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Floating Islands - Disaster Strikes!




So I was continuing on with the floating islands when I had a bit of a disaster. I finished up the bottom pool with the resin pour, added in all the flock and foliage and was pretty much happy with it. I then decided it was time to start the top island which is when disaster struck.


I thought it was sealed up tight, but there were some gaps under the acrylic so the resin all poured down the perspex support into the bottom pool. This led to me to deciding a complete redesign is needed. When I went to unscrew the supports of course the resin had stuck it fairly solid so I have snapped and cracked the whole thing, which is a bit of a bummer. This is the first proper terrain problem I've had, but I have a few ideas about how to solve it. I'm going to need to dremel out the mess on the top section and I am going to cut a slot under the plywood and slide it under island. This way I should be able to do a thin resin pour on the top which I think will actually improve the appearance. Its just going to take a bit more time than I thought! 


Here is the mess that it made at the top where the perspex snapped off the resin. 


Here you can see how the Island looks fully painted. I'm pretty happy with this. 


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Bummer! Sorry to hear about that, however if its any consolation it is looking pretty sweet so far. It will be worth the effort at the end im sure 

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7 hours ago, Mohojoe said:

Bummer! Sorry to hear about that, however if its any consolation it is looking pretty sweet so far. It will be worth the effort at the end im sure 

Hopefully! I'm keeping my fingers crossed! 

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