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Ive had these Sisters kicking around for ages, and even though I haven't played my Wanderers for a while I spent a bit of time this weekend getting the mounts completed so i can get them off my painting table and into the 'completed' draw. As always with the Wanderers they were done fast, with a little bit of sponging and freehand to add some quick simple textures to elevate them slightly. I think I have one or two riders already completed, so I just have three left to do. 


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Fantastic work Steve. Sponging on the white pattern to the fur is a great idea. I can't wait to see the riders on top!

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On 13/11/2016 at 6:08 PM, bottle said:

 I can't wait to see the riders on top!

It might be a while! I've got a whole bunch of Nurgle to get through before the end of the month! 

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I would love to know the paint colors you used, and in what order. They look great and id love to recreate it for my sisters to contrast my darker wild rider stags

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The models were under coated black, then sprayed again with mournfang brown (both spray cans) from the tops and sides to leave shadows. They only have one more highlight which was an airbrushed layer of tallarn sand. This gives a soft final highlight. I use this kind of technique for most unarmoured horses as I struggle to do them with a brush and keep them looking smooth

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1 hour ago, Stevewren said:

The models were under coated black, then sprayed again with mournfang brown (both spray cans) from the tops and sides to leave shadows. They only have one more highlight which was an airbrushed layer of tallarn sand. This gives a soft final highlight. I use this kind of technique for most unarmoured horses as I struggle to do them with a brush and keep them looking smooth

That's so impressive! So few steps and such a result. 

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50 minutes ago, Kramer said:

That's so impressive! So few steps and such a result. 

I've been finding a lot with painting that you can be minimal with initial coats if you have something else that can distract the eye or the draw attention, so with these guys I used some agrax to darken the nose areas and then dapple around the eyes. It makes the face the focus so the rest doesn't really matter, especially as these will just be standard gaming models. I use this trick a lot on things like monster wings as I find these very hard to paint, so a bit of a pattern really helps to hide a lack of shading or highlighting. One of the reasons I have never got on with Space marines is the fact that their is nothing to accentuate on the armour panels, although I have a few ideas about how I could do it now. 

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1 hour ago, Stevewren said:

I've been finding a lot with painting that you can be minimal with initial coats if you have something else that can distract the eye or the draw attention, so with these guys I used some agrax to darken the nose areas and then dapple around the eyes. It makes the face the focus so the rest doesn't really matter, especially as these will just be standard gaming models. I use this trick a lot on things like monster wings as I find these very hard to paint, so a bit of a pattern really helps to hide a lack of shading or highlighting. One of the reasons I have never got on with Space marines is the fact that their is nothing to accentuate on the armour panels, although I have a few ideas about how I could do it now. 

Thanks for adding that. It's true I tend to get so focused on all the details while (especially when gaming) nobody sees them. 

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