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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. He had no problems with throwing a random soul into oblivion. Pretty sure he's still himself.
  2. Elven Knights of the Zodiac: God Tyrion arc.
  3. He made a structure made out of Hysh crystal - Tower of Prios, which dampened the effects of the necroquake.
  4. I am cautious about this idea as it assumes the scale between the models will remain the same. I hope everything is maintained at 25 mm base, but if it isn't, I hope the book will be flexible when it comes to allies. It feels really nice to play with and against a painted army.
  5. Two things: Cavalry could be used figuratively. Deepkin nobility see themselves as knights who are riding into battle on dragons. Order Draconis, Eldritch Council and other factions are still mentioned in the background, the composition of the force that was sent to repel the incursion isn't stated. It *could be* a new type of elves, older variant or down the line perhaps there's no practical distinction between old and new type. I'd sort of liked that, it'd mean there's a good chance to get the Skycutter back.
  6. Ever since CoS, I've really liked the idea of having a list of allies that are 1 in 4 units as opposed tied to points. I think Deepkin and Kharadrons have a way to count the allied units as their own. That would be super neat, if this is repeated with Pointy ears. Feeling rather excited with the reveal, can't wait for more information. I will say that it's going to be a surprise, if we get a unit on a horseback.
  7. This might depend on when in the story they want to release them. It could easily be that we're in for another year of "Age of Nagash", before they have the setting and actors in place for the Hysh and Ulgu elves to take the stage. Meanwhile, they are free to handle the stage and introduce minor actors.
  8. Light elves are my number one on the list. I do have Skaven, but the build I want to do with them include rather antiquated models. DoK and Fyreslayers for more variety. Big no to Giants, unless it's a new game in 10 - 15 mm scale.
  9. Are we done for this year or are they going to drop any new announcements?
  10. Good luck with that. Alith Anar or even the neighbouring dark elf faction sometimes cut her head off in an early stages of the game. The AI doesn't know how to capitalize the rich region she starts in.
  11. Awesome, this is clearly a teaser for the long awaited Eshin models! Morathi indeed doesn't deserve nice things.
  12. I'd like it, perhaps add a trigger to every wound bracket that the monster and hero lose. Doing leadership tests, if the mount is still willing to fight and when the final wound is removed you roll to see, if the mount or the rider survives with one remaining health or maybe they're both slain. I miss my high mage on a horse, he was amazing. I'd like to see more encouragement to field heroes on foot or lighter category mounts.
  13. Anyone spotted CoS cards? I'd really want to make an elven expedition.
  14. From English to German and back into English. I can see where you're coming from but I'd look into original text. It's interesting that the word used is also "creature", if those were SCE I imagine it'd be the easiest to call them that way. I have no idea where to place the tree, could be for Kurnathi but I can see it working for Light Elves too.
  15. Not that I know, but his cool combat animation is why I never mount him in Total War.
  16. Tyrion was the strongest duelist, he didn't have any monstrous mount and Teclis... well, he used magic to guide the animals and although it pained him due to seeing it as a sign of incompetence in the society, he used saddles that allowed extra attachments and support, should he had fainted while being high in the air or any other unforeseen occurrence that would require skill and animal handling. They're both free from the curse now, so it's possible to see something else, but considering they're gods, I don't think they need it or want it.
  17. This should be kept in mind. It's not in the twins interest to have something alien and foreign to them. The new elves should still confer to a certain elven tropes. The Asur were drawn from multiple sources, used to underlay a certain idea. Stained glass, fractal arts, mandalas... that'd be great way to represent the Hysh themes.
  18. That's super cute. Shaman and his pets.
  19. Starting two completely new ranges at the same time seems quite a daunting task, if I may be honest. However, GW does seem to have the production capacity for it and I wouldn't mind seeing a Light vs Shadow elves starter box set. I know I'd want one and the same goes for my friend. We're both in the wait and see camp at the moment, hopefully once GW goes around to those projects we won't be left cold.
  20. I am a fantasy/sci fi lover. I enjoyed WHFB, but due to time constraints as well as being tied to the public transport couldn't get into it. Anyway, then the WHFB was gone. It was a friend that later recommend AoS, gave it a try and found it a passable way to spend some time. I'm currently building CoS and waiting for the Light Elves, playing Warcry and Underworlds in the meantime. I'd also like to have a go at Necromunda campaign. Although I'm involved with AoS I can say that the initial enjoyment has passed. The sides games are still fun, however the aura fiddling and the dull design of the factions in the main game is simply unappealing. It reminds me on video game elements that I've always disliked or tolerated but the market seemed to enjoy. I'd like to finish certain projects and see what GW has planned for 2020, afterwards, I'll likely jump into KoW, maybe revisit Infinity after N4 is released.
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