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Everything posted by Kugane

  1. Looks great! What colours did you use?^^
  2. I think an issue with ads is that quite often they bring along malware. The main reason I personally have an add blocker. I think a Patreon could work though.
  3. I couldt fully fit it either. Also have a gaping hole on the sides of one of the dwarves. I dont plan to play them, just for guests to use, so I will just let it be i suppose.
  4. Only red glow, but it has more depth then what i wrote earlier. I forgot about using coelia to make the red pop more. So use this guide instead. Its all about contrast xD.
  5. Thank you! I speed painted those in a few hours (including drying times), so its not so bad! its long ago, so trying to recall Step 1: prime black (lots of dark colours so black makes it easier). Step 2: mix nuln oil with lead belcher 1:1 to get a nice watery goodness. Go over all the metal areas. Just 1 coat will do even if it doesnt fully cover. Step 3: mix leadbelcher with abbadon black 1:3 or so, add a ton of nuln oil. Start washing all armour once or twice until it looks black but still has some shades and highlights. Simple aggrax earthshade wash for chainmails. (1 or 2 coats) Step 4: drybrush with very very little leadbelcher on all the raised edges with a small drybrush. You can create some scratches here and there. But make sure its really dry. Step 5: rakarth flesh for the skin, wash with a mix of coelia greenshade and reikland fleshshade, gives brown/pale green tint. Highlight with rakarth mixed with lahmian medium 1:1 Now the weapons... Dry brush edges with rhinox hide > mephiston red > evil suns scarlet> bright orange (i will check the name for you later) > yellow (will check)> white edge highlight skull white Mix skull white with lahmian medium 1:4 or so, just add more washes if black still shows through and reverse "shade" the deeper edges. Use a clean brush to wipe off excess at edges (or finger). Do that a few timea and repeag the reverse wash with a bit of yellow and orange. Now for the trick. Look where the glow of the weapons would light up your mini in a real life scenario. Take rhinox hide and gently drybrush those areas very very very slightly. Make sure the brush is REALLY dry. Repeat with evil suns scarlet to build up some glow. Next mix lahmian and evil sunz scarlet 1:9 or so, just tiny bit. Keep glazing the glows bit by bit. So the blacks still show through but the glow is slightly visible. Skulls: rakarth flesh base coat, aggrax wash Cloak: rhinox hide > mix rhinox with mephiston and highlight, aggrax wash, again rhinox + mephiston highlight. Ground... cant remember. Probably black > dawnstone drybrush > ushabti > aggrax earthshade Belts... i think i used gorthok brown + aggrax wash Regardless, I hate edgehiglighting, so i just use drybrushes , washes and glazes to get stuff done I hope it helps! I think i put up a guide somewhere on the forum before... i will try to find the link. (Obviously I only remember after I am done writing, lol)
  6. Really nice job! A shame that the primer came a bit thick on the stormcasts though, but ah well, mistakes happen. As for the skin on the reavers they worked out quite nicely! A very easy trick to paint skin (in my opinion) is giving a thin basecoat in Cadian fleshtone and then wash with a Reikland Fleshshade 1:1 dilluted with Lahmian Medium. Apply 1 thin coat all over the flesh areas, then another thin coat to define some of the shades a bit more once it is dry. After the 2nd coat is dry re-highlight the lighter areas with a mix of 1:1 Cadian Fleshtone/Lahmian Medium, sometimes even 1:3 Cadian/Lahmian, to get it very very thin, and build up tiny layers on the raised areas. Finally another 1:1 mixture with Kislev flesh and just hitting the very tips of areas where light would touch, it'll give it a very clean look. Great for speed painting^^. If you want a more darker skin tone you can also start with ratskin flesh > cadian > kislev, same shading steps :).
  7. I recently picked up a light grey brush-on primer from The Army Painter Effect paint line, and that one has no 'gritty' texture whatsoever. I use that now instead of the white primer mess. It also helps define a bit of shade when painting white :). Perhaps you can give it a go^^ I believe the paint number is WP1472 It looks a bit like Dawnstone
  8. Do you have the same issue that white paint always turns out chalky no matter how thin? Awesome job regardless!
  9. You did a great job regardless. Just leave it for what it is?
  10. Anyone have a link with all other "confirmed" rumors of 2018? Like the sea elves predictions?
  11. What paint did you use for gold btw? I quite like the very yellow tone of it!^^ Its inspiring me to do my own version of Jade fyreslayers haha.
  12. Really liked the rat in the sewer on this model, a bit hard to paint (I glued the clanrat on thinking there would be enough space to reach it.)
  13. Finished my Warband today! Painted them from start to end in roughly 8 hours including drying steps. Really fun warband to paint, a few parts are quite hard to reach with a brush though.
  14. Done! 8 hour project including drying. I will pick up more to paint!
  15. Really awesome looking job! What colours/ratios did you use for such an amazing blue/white effect?
  16. https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/Downloads/aos-warscroll-the-chosen-axes-en.pdf warscrolls for them :), in case anyone needs it.
  17. Some new Gutterrunner and nightrunner models and a Eshin battletome! Thats the way to go! Chances are very low unfortunately.
  18. Another year no skaven other than a warband it seems! The horned rat is not pleased!
  19. I personally have no idea why they went with stuff such as a skryre allegiance with acolytes as the only viable source of battleline for numbers on the table, considering they are such terribly outdated models. I think a lot of issues could be solved if there were more generic battleline options that can take a keyword similar to slaves of darkness being able to pick khorne and such. Skaven clanrats being able to take a keyword: skryre, verminus, pestilence, etc would fix most of the army gaps for that army. I think the same would go for many other lists. I would personally love to see some mixed destruction lists and such and hope MP will allow that in a better fashion. Giving us new synergies.
  20. Really wish that new warband will be released soon!
  21. Kugane

    Black Coach

    Which colours you use for your greens?
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