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Armies and their movies!


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For a bit of fun, post an AOS faction and a film that either suits them, makes you think of them or is great inspiration for creating your own force!


I'm gonna get the ball rolling


Kharadron Overlords - the crimson permanent assurance company


A short film before monty pythons meaning of life about old men, pirates and insurance companies.





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Space lizards that arrive in someone else's realm/territory/planet to "bring peace" and other positive stuff... While in reality brutally killing anyone along their path who is judged by them as a "servant of chaos".

Hell, it reminds me of Visitors in a lot of ways!

[But I have to admit I haven't seen all the episodes of the various series, so I may be wrong]


Oh yes, and you can see a detailed portrait of Wanderers in the Ewoks from STAR WARS: The Return of the Jedi!

Just joking, guys :P

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There's a Great Unclean One in Dogma isn't there?

Pan's Labyrinth has both Sylvaneth and Tzeentchian vibes for me.

I like to think of Ironjawz as akin to the Uruk Hai from The Lord of the Rings.

I could see a Kharadron Overlord Admiral taking on Robert De Niro's character from Stardust!! Maybe a plot for @Paul Buckler's next narrative army!

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Avoiding the obvious with the Tolkien based films

Grots/Gobbo's always remind me of Legend "Black as midnight, black as pitch..."

Some of the newer flesh eating court figures give me the bat-like flesh liquidators from an old '80's film but can never remember it.. maybe Beast Master or Death Stalker?  They hang upside down from a tree and then wrap their victims in their wings and then just bones fall out.

O.K. are definitely Time Bandits vibe but less bumbling

The big battle in Narnia Prince Caspian has a lot of cool Beastmen and Centaurs fighting (even though they are good and not chaotic)

Krull, while quite cheesy, does have some interesting Fantasy elements.  The enemy warriors are like a cross between Chaos and Undead knights sort of.

The Last Witch Hunter is pretty roll your eyes at times but the Witch Queen reminds me of Drycha with her penchant for insects and woody/vine like appearance (and the Wildling Girl that Jon Sno fell in love with is in it as is Frodo for what that is worth to anyone).


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22 minutes ago, Trout said:

I'm a little disappointed no one thought of this...and that it took me so long to remember.


Deathrattle = Army of Darkness


Had to look this up because it looks awesome. It's part of the Evil Dead franchise?! I keep hearing good things but all I've seen is the Evil Dead remake. I need to get into this...

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59 minutes ago, Jamie the Jasper said:


Had to look this up because it looks awesome. It's part of the Evil Dead franchise?! I keep hearing good things but all I've seen is the Evil Dead remake. I need to get into this...

I remember it being a fun popcorn flick. But it was already campy when it came out and I can't imagine it's aged well.


It's probably one of those movies like "The Goonies" or "Star Wars" that if you grew up with it, you think it's the greatest thing ever, but if you're coming into it fresh you wonder what all the hype was about. Still worth a shot though.

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6 minutes ago, Trout said:

I remember it being a fun popcorn flick. But it was already campy when it came out and I can't imagine it's aged well.


It's probably one of those movies like "The Goonies" or "Star Wars" that if you grew up with it, you think it's the greatest thing ever, but if you're coming into it fresh you wonder what all the hype was about. Still worth a shot though.

A campy 80s horror-comedy with a chainsaw-wielding protagonist and armies of undead medieval skeletons sounds like my jam. I will now proceed to investigate the entire Evil Dead film series, then move onto this 'Ash vs Evil Dead' TV series that I've heard good things about. Thanks for setting me on this path @Trout!

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The original Evil Dead II is basically a remake of the super low budget Evil Dead I with the same director and lead (Bruce Campbell).  It is by far the best in the series and less campy than Army of Darkness and better put together than the first one.  Army of Darkness made some odd changes to the continuity from the end of Evil Dead II but still starts off pretty fun.  Later in the film it gets tedious with certain "meant to be funny" aspects but an army of the dead has its moments.

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