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Everything posted by Kramer

  1. If you can get the legs in the right angles it will be brilliant. Keep an eye out for the centre point of balance of the ungore. It might be a bit to far back. Or give him some straps he's using to stay in the right space (also a good way to hide fiddly green stuff bits )
  2. Next up: Love this conversion. I used an old Chaos Chariot my dad left me from way back. So it's all spikes and made for much smaller warriors than my conversions. The solution was one daemonette and one warrior, which works brilliant as it ties the two elements together nicely (daemon and mortal). And I will probably be doing so more often. Might add some modelling chain as a improvised reigns. Story time!! (NOT CLICKBAIT) Of course it was a trap! Seething Oerl ran trough the woods, thirty or so warriors at his back. After three nights of drunken debauchery the mysterious women finally revealed their true intention! In a explosion of violence and bloodshed the visitors turned from sensual women to bloodthirsty daemon folk! Luckily Oerl and some of his brothers had felt uneasy. Sometimes the spell seamed to break and a daemonic image replaced the beautiful visage. For just a second their true nature was revealed only to disappear so fast you started to doubt your own eyes. During excess of violence Oerl had rallied those loyal to him and escaped. The last he saw of the battle was Bran calling him a coward only to be run through with a claw seconds later. Now they were on the run. Not to flee but to call upon an ancient warrior. The one who most blessed by the bear god… Suddenly a war machine crashed through the undergrowth and ran through their lines. Limbs were sent flying while the warriors on the platform whooped and hollered. Even while Oerl commanded his clan members to get off the path and into the thicker forest he wondered how in the bears name the invaders managed to train the fire lizards! Everybody knew that was impossible….
  3. Been a long time, kept on painting though, just didn't make the time to take the pictures. Time for the Daemonettes! Twenty at the moment and will likely be adding a second unit. Was planing to only use the old daemonettes models mixed with the newer Witch elves. But a friend give me the lovely present of a box of daemonettes, sadly the plastic ones . So with them in the mix I decided to not buy new whitch elves but just use the old metal ones I had lying around. So without further ado: A horrible side effect of having a good camera means you see every smudge... ah well forces me to improve (and use two thin layers . Backstory time: The siege, if you could call it that, was in it’s third week. Oerl stood on the ramparts looking at the invaders. Meanwhile the invaders outside of the gate seemed to just enjoy their time in the sun. They lay around laughing and making music. The sounds of their merriment drifting over the walls. They had not tried to break into their walls even once. Of course Oerl wasn’t allowed to join his clans attack on the invaders. The clan’s second in command, Bran, led the charge. They had charged amass. The invaders had simply laughed, grabbed their shields and adopted a defensive formation. A tide of anger, bloodlust and muscle hit them… but none managed to penetrate their shield wall. After a short battle, Bran sounded the retreat. Many of his clan members lay dead. Men he trained with for years, men who saw countless battles, killers all. Yet they had not inflicted a single casualty. Of course Bran blamed him, for not warning them earlier. Seething Bran called for Oerl. Axe in hand Bran ran towards him. But something had changed. Maybe Bran was starting to slow with age or Oerl was becoming stronger. With a ease and grace he had never possessed before, Oerl swung the charging Bran over his shoulder and flying into the wall. This of course had not earned him a spot on the next charge but the younger warriors in his tribe looked at him differently. He had spotted more young ones with soft fur instead of the shaggy fur the older warriors sometimes grew. He wondered if it was because…. Someone was opening the gate!! Slowly he saw a group of veterans opening the gate. Alarmed he ran forward, barely registering that the younger warriors followed him. But to his surprise no warriors charged in, no treachery, no bloodshed, instead a group of beautiful women entered….
  4. To be honest. I'm most excited for the part where they mentioned living and undead living together. Hope it will be more than just fluff...
  5. Happend yes. For example the druid, fenbeast and dark emmisary from the albion campaign.
  6. Agreed except for the Made to Order. I miss those. The Made to Order, Slaanesh Daemons is the reason I started my Slaanesh army last year. Even if they want to move on from whfb some of the models still have value to me, and always will have. So why not offer them? even without rules there are some models I would buy. It's pure sentiment they are offering. To me just as good as something new. But that's of course personal.
  7. Haha, they ranking officers are very needy indeed. And it keeps going Lovely colourscheme by the way.
  8. The posing is really great. Only thing I can think off, and that's if you push me, is that the hammer might be a tad large. But it also gives it a certain brutal feel to it. So it's personal flavour I guess. But all the greenstuff work looks really good. Think the remaking will be invisible after the first coat of paint. Really great work!
  9. The posing is really great. Only thing I can think off, and that's if you push me, is that the hammer might be a tad large. But it also gives it a certain brutal feel to it. So it's personal flavour I guess. But all the greenstuff work looks really good. Think the remaking will be invisible after the first coat of paint. Really great work!
  10. The conversions look very cool, th eleg swap gives the executioners some much needed 'flow'.
  11. You are also a very accomplished painter, well done mate! the glow on the reavers especially is very cool!
  12. It’s Wednesday right? Right! So working on the pledge, last ogor almost done. Fun fact, the pants are brush painted with Karak stone Airs. Bought the wrong pot yesterday ?
  13. Well then let's ask the man himself, do you feel you your show is a vlog? tbh i've never seen it so no judgement here but after @Sheriff's review i'll certainly give it a go.
  14. It's weird container term that can mean anything. So on a purely personal level... No, although it shows a lot of the same visual styles I feel it's more of a webitem. Depends on the style of course but to take miniwargaming's videos as an example, as those are the only ones I watch. There is a lot of production behind it, it's a team effort, it's pre&post produced, it only shows a single subject. So for me no. But to be fair I could almost as easily argue the other side of things. So yeah, decide for yourself
  15. And they say Warhammer is just for kids Genuinely can't tell if your trolling, but as it's part of my job i'm too proud not to explain, haha. Vlogging is the evolution of blogging. Just like blogging it can take a limitless forms but usually share a couple of characteristics. It usually consists of single person that is the talking head & films, So visually you tend to see the extended arm and a close up of the face. Secondly it's a filming form that is low-budget as it's a one man show. Thirdly most vlogs have a high turnover rate, meaning the viewers follow a vlogger on their day to day activities. These characteristics mean that in a world which is all scripted and edited vlogging became the new 'real' entertainment for younger generations. Hence it's popularity the last years, although now it has become the main video entertainment form online, imo. Mic drop
  16. I think they reckon it's closer to vlogging
  17. Oh cr*p, I just made myself the person to blame if it doesn't happen didn't I . But we can only hope.
  18. Well the site doesn't promise to tell the whole story. So it might be January 3d, announcing basic set up new chapter in the narrative, februari faction/fluff release around death herald, keep that rhythm with the other 3 heralds and you have a nice build up to summer campaign start/announcement early June. Do not necessarily think this will happen but just an example to show that the site doesn't negate an summer campaign as part of the new storyline chapter. Their are pretty much limitless options for a company willing to experiment.
  19. Doesn't say much but at least we know that it's coming! https://malignportents.com/?utm_source=GamesWorkshop.com&utm_campaign=738f2005ad-GW+14th+December+Malign+Portents+EU1&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c6e14e39d2-738f2005ad-119316213#
  20. Khorne’s motto right? Capes, skulls and bling ?
  21. Good tip! already did a bunch up but i'll be definitely be looking for it later! Added a bit of 'Rocks' to give it a bit of depth.
  22. just working on my lord of Slaanesh and two bulls. I painted the two on the left to match the two on the right. I bought them painted but two were missing details and two unpainted. Happy to get it to match (roughly). Now onto the last details.
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