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Everything posted by stato

  1. Ben isnt running the AoS event anymore, i guess he is busy managing the event as a whole now its so big with other game systems etc, so you need Mark Wildman (details on the B&G event website). He is on twitter but dont know if he is checking here.
  2. Excellent, can get those finishing details done to my list and models now, cant wait. On the subject of lists, when do they need to be submitted? cant see a date on the pack (other than I get 10pt if i do it)
  3. Thats how i read it. You have a legal force then if it satisfies the city allegiance then it can come from there and get those abilities (painting discussions aside)
  4. Wow some great conversion work with those (i recognise some parts but not all), would love to see some in progress shots if you have any. Paintjob is amazing too!
  5. The bit I like is this... Swifthawk agents getting some more fluff?
  6. I think the probablility of pulling it off is pretty low, but on a double turn maybe? I think if its going to happen it will be nearer the end of the game when both sides are lower on models and forces are pulled close together over objectives. Waiting on the double though would put you in a perilous position if you did not get the turn. What it does do is make the enemy worry about its lines of retreat, where normally they might be trying to punch through you lines to maximise base contact and number of attacks, they may now bunch up a bit more on the attack and spread out with other models, in order to maintain some ground they can retreat into. As a dispossessed player id have some strong holding units, once i could trust would last when charged, then support those with faster units like Prosecutors. Ranged units like crossbows would become more versatile as they could venture out with a bit more security that the enemy couldnt just grind them down as a unit of 30 would easily surround any weaker units sent to deal with them. I think overall this ability works well with a solid back line and a range of skirmishing units. Should be fun and a little disruptive to the usual tactics for dealing with gunline order.
  7. Interesting that the example allegiance shows free peoples for Anvilguard, when the cities box contains darkling coven. Hammerhal is all Order bar Seraphon, so we can assume Anvilguard is more than just darkling or even free people. Certainly more useable then rules only for the allegiances that come in the new boxed sets. Bringing back mixed Order in a new and interesting way, after its slightly damp reforging in GHB2017.
  8. Thanks for sharing the lists. Do you have some security setting on the file, I can view it but not copy or download it? Ta. Rich E
  9. There are lots of phone emulators available for Mac or PC to let you run phone apps on your chosen platform. Sounds like one of those might be of benefit for you.
  10. Wow! The mausoleum looks awesome and I see the underground temple is showing the damage sustained in CotR1 Ha!
  11. Looking forward to this too. My 3rd tournament and 3rd at the bunker LOL! Hopefully get a match up against 13on2D6, my Dwarf lord has a grudge to settle from CotR1. Actually what am I saying, keep me away from his khorne horde! I think i need to edit my nicest-guy certificate from last time to say 'Rolled dice and lots of 1's but still had fun' :0)
  12. Excellent, while i dont expect they will be allowed for big event I still love my old metal Dwarf heros and all my Bretonnians.
  13. Hi, payment sent for Rich Elsdon. (Im one of the 3 hobgoblinclub mentions above) Ta.
  14. Well the Tempest on is at least £150 worth of kits, so hopefully some saving. Anyone want to do a proper price breakdown?
  15. The problem is, thats what they WERE trying to do. You are judging a decision made probably 3 years ago in a place where they either didnt have a plan or have certainly diverted from it. Path to Glory handbook has grouped Aelfs back together, we need to see what GHB2 does to these legacy units. I dont see any new models or tomes for any of these factions though, seems like their current approach is to just create a new well rounded faction that just happens to be a Orc/Human/Dwarf/Elf.
  16. #30 has just been confirmed as the base of the new Space Marine Primaris Apothecary, fingers crossed some of the AoS ones will be revealed soon.
  17. Amazing thanks, was thinking of doing the same when i got time. Cheers for sharing. 10 i think was confirmed as the Grey Knight that came with Robby the Ultramarine, 11 the SHA scenery and 23 the 40k Xenos Index. But still lots to go, 12 especially intreagues me as I presumed it would be one the Kharadron releases.
  18. Is there a post/place where all the rumour pics have been gathered together? would be fun to do some side by side comparisons.
  19. That would be amazing. The few pieces they have are good but dont really tie together as well as they should. More options would be really good for AoS as a game system.
  20. They seem to have done well enough out of it so far this century. Its never going to change while they are a traded (shares) company. Unknown long term gain at certain short term loss (or less profit than possible) is a gamble no-one is ever going to take. Its not even worth discussing unless you can afford enough shares in GW to influence it, but then you wont as it will be your money at risk LOL!
  21. Great work. Ive been trying to work out what i want to do but thats a cool idea. Dont you end up using the arms you need for the Grundstocks though? though i guess you might have just converted some of the axe arms.
  22. Thanks for writing this. I'm away with work next week and was thinking what to do with my spare time. This will be the first time ive travelled since taking the hobby back up so appreciate the tips youve shared, should help me actually achieve something rather than just sit about watching tv. Rich.
  23. I think with terrain you want people to interact with it in their actions, not just move past it like it was not even there. Creating valleys or canyons would work well i think for this. Im not convinced by corner hills from the few games ive had them, they do look great but never add anything to games. However a big central hill, say half of the centre, with additional features really makes for some great game play and very cinematic. My local gaming centre has a great table like this. Its a death themed table, central hill graveyard with walls and fences to climb (or find a gate if you are a dwarf) and a few buildings. Its not a lot but its enough to impact movement, charging and LOS to smaller Hero's. Pics here...
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