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Everything posted by Popisdead

  1. Hmmm this talk of Shadowstalkers has me thinking about ShadowWarriors as well with an Assassin general. Just for theme,.. not sure it's a good idea
  2. Wade Price already commented about 14 months ago, they are coming. So the comment should be "When" not "if" and the thinking should put forth historically GW likes to release "wood elf" stuff about 11 years apart.. Last book was 2017. Kurnothi should appear 2028... (sigh...) But this is the crux. What happens to Wanderers when GW redoes them as pan-aelves. Since the Kurnothi models from Beastgrave have the Sylvaneth Keyword and the new Aelf hero has the Sylvaneth keyword on the warcard, I am guessing long term is merge Sylvaneth with Aelves and do away with old sculpts. Not tomorrow,.. but one day. They could also have stories of Wanderers turning into Kurnothi after the forgiveness of Alarielle.
  3. where is the match? I saw someone on twitter post this as well but I don't see the weights on Be'Lakor.
  4. 40k Books have a code for the 40k app. So you have to pay the monthly fee for the 40k app, then buy the physical copy, then you get access to the digital book via the app you are paying for,... <shakes head> Back 10-15 years ago if you bought a record or CD it came with a free digital download so fans of the band got multiple versions and didn't support the piracy. Why GW isn't just putting a slip in the book (they are all sealed anyway) for a free pdf download. then you can just copy it into whatever reader on any platform you want.
  5. If the megagargant is really a hot idea for you that you're passionate about go for it. allies are fickle, more so than armies. So the expenditure would be costly and you should be wary it could go south in 6-12 months permanently. If you really loved the idea and will be happy using one that isn't optimal go for it. If you are looking for a power boost,. the only thing that will be reliably good is a new book. Be'lakor could also be fleeting and next edition we may lose allies as we know it? It's an on again off again thing with GW.
  6. The mods starting moving things in and out of sub forms based on newly released. (i guess SCE is permanently new...)
  7. Yeah i looked them up and noticed that. i've heard 28 mm bases a few times and was confused. Guess it's a thing. I assume GW will shift away from 25 mm to get a bit more footing for their larger models as they shift into a 3rd heroic scale (28 to 30 to 32ish mm models now). I stopped playing tournaments years ago. One of the last AoS games I played my opponent had his CoS dragon on a 50 mm square haha. I didn't care, it wasn't permanent.
  8. My Understanding was GW was pulling stuff off the apple store/ibooks. am I mistaken?
  9. Okay good point. They are a bit pricey but I have so many old Wanderer models I may try to scrounge some Witch Aelf bitz and the like to build my own. Looks like I have a hobby project for tonight 100 points is a steal. They may change in a GHB and then the Trev argument might come back as a good comparison.
  10. Shadowwarriors were also "OMG LOOK AT THIS AMAZING UNIT" and then after a short time people were like "yeah,. they are okay." They shoot okay, they fight okay but they are terrain dependant and so unit sizing and how you take them and how many for effectiveness gets tricky. I don't think they are bad and they support fine. I wouldn't mind seeing,. Alith Anar? (the fantasy batman that Gav Thorpe wrote the novel about) return and build upon them more.
  11. I recall seeing that. I also remember there was a time she was referred to as an Aelf Wanderer wasn't there? But logical conclusions. Guess she's a Sylvaneth Kurnothi. I wonder then if she will indeed get the CoS keyword in addition to Sylvaneth.
  12. 100000% avoid azyr twice I have lost things I've bought in Azyr over the years on an iPHone and GW doesn't return your purchases nor have any mechanisms to restore the product. And Apple cannot restore the battalions or books you buy through Azyr. To be honest looking at this practically I would suggest avoiding digital. GW is doing a terrible job at it and there are a lot of people worried about them making paywalls digitally. If no on supported Digital products from GW they would be forced to a) fix the issues, b) stop releasing garbage and find a better solution (hahaha neither will happen)...
  13. I would say 90% of the issues with Finecast is the weakness of things line fine swords (Eldar looking at your power blade on the autarch,.. which happened to me) and the initial release to get the product out was terrible and that we can thank the mismanagement of Kirby for. You can return and or exchange any defective product. GW has phenomenal support (except digitally). If you get products you are unhappy with return them for a refund or exchange them. I would say for Kroxigors you are probably safe for a mostly good sculpt. If you aren't going for best painted on the model will it really matter?
  14. That's a good point,.. However I'm not 100% committed to her being Kurnothi. It wouldn't surprise me if she was strictly Wanderer either.
  15. That's good news instead of bad news,. or no news. yeah it makes sense the Kurnothi/Wanderer should reasonably be CoS.
  16. Looking at the warscroll nothing says they are wardancers. I also don't recall Wardancers having pets, horns, bows or horses. but you said ostensibly,.. so... i get this... I admit I wondered the same things previously... I sound dour but I'm a die hard 1987 Wardancer sculpt fan and for 34 years I've loved the unit. I want them back SO BAD.... But I'm also aware GW is fickle. Things come back in surprising ways. I honestly hope you are right and predict Wardancers come back and with a super effective WArscroll.
  17. TBH unless you do some shenaningans with a ambushing Hurricanum and Alarielle or maybe a Durthu as general kitted there are very few Sylvaneth units I think are worth taking but that's just me. I heard a comment once they are the best warscroll in the game. Oof,.. that's a lot of better eh?... Are they allies to get them in? Keep in mind people have limited models and sometimes funds. Stalkers are better but if someone owns 5-10 Trevs don't tell them they cannot take them just cause there is a better option. Trevs are still good just not the best choice.
  18. I felt the same. I mean they seemed to just meander about without good prep.
  19. Me too. Very Lynchian. "here is something cool that no one understands but they love it" What if it was Slaanesh moaning? Goes the temp(erature) ban cause the cooling? ha! what dad puns! But seriously I agree with you. This rumour thread is rarely talking about rumours. I usually avoid it because it's mostly just chattering I would be surprised. Only cause GW likes the mechanic of "here is a thread. here is a vague slightly disconnected drop regarding something that builds mystery on a black box that is really empty regarding the origin story". I don't expect the Primogenitor to ever be revealed. It would nullify the 2 other notions. Well in a sense we saw TKs which are OBR. The external source looked like it came from some people posting tweets of bret models and Rob making a slightly mysterious comment. What you quoted,.. I mean we saw the cities.,.. but no Wardancers, (could be coming as Kurnothi). If someone was leaking stuff from 2016 that was 5 years ago and we know pre-covid it was a 18 month cycle. To counter my point, we know GW has a very deep MCU-style plan now. Look at how Shadespire ties into AoS. If Stormcast got some mmmm medium horse-based cavalry it wouldn't surprise me. Tie in human farmers to breeding horses. The problem is you cannot copyright horses so Bretonnians returning would really surprise me.
  20. There are a couple views on this. Any tournament with legit GW support could put a kibosh on it. To (mis)quote the great Laura Dern in Twin Peaks The Return "IT'S A F******* TOY". If people in your local scene have issues they are a bit uptight and I'm sorry it puts you in a bind. Hobbies are pricy and GW screwed the pooch on pricing those models and refuse to fix the mistake.
  21. In harvestboon you can get some good stacks too. I think a Durthu can get up to 8 attacks. That mitigates the issues with his stats being swingy. Alarielle allows rr hits of 1s? I think there was a way to get them to rr 1s (ability?)
  22. wow you actually got a response!!?!?! I got ignored. I should try again. I don't condone pirating GW rules but you can see why people do it when they do stuff like this. The physical product itself to them is meaningless (what, half a cents of plastic maybe? plus shipping cost) they should have just offered something in return.
  23. Anyone listen to Facehammer's building a Sylvaneth stream/podcast episode? Generally speaking they struggled like we all are to build something, focussed on the Spite battalion min build and taking some heavy hitters (big guys instead of KHs). The takeaways though were the army has good items and such but the traits that are appealing should be built in as an ability not a trait or command ability. Someone ( I think Mirage) had said he felt Alarielle could get 4D3 AoE healing off without casting a spell. I don't recall finding all the sources he's quoting for this. It came up in my head when they talked about taking big guys.
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