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Everything posted by #SteveJames

  1. Iron Jaws are still unique as are the Bone Splitters you can still play them as as their own Allegiance with as many options as before. Just now you have the additional option to use them as great Waugh. BCRs Allegiance is gone but you can still play the same list as before just instead of taking Gutbusters as allies they can be true Allegiance.
  2. I've been running one for a bit , this is the list I'm settled on. Potentially 5 CP turn 1. Plus one to cast on the Weirdnob mean you can buff the Pigs send them up the board 27" turn one. MawCrusha 24" Hand of Gork the Ardboys who get +3 to charge and go super aggressive. But also has a lot of wounds with 4+ save and mobility for later game Allegiance Iron Jaws (Iron Sunz) Megaboss on MawCrusha Mean un, Right fist of Dakabad, Sunblessed Armour Weirdnob Shaman Great Big hand of Gork, Shamanic Skullcap War Chanta x 2 Fungoid Shaman 6 x Gore Gruntaz 3 x Gore Gruntaz 3 x Gore Gruntaz 15 x Ard Boys Skuttle tide Gorefist Extra CP
  3. Loads of scope for awesome conversions there I'm interested to see what people come up with Cities of Sigmar mixed lists. Could do some very cool themed stuff but still have an compeative edge.
  4. I feel like that some times then GW bring out a new release a d suddenly I'm wanting to do a new army. Their release schedule at the moment is mad and there's plenty of option for them to explore creatively. Would definitely like new factions but seeing old ones expanded would be good too.
  5. I would love to see the Fyreslayers get mini Magnadroths in units of three and maybe some kind of war machines. With the Khadaron Overlord some zany new craft and a few more battleline. They're not to bad a book. Deepkin nautical themed endless spells ghost ship or shoal of fish and a Sharknado cus why not.
  6. Was playing a game with my Iron Jawz this weekend. I hand of Gorked a unit of Brutes and moved my maw Crusha up the board. Charged and wiped out my opponents screen, he the got priority and charged my crusha with his second screening unit. Then I used the Iron Sunz "Alright Get em" ability to counter charge my Brutes. I had two plans one based on me getting priority and one based on my opponent getting it. There's are lots of other games I play or have played with alternate turns, they all have their nuances of how to play. However I've found the often I can move a unit X away knowing that my opponent can not reach it. The double turn makes AOS unique as it removes this certainty. A player can not make a move and know it's the best. So it's all about risk management and contingency planning. In fact sometime I sacrifice a unit to lure an opponent on to taking a double if they win priority. Knowing that it will bring their good units in range of my best stuff.
  7. Mwhahaha everyone must abide my my point of view. 😉
  8. Fair enough in that case email Games workshop FAQ for an official answer.
  9. "if this model is on the board and did not attack in at least One of the previous combat phases of the previous battle round" its quiet clear, if Skarbrand didn't attack in one of the previous phases his rage is active.
  10. Yes that is correct, so for example you could let your opponent go first. If Skarbrand doesn't fight in your opponent turn you can send him folwards to fight in your turn. Then in battle round two his rage is activated as he didn't fight in both combat phases.
  11. It's not in the main rules to my knowledge, however if for example you cast "Mystic Shield" on a unit. Then in your opponents turn the wizard is killed, the spell is still in effect until your next Hero phase. Another example is if you put a warchantta buff on a unit. If the Warchantta is killed the effect of his Chants aren't lost. The damage from the MLKs attack were still inflicted regardless if he's been killed or not. And I can't see anywhere saying in wouldn't work if he had died.
  12. I don't find the double turn to be boring at all, there is loads to be doing in your opponents turn. Choosing which spells to try and stop, choosing which combat to fight first, applying buffs like reroll 1s to save/hit to key units. Moving endless spells to block your opponent or kill off a key hero. Even piling in has a certain finesse, the position of your models is key. I've had an opponent pass the turn pile in 3". In his turn the Hero was now able to move on to an objective with a run. If he had taken the turn it would have been 2" shy (even with a 6 to run) Armies like Khorne and Iron Jaws have interaction that happen in your opponents turn.
  13. I regularly let my opponent have the turn when I have the choice. There's lots of ways you can mitigate the power of a double turn, for example using several layers of screens. Sometimes at the end of a battle round both players units are embroiled in an ongoing combat. By letting your opponent have the double you can leave their units trapped and not able to move on to an objective. Then in your turn counter with your now freed up units. Other times they might only be able to kill your second screen, if you've set up correctly then they should be in range of all your good units. Been playing Khorne for 3 years now the amount of times I've lost a few units of reavers and warriors only to have my opponent best unit in range of 3 Slaughter Priests and a rage thirster. By allowing my opponent to have the double now mean I can double back on my terms.
  14. The effect of KK/MLK Reality-Splitting Axe would still activate even if KK/MLK had been killed. Abilities don't automatically stop working because a model has died. However sometimes an ability may say "if a unit is within x" of this model" in this case the ability would stop working as you can't be within x if the models not on the table.
  15. Think a peace hammer is used in conjunction with nails.
  16. Brilliant event, looking folwards to next year for more KG events! Very relaxed five really great games and opponents, venue was nice lots of room to play and nice and comfortable. Food was good shout tea and coffee and beer on tap was great. Well done to Tim and all the Kirton Games peeps.
  17. Could you add Steve Phillips and James Eveleigh please
  18. "We are here table us now" James and me are grudging the Eskimo Bros. I can assure you Alcohol will most definitely be a thing!
  19. I would imagine padding and mail of some sort. May be cool to do some research on medieval armour to give yourself some inspiration. While not fighting maybe some kind of robes.
  20. Hopefully me and James will be up for this we need some more wooden spoons.
  21. Rules aren't scattered at all did a Blood Bound army for months with out any book at all only got the book in the end for background. True there are a lot of War scrolls but 90% are free on the app and information can be found fairly easily on the rest.
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