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Everything posted by MrZakalwe

  1. That's really something else.
  2. Forgot the Silverhelms. They may be 140 points and have literally half the damage output of 120pt Dragonblades but at least they look good, right? May just bite the bullet and run them as dragonblades but it seems wrong.
  3. Hi guys, Restarting a previously abandoned High Elf project for a slow grow. The general! Seawarden on foot. Used as the pennant version because they may be small but the model has a pennant on it while it has zero tridents. A biscuit tin of Highborn Spearmen! Still need to figure out a sheild emblem and get the shields done for the other ten.. also need to finish the command group for the second unit (they currently lack arms, heads, and paint) A biscuit tin of Highborn Archers! Actually the surprise success of the Highborn project- volley of arrows + Seawarden command ability + seawarden flag puts a lot of no rend wounds down range. A WIP bolt-thrower crew and bolt thrower- all ebay rescues with an incredible amount of paint on them- biostrip20 saves the day again. WIP Archmage on horseback. Reins greenstuffed into the hands. Going to go for black robes with red accents so the spellcaster stands out. probably going to go for a green glow from the outstretched hand. WIP Archmage on Dragon - still need to sort out the archmage but I think I'm going to go with the similar theme to the one on horseback. So let's see where this takes us! One of the core themes for the army is that at this stage in the AoS story the High Elves aren't the bright shining warriors mostly fighting from a position of strength, they are now utterly desperate and have been abandoned by their gods (Teclis and Tyrion didn't stick around when they were most needed). Any idea how to convey that desperation? Edit: Also here was the first rider version (planning to magnetise the riders), was going to be a Dragonlord but with this GHB he may have just morphed into Dreadlord.
  4. Thank you for your service- my WIP mounted archmage thanks you too.
  5. Nope- only swordmasters changed so the archmage on dragon is still usable which is good. Swordmasters haven't been reduced enough to make them good or even mediocre but they aren't as terrible anymore, at least. I'll take it. Looking at the Phoenix and Dragonlord nerfs I'm confused, since when has a dragonlord ally been anything but a centrepiece for fluffy lists? Compared to modern behemoths he's not actually very good. He's certainly not 380 good. The mixed order lists that did well 6 months+ ago can't compete with the new wave of armies they've put out. Nerfs for stuff that's no longer top table quality (and it wasn't winning even then).
  6. @Russrmc Out of interest did you ever get the gasmask heads into production?
  7. It's good (great) into lists that rely on elite melee threats but shooting heavy lists will just remove them from the table after they kill the chaff. It's too matchup dependent to be competitive but it's fun as hell.
  8. There's your problem, you don't like the best solution to the problem
  9. I've painted exactly 5 clanrats so far of this army and one of them got repainted twice then stripped and repainted twice more until I was happy with a fast method of painting. Then it's time for mass batch painting! Not entirely sure how I'm going to do the bases yet.
  10. The review said it was Grey Seer only so that looks like a no. Still realm spells tend to be pretty good and they have pretty awesome uniques so that shouldn't really be an issue.
  11. The plague scroll is still mentioned in the warscroll description.
  12. Warpseers look much better while Warlock engineers of all flavours look a little rubbish. Interesting shift.
  13. And decided to go for the shotgun school of collecting?
  14. My Aelf mess. This is the models currently painted to an acceptable level (and the dragon is nearly done so I'm counting that too). Order Draconis 1 x Dragonlord 1 x Dragon Noble Lion Rangers 10 x White Lions (project after the dragon is getting this to 30) 1 x Lion Chariot Eldritch Council 1 x Mounted Archmage 1 x Archmage on foot 1 x Loremaster 20 x Swordmasters Swifthawk Agents 1 x High Warden Highborn 1 x Seawarden 10 x Silverhelms 50 x Highborn Archers 50 x Highborn Spearmen It's a start...
  15. The Gladeshards are pretty damned hardcore though even for them I wouldn't pay more than 140. I like that the Hunters beyond repute rule makes them artificially bad at sniping characters. Hmm maybe the 160 is worth it considering how good they'd be at operating as minimum strength units (no point in running more than the minimum - extra shot from the squad leader and hunters rule means minimum strength units have a similar damage/point ratio to massive regiments and are much more able to use cover).
  16. Seriously nice work- reliable damage on a chariot charge is a nice touch (almost absent in the game). Forest shades could do with dropping in points quite heavily.
  17. Not a lot of progress but hours are long at work (and hey at least it has two wings now). Note to self: paint the inside of the mouth before you put the dragon together. Trying to decide if I should: a) paint the belly a cream colour (which would probably look better). or b) wash and clean up the belly while leaving it blue (which would save me hours of painting). Decisions
  18. One wing basecoated so far. Still a very long way to go.
  19. Hmm those bases sizes are odd- Archmage on dragon, Dragon lord and Dreadlord on Black dragon all have different base sizes. Edit: sorceress on black dragon is a different size as well
  20. Very cool - think they could do with straps of some sort to hold the weapons to the arm. Looks a bit awkward as it is. Like the use of the shoulder skull.
  21. I'm on the wrong side of this thread - I didn't rage quit (though only had a few games of early AoS as it didn't really have enough structure to support it) at the AoS release but the possible removal of compendium (and thus a large number of my painted miniatures) may prompt a despair quit. It would be like a rage quit but with less drama and just lead to me playing a lot more 40k and Infinity while occasionally glancing wistfully at my painted army in the cabinet.
  22. Not many bad choices- all mages trigger the armour buff and all mages have mystic shield. The archmage bubble and Loremaster hand of glory both work fine and the dragon mage ability to cast twice is enough on it's own.
  23. On the strength of Aelven monsters don't underestimate paired Frostheart Phoenixes with some mage support- there's a reason they appear in a number of tournament winning mixed order lists (along with the dragonmage) and if they don't get a cost increase in GHB2018 I'll be shocked.
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