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  1. Do we think there will be faction terrain and endless spells? I'm betting actual pieces for gravesites.
  2. I would be ok with a once per phase command ability to fallback 3 inches at the end of the charge phase. This way the charging unit can still pile in since they charged, they just might not get as many models in. Overwatch should be kept as it currently is, restricted to a few warscrolls.
  3. Best part about Move like the Wind is charging a screen then flying 4-5 inches past them when you pile-in to land on a back objective or to hit a key unit
  4. The creature from the Kragnos video looks kind of like the Centigor Warhoof model. Kurnothi centaur creature tail looks much different and the antlers appear to be part of a helmet instead of part of the head. Add in the fact that the Kragnos creature weapons and armor seems to be more crude or built from the scraps of others this points me further towards BoC or something new for destruction.
  5. These dice are easy to read. Just count how many fingers are present. That's it. In fact that's how pretty much all of the dice work, count how many of X are present. Only dice that are hard to read are the idoneth dice and squig dice, but squig dice are a lot of fun.
  6. Hallowheart is great until you try and cast all those spells vs hexgor skulls and blow up your army. I do think Hallowheart is strong but it's biggest weakness in my mind is, while you will have plenty of magic output, you will lack physical bodies for board presence and all of your key pieces are going to be grouped together in a giant ball.
  7. You can split up the battalion. Also keep in mind you don't have to declare where everything in your battalion is going at once I usually have my wild riders, SotT Nomad Prince and Spell Weaver placed as my first drop or two, and then rest of ranged units in ambush in another drop. Generally you want some units on the board to try and grab objectives.
  8. The tower might work for one or two of the cities but I doubt it will be all of them. Living City will get the Awakened Wyldwoods probably. Each city will use a different terrain piece that already exists is my guess
  9. What if the mortarch leader is also the terrain piece
  10. I have had good success and a lot of fun with the Legion of Sacrament battalion as well as Deathmarch. I normally run the Lord's of Sacrament (or whatever it's called) with 4+ endless spells to cause a lot of chaos.
  11. Looking forward to it. Guess I should start powering through the rest of my painting I've been pushing off.
  12. Any word on if/when they will have AoS rules?
  13. Just to be clear just because it is last chance to buy does not mean it is going to legends. There could be a new sculpt. They just need to provide the rest of the information
  14. Simple change with maybe reducing some of the summoning costs is that slaneesh only gains depravity points on their own turn. That way multiwound armies can at least get in combat on their own turn and it reduces the weird feeling of giving free depravity during the shooting phase.
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