortal realms it would be mordheim!

Yeah I don't think there is much appetite for modular middle ages town scenery in plastic it would just be to expensive for the consumer and it's a well developed market. On the other hand if it was set in the mortal realms they could do some scenery to show what a unique city or town looks like in ghur or aqshy as an example or set it in hammerhal and make some unique architecture for it, something you just can't get anywhere else.


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6 minutes ago, CDM said:

I suppose if there was one place that could still exist in the mortal realms it would be mordheim!

Yeah I don't think there is much appetite for modular middle ages town scenery in plastic it would just be to expensive for the consumer and it's a well developed market. On the other hand if it was set in the mortal realms they could do some scenery to show what a unique city or town looks like in ghur or aqshy as an example or set it in hammerhal and make some unique architecture for it, something you just can't get anywhere else.

Lol, fair point, though don't forget Mordheim was set in the year 1999 and the old world blew up in what, 2500?  One of the key bits with the game was that everybody was there to collect warpstone, which doesn't feature in AoS in the same way - we have other materials that feature for just one race (Ethergold, Ur-gold, etc).  However it's plausible to have a piece of the old world/sigmarite that has only recently become accessible - Chaos want it to allow them to create weapons against the Stormcast, Order want it for Sigmar and Orruks want it to make them tougher etc.  Providing it doesn't feel "forced" I think that it would be fantastic moved over to the Mortal Realms. 

What it would need though is completely unique warbands that don't port over to AoS.  One of the things that made the game fantastic was you had warbands that were new and exciting, Sisters of Sigmar, Witch Hunters etc.  The progression system and campaign was the bit that held the game together with the game itself acting as the filling.

We're starting to see some of the classic Warhammer buildings coming back soon, so I think there's scope for more scenery that fits between classic Warhammer and the AoS architecture :)

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Unique warbands are key! I think witch hunters , sisters of sigmar, carnival of chaos would still fit. I would hate to see a stormcast war band but stormcast heroes would look great leading a warband or being recruited.

I think 8-10 unique warbands for the game would be enough with extras like a brayherd and tzeentch arcanites etc tgat they already have models for being included in white dwarf or a supplement.

Carnival of chaos, sisters of sigmar, devoted warband(stand in for witch hunters), free guild mercanaries ( great opportunity for new models and style) , skyre, fire slayers, loads of options!!


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So just to make sure we're all in the right place. Mordheim definitely aint happening soon. There was an AMA semi-recently from one of the game developers who previously worked in the Specialist Games team. When Mordheim was bought up, he mentioned it was quite far down the 'list of things they want to do'. 



But if they were to redo it, I don't think it'd be set in the old world anyway. Lets just put things in perspective... most players who are entering the hobby these days won't have even been born when Mordheim was released!

Mordheim is coming up to 20 years old now, and while we all remember it from our childhood, most players in the game are going to be from an 8th edition/AoS era and will barely know what Mordheim is.

That's why IMO it's super disappointing how poor Skirmish as a game is. Shadespire is this amazing setting to reboot Mordheim in the mortal realms, but instead we got an entry level ruleset designed purposely to get us into playing bigger games.

It kinda goes against the grain in that the smaller the scale of conflict being represented, the less abstract the rules need to be. 


Overall, would love to see a proper 'Skirmish' game set in the Mortal Realms. I think that (given nobody has mentioned it) Skirmish profiles aren't included in the Maggotkin of Nurgle book, it just really shows how quickly Skirmish was just pushed out the door as a throw away expansion. At least it only cost a couple of bucks I guess.

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We're all pretty sure it won't be the next couple.of years but I wasn't expecting necromunda last year!

I've not played skirmish but alot of people seem to love it. It hopefully isn't going to be one of those un supported games that quickly dies a death, why go to all the trouble to make the book!!

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9 minutes ago, CDM said:

I've not played skirmish but alot of people seem to love it. It hopefully isn't going to be one of those un supported games that quickly dies a death, why go to all the trouble to make the book!!

If I were to hazard a guess.

GW were obviously pretty flat out producing Primaris and Death Guard marines heading into Warhammer 40k 8th edition. It's why there's basically not been any proper AoS releases since Kharadron Overlords.

So both Skirmish and Path to Glory are books that they can dev something up quite quickly and cheaply, punch it to the printers and get them released. They do have a niche in that they both provide players with ways to play smaller games which ultimately lets them progress into proper Age of Sigmar games.

It's just not really what a lot of people really expected or wanted out of a Skirmish game set in the Mortal Realms. Most people wanted exactly what we're after in this thread, Mordheim set in AoS. With all the cool stuff like jumping around over houses and the like.


That being said, I do agree that definitely a huge part of what makes Mordheim great are the interesting warbands. And I don't see why they couldn't port into AoS. I mean, what's a Witch Hunter warband if not just some Devoted of Sigmar models with perhaps some customization in their equipment? or Carnival of Chaos isn't just some more unique Nurgle Warscroll in AoS proper.

In similar ways it's not like the Shadespire miniatures have been ported across into AoS as well. The mechanics of the game don't have to overlap, but it's safe to say that anything that's set in the mortal realms and 28mm is likely to get AoS rules.

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15 hours ago, MrCharisma said:

I can't see Mordheim returning anytime soon (sadly). Most specialist games seem to be entry level games focused on people buying new armies or entering the hobby.

Necromunda is one of the exclusions.

Eh... specialist games include as their focus necromunda, bloodbowl and shadespire. Neither of which are "really" entry level gaes focused on people buying new armies.

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44 minutes ago, KillagoreFaceslasha said:

Eh... specialist games include as their focus necromunda, bloodbowl and shadespire. Neither of which are "really" entry level gaes focused on people buying new armies.

They're an introduction to the Warhammer Universe/s and a gateway into the gaming hobby. 

Many gamers started their hobby through Warhammer Quest or Hero Quest. Not specifically Warhammer, however; an introduction to painting, collecting, and playing with miniatures. 

I'd argue there will be an indirect influence of Shadespire/Bloodbowl to collecting new armies. People may enjoy painting the 3 Orcs or 7 Skeletons and wish to expand upon it.

They aren't direct entries to the game... that's where Start Collecting boxes come in.

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Shadespire (the setting) is already Mordheim in the Mortal Realms.

Bunch of warbands drawing in a ruined city devastated due to do *insert terrible event* to gather a precious resource that is found there?? Yup, sounds like Mordheim. Or Shadespire. Hmmmm.... BOTH!

So basically, just take AoS Skirmish, add Mordheim-ish traits and you get your Mordheim v2.0.

Wouldn't mind them doing so (just give Skirmish attention, please). More exciting than current AoS state for sure.

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8 hours ago, someone2040 said:

Mordheim is coming up to 20 years old now, and while we all remember it from our childhood, most players in the game are going to be from an 8th edition/AoS era and will barely know what Mordheim is.

You have now made me feel old :$

7 hours ago, KillagoreFaceslasha said:

Eh... specialist games include as their focus necromunda, bloodbowl and shadespire. Neither of which are "really" entry level gaes focused on people buying new armies.

Agreed, the specialist games team isn't there to pull in new players (GW already have that in their main games), but to support people who want something a bit more specialist.  If you widen the scope, specialist games includes Adeptus Titanicus and is also part of Forge World so that's the Heresy game.  One thing each release has done though is to pull back a number of older players who either left the hobby or GW for other things.

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