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Everything posted by Charleston

  1. Okay, nevermind, with the new coherency rules here is my updated tought on this topic: -Never play more than 10. You would loose too much due to weird coherency reasons. Units of 5 are fine, they don't need much buffs and fit this way easier into the bubbles of wrathmongers or the charge reroll bubbles we have access to. Btw the coherency renders our Juggernaut-Cavallery even more useless then before as we basically have to decide whether we want to loose the good D3 Mortals-charge or of we want to loose half a squad worth of attacks. Also Bloodreavers lost loads of use as we can't use them as screen-line anymore.
  2. I love this. Althrough the similarity to magic could be a bit more distinct, it tacles some issues (banishing of endless spells) while providing also more reasons to play priests as well. The Ward-Rule-Wording seems interesting.
  3. This is a fancy name for a "what does your painting backlog looks like?" thread
  4. Define Spam List? 20+ Models? I doubt it. But a buffed unit of 10 can really shine quite easy with tons of hits and potential mortals. They don't need much support, rather propper targets that provide them the rerolls. To build a spam list the usual Bloodsecrator and Bloodstroker are a solid support choice, especially as latter one helps them to land a load of save rolls for the opponent to roll.. Also the "ignore -1 rend" battalion is really solid to improve durability. Brozen Flesh Prayer for +1 to save is another good option to keep them around for longer, meanwhile killing frenzy isn't that necessary. Sadly we lack a propper way to give them +1 Rend which would be a huge improvement.
  5. I like the hero rules but to be honest the monster rules look like a huge load of additional actions going on each turn. Having to get 1 per turn instead of all 4 would be more than enough. Still, this is so far only my first impression and the first games will show how well it works out
  6. I am actually quite reluctant to more terrain. While it may affect shooting I also see a huge disadvantage for bigger units. It is already a pain to move thoose 30+Bloodletters without terrain, having to position them inside and around terrain (especially the old wildwoods *shiver*) if really pure pain. Without adjusting the Battletomes (remove horde bonuses and modifiers like "if unit X has more than Y Models than BUFF Z is applied") I am a bit afraid this might feel like a shizophrenic middleway between armies smashing together and skirmish. But it is too early to speculate with no access to the full rule set
  7. The impact of the new board size is actually quite forseeable: Shooting Units with a long range profit from more targets beeing in range Repositioning Units, summoned units and reserves will suffer from less free boardspace. With 48x72 there is always a place to put down that arkanaut frigate, with 44x66 it is more easy for your opponent to place models in a way that obscure them Meele units may be happy about less travel until combat. This might end up feeling quite boring/nasty when thinking about high velocity armies like IDK, Slaanesh, Orruks (moving twice). Ranged units with shorter range profit from more targets to pick from within range, meanwhile they will be easier bound in combat Objective games get more accessible for armies with slower units as it should become easier to travel between objectives. For the same reason it may become harder to hold an objective. I can't tell if the new board size will speed games up or slow them down. Less "yeah I move my dudes there" actions in early stages but instead more actuall rolling for shooting/charges.
  8. Am I the only one with the feeling that Dawnbringer Crusade will be the name of our next new faction?
  9. Well, narrative can change quite drastically as we have seen witrh BR Kragnos. A new entity appears, is OP and gathers the whole destruction álliance for an assault and then gets banished within minutes. The same way Khorne could appear 2 weeks after the new set drops, get some love, and evaporate for the next 12 months. It is quite hard to tell exactly what will happen in the narrative as not all breadcrumbs we get dropped by the writers lead to releases and vice versa we have several storypoints that appeared out of nowwhere
  10. I love the new box! While the armies contained are nothing for myself I really admire the work of the designers! Especially the new Orks are a well done faction at the fist glance: The cunning, cruel and more serious really does AoS a favor while still having enough room for some goofy detials that made me chuckle. They strongly remind me of mordor orks as we know them from the lotr franchise. New stormcasts are also beautiful sculpts. I hope on the table these mix well with the older sculpts
  11. Talking about Soups, I recently noticed how bad I miss Chaos Daemons having their own tome. I really love the touch of the 40k one: An army that is actually soup made from so vibrant motifs that they compete against each other even in the artstyle. Like, each color is screaming for your attention. Each deity has it's own section and it will never become a homogenous army, which is great! I wish GW would finally support CD's in AoS. The current Legion of the First Prince is not more than a little fun experiment centered around a single character... Wouldn't it be actually quite easy to merge Deamonic Rules into a single Battletome? Get the Belakor-Undependend rules from LotFP, get the 4 Locusts, get 4x3 God Dependend Generals-Traits and Artifacts, grab some spells from the lores. Extra flavour could be added by providing god-dependend battalions, maybe even a mechanic like hedonites pretenders that allows to get a general for each deity. This would lead to a freakin awesome battletome which, which btw would lure more players to play multiple chaos factions
  12. Short question: Are Chaos Daemons/Legion of the first Prince fun to play? What is your experience?
  13. I would assume so. Althrough It somehow seems like the expected siege of Excelsis will not be pivot point of the new edition. Kragnos Warscroll is...brutal.
  14. 3 Stormvermin. It's like a bit worse half from the FEC vs Skryre box we had some years ago. Depending on the price point it may still be a good deal. Khorne is btw the only Chaos deity to not receive any love in BR
  15. Althrough I am not a fan of Crossover-Episodes I would really love to see Kislev in AoS
  16. People tend to really underestimate the damage of the Sorcerer on Manticore. The rider has still a D3 Damage profile while the mount can go nuts on many targets. When playing STD I prefer him over the Chaos Lord on Manticore. Tides change when playing Khorne and getting access to the sweet gorecleaver and hew the foe combo
  17. I have to seal my wallet away before listening that song because it always makes me almost jumpstart an classic undead army
  18. While I started my DoK recently I have to agree that finding content for them is a bit harder. Beside the mentioned facts (Expensive range, high power level, hard to paint, limited model range) I also think that DoK are written in a quite shallow way and lack reasons for sympathy. Morathi is the single pivot point of the faction. All units are so far described either as her loyal fanatics or her creations, with really not much surface to have sympathy for the faction. I would argue that most people play them for the powerlevel/killyness or for the look, but not many care for lore because there is simply not much.
  19. I laughed about the SC! Box. While it looks great in models, the recent nerfbat to Black Knights made me chuckle about the question if the 20 Grave Guards alone are worth it, or not. Rather not.
  20. Usually the "command unit" of a squad (Musician, leader and banner) are concidered to wield the same weapons as the other squad as long as the warscroll doesn't specify anything else. You see this in most warscrolls in the first scentence about equipment (A Unit of Bloodreivers is either equiped with A or B). Due to available sculpts it can happen that the musician or banner wields a smaller weapon (it is hard to model a 2H axe when the model wields a banner in one hand).
  21. The point about the spell is that it only shutdowns attacks against the throne itself
  22. Beside the great CA the Coven Throne offers not very much in terms of damage or support. It doesn't scale well with the Kastelani skill as most attacks of the profiles are mount or mount aequivalent. The survivalability is also limited, althrough not bad. Manfred provides and Aura with a similar buff, at least in offensive terms, while also hitting harder and beeing a more powerfull caster. Also, concidering the price point, I think we will see far less Coven Throne in 1-2 months than people are talking about the unit right now.
  23. Bloodknights and Coven Throne are really a good combo but I am not sure if Vargheists or VLoZD are not better targets as they are faster and less reliable on the charge to succeed, althrough also less likely to survive. I also see KASTELEI as a great choice here, with the chance of simply rolling over the opponent.
  24. Kharadron Overlords: High Mobility, a load of different ranged profiles. Allows you to move across the whole board and picking your fights SCE: Elite Paladins can be played as snipers. Anvilguard Tournament Meta was a thing for a while and I think you can get some inspiration from thoose lists CoS: Cities have a load of shooting Profiles, althrough they rather do not fulfill the elite requirement you desire. Still, when mixing some SCE and focusing on tanks or other big guns instead of 20-30 handgunners itmay be a thing for you. Check them out as the versatility of the list makes it an everything-is-possible-faction! Mawtribes: Althrough not 100% shooty (as you will still do a big chunk of damage in meele) an Undergut list could be what you are looking for. Skaven Skryre: Honestly, Skryre is part fun and part madness. Warpcannons, big nasty spliced up weapon rat ogors and doomwheels are elite, fun and deadly (althrough you never know who will suffer more, you or your opponent)
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