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Blog Comments posted by Stevewren

  1. Treat the games and the list building the same way you would in 40K - if you can play competitively there you will already be ahead of the curve when it comes to competing at AOS. A lot of the tactics are similar. You're list their is quite tame by the AoS tournament standards at the moment, but i can see that you have already realised that Sayle is required to actually be in the 'Chaos Club.' A list without Sayle the Compulsory really isn't even a list these days! 

    Have fun developing the list, and good luck at Heat 3.  

  2. I spent all of my Easter Holidays in 2014 painting my South Coast GT Empire army only to get pipped to the Best Army award by the POinthammered boys who swanned over from America for a jolly holiday. I watched all the West Wing and Buffy to get me through it all. Now with two kids I know I'll never be able to get that sort of time again, so my painting goals have changed to painting in a more economical fashion to get projects done faster. 

    • Like 1
  3. 17 hours ago, bottle said:

    Incredible work Steve! So from reading your comments you were able to do to the bulk of painting just from rattle cans and then tidied up, did some final highlights and then the gold trim to complete it? 

    I am always intrigued by these approaches because I haven't yet invested in an airbrush, so being able to do it with rattle cans is intriguing.

    Where they all GW brand, or were some from another brand?

    Pretty much, yes. It  only really works on the bigger models, although I did do something similar for the skin of the Marauders i am working on. I have an airbrush, but its not particularly reliable (i'm not sure I really treated it well in its early days) and the spray cans get things done so much quicker, but with a little less control. You have to expect that you will get overspray in areas and just work with it. 

    I use the GW ones - they are the best, but I also use other brands for more colour variation, which can be risky. I sprayed up the third lord of change and the bright green i bought didn't give a very good coverage so this one will probably need a bit more work to tidy up. Its very much a rial and error approach, but on expensive models it can be a bit heart in the mouth! 

    • Like 2
  4. Congratulations on getting the army completed and best of luck at Adoption. 

    For me the painting lacks a nice focal colour. Its all a bit too monotone. When you look at some of the best Sylvaneth colour schemes they have a nice, usually bright, contrasting colour that brings the army to life. Against the browns and greens which are very neutral colours you can pick pretty much any colour, but creams, bright blues and purples or orange are all solid choices. You can pick out the weapons, staffs and faces, the hair on the revenants etc and it will elevate the army to a new level for not much effort. 


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  5. Your light box is clearly working well. The pictures are  good quality. 

    I have a couple of things that you might want to think about. Firstly the Add Boy with the black on it doesn't really go with the Brutes. The Brutes have not got any of the black on them, and I would say they have too much red on them. I'd have been inclined to go in with more of the black on the armor. 

    Also are the weapons supposed to have blood on them? At the moment they look like red painted weapons. If they are blood I would have slightly less on them. 

    Keep working on the army though - it will serve you well, and keep posting pictures too!  

  6. 6 hours ago, Thundercake said:

    These look great. On the two last pictures, how did you do the skin? a base coat then a wash and a highlight?

    The skin is mourning brown spray, then Zandri dust spray over the top. I then wash the skin with reikland flesh shade all over. I tend to go in and add more shade into the really recessed areas. Its very quick and I dont highlight at all. However some of the models just get missed with the Zandri dice which is why they are so dark. Im not overly bothered as they are only the battle line models. If i get time before this years south coast GT I'll look at adding in highlights on any facial features. 

    • Like 3
  7. 14 minutes ago, Goodwin said:

    I may have to finally invest in an airbrush.  I was hoping I wouldn't have to, but I do enough stuff that its probably worth while.

    Thanks for the rundown and good luck on the rest!

    I have an airbrush, but all the stuff I've done on the Tzeentch army has all been done with spray cans. 

  8. 12 hours ago, Goodwin said:

    Disc looks neat, what didn't you like about it?  I'm a big fan of the skin though - which for now is the hardest part for me to figure out.

    The colour balance isn't right. The purple is the wrong colour. I could have got away with it if I had used a paler purple, but it would have been better if it was off white, or pale blue fr example. 

    The skin on these was super simple. I sprayed it Macragge blue, then sprayed it again using a pale baby blue (zenithal highlight style) from above/45 degree sort of angle. The highlight was just a slightly watered down lutheran blue and a very final highlight of Blue Horror. I'm very sparse with my highlights these days. You don't need to highlight every little bit. I tend to do hands, faces and any prominent parts (on these I did the chest and top of the feet). 

  9. On 20/01/2017 at 7:45 PM, MasterM said:

    Congrats on your painting! Are those objective markers (trees) in the bottom right of the picture? If so, are they model or wire based? - look neat.

    They are armatures from Woodland Scenics - you can find it here

    On 20/01/2017 at 5:25 PM, Ben_Harper said:

    Your sylvaneth look great. Can I ask what did you use for the foliage please? 


    Its the Fine Leaf Foliage from Woodland Scenics - you can find it here

  10. 50 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    That's so impressive! So few steps and such a result. 

    I've been finding a lot with painting that you can be minimal with initial coats if you have something else that can distract the eye or the draw attention, so with these guys I used some agrax to darken the nose areas and then dapple around the eyes. It makes the face the focus so the rest doesn't really matter, especially as these will just be standard gaming models. I use this trick a lot on things like monster wings as I find these very hard to paint, so a bit of a pattern really helps to hide a lack of shading or highlighting. One of the reasons I have never got on with Space marines is the fact that their is nothing to accentuate on the armour panels, although I have a few ideas about how I could do it now. 

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  11. The models were under coated black, then sprayed again with mournfang brown (both spray cans) from the tops and sides to leave shadows. They only have one more highlight which was an airbrushed layer of tallarn sand. This gives a soft final highlight. I use this kind of technique for most unarmoured horses as I struggle to do them with a brush and keep them looking smooth

    • Like 2
  12. Played this list yesterday vs an Ironjaws list. Played 2 places of Power and absolutely bossed it. Archaon killed 20 'Ard Boyz, 3 Gore Gruntas, 5 Brutes and a Maw Krusha. Took 0 wounds! 10 Chaos Warriors killed a Mega Boss. 5 Blight Kings killed a unit of 5 Brutes and didn't die! The 2+, 5+, 5+, 5+, 5+, 5+, 6+ on Archaon was hugely fun for me. Not sure my opponent felt the same, but we were practising for Heat 1 so all was fair game! Movement was definitely an issue for me, but I set up to defend my objective and then attacked his with the Marauders and a single Harbinger. Worked like a charm :)


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