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Nearly ready now.

So i've got my ticket purchased and list I think is sorted starting to really look forward to ityour list is below. I think I know it's strengths and weaknesses, now just to finish painting it and use it as much as possible. Glotkin 2x deamon princes of nurgle Epidimus  3 units of 10 plauge bearers 3 plauge claws Skaven plauge priest  Foulrain congreagation battalion. I'll post again after a few games.



post 1st game

So I had my first game at whw on wendsday I lost on points to a death list. Overall I learned that my list is very resilient, I only lost 500 points the problem was I only killed maybe that same and I was very slow. Main things learnt were the glotkin is a bit of a points sink but does puthat out some hurts and buffs well. Be'lakor and the horrors will go for sure as well as festus I'll be adding in sayl another 10 man plauge bearer unit as well as some plauge claws and epidimus will n



pre-first game

So I'm hoping to go to the AOS GT heat 3 at Warhammer world I'm fairly experienced competitive 40k player and I've decided to make the jump to sigmar. I will be taking chaos mix of deamons and mortal mostly nurgle. I'll be using thisbliglotkin as a way to document the trials and tribulations of building painting and play testing the army. I've got my first game in 5 days  (weds 5th of april) and I'm sure the army list I'll take won't be the same one I take to the gt.  Te list is:-  Glo



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