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Everything posted by Kramer

  1. I started using some of that pity used for photo albums. Works like a charm. Only disadvantage it occasionally gets in between the toes and stuff. But it's easy enough to remove.
  2. How would you phrase it? but still keeping your options open for any unexpected delays.
  3. I hope not. Would seem like a very quick and dirty fix to avoid developing pox-walkers and/or pestigors
  4. Two down just two more to go for my first completed unit ? also done on the side for my skaven army (hey, my warriors need something to kill). It was very fun to paint.
  5. Very true! And I like how they introduced the 40k one with, paraphrasing, you can participate by winning playing painting it doesn't matter what your favorite part of the hobby is.
  6. I'll add another cent. The global campaigns always increase sales (at least so a friend who worked in a store told me). So for that reason alone a new campaign book would make sense.
  7. Kramer

    The Bleakswords

    Looking good! I personally found the dreadspears to be quite a bore to paint but happy you had fun with the swords As for heroes/generals, I just based an old Malus darkblade to use as a mounted dreadlord. The command ability does not synergise anymore but he looks quite decent in combat. But compendium. Otherwise you could go for the dreadlord on dragon. Quite expensive but packs a punch. His ability can target any order serpentis unit. So himself, your knight and any hydras or chariots you add. Helped me immensely because it is the only hero with an applicable command ability left*, made it easy and fast to go from 1.500pt to 2.000 and he was a joy to paint. (also quite fast) *I purposefully ignored the fleetmaster because dang, my 30 corsairs have not once won a combat even when buffed. It's insane they just hit like a wet towel. Or as we like to say in the Netherlands: 'they couldn't strike a dent in a packet of butter.' I fielded them about 8 games and not once was I happy I brought them.
  8. Thanks! This idea has been bouncing around in my head for years. But when the kairic acolytes dropped i knew I finally head the base models I needed. GW have really outdone themselves with them?
  9. Thanks man! Yeah those little tie in's to mythology and culture is one of the few things I miss from the old world. But then again. Endless realms so I can do what I want I have a couple of conversions and additions planned that take the spartan theme and broaden it a bit into Greek mythology. And about the sandals, haha I did try to sculpt them but I couldn't get them to work. So I decided on bare foot... only later did I do the basis. Never thought about it ?
  10. Wait what? You don't agree but you are agreeing with something? Could you elaborate because I can't figure out what you mean ?
  11. Wow that's quite the collection and very fun to look through. Won't spoil it the hidden gem for others but loved the 'red suprise' in there ?
  12. Very true, the only inherent drawback for stormcast is their numbers.
  13. Think or hope True, but that also means that this might part of christmas release (really hoping, because I still wish for a starter set without stormcast or bloodbound to support GHB2 and this looks very Stormcasty)
  14. Oh man, @Krzyek, hate to tell you but... Photobucket is blocking all the images
  15. Some make sense that it is a reboxing. Such as ironbreakers. They were still on squares. But for the Slaanesh daemons... they have been on rounds since they launched AoS. A bit weird.
  16. Kramer

    Family picture

    Thanks! I think you are a more patient man then me because your transition from black to yellow is much smoother. Als you brought some spots up to light which I will be copy-ing But what is OSL?
  17. Well, that was the best break of painting since I picked back up. But now I'm back from a three week holiday and I will be picking up the pace over summer. (Hoping to get a couple of games in at august) so first up I finished the command squad! i will be adding a banner to the bearer but I want to research and practice the logo this army is going to fly a bit first. So four more to go, need to clean up the green stuff first and then prime them.
  18. Kramer

    Family picture

    Oh thats Cool! Really dig those hero bases. I'm currently doing a Chaos army with lava bases. Any chance for a close up? z
  19. The next reboxing? Would be happy to see that they at least keep manufacturing dispossessed. Makes one, very un-dwarven like, hopeful for the future.
  20. Very cool. Love the scheme. And a cheeky unpainted vampire in the background. A tease of the next update perhaps?
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