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Everything posted by Fairbanks

  1. Good article. My biggest hurdle to restarting a project usually comes at looking a half completed model (stopped midway for whatever reason) and trying to psyche myself up into cleaning up the spottiness of the single coat paint job.
  2. All of the above are good suggestions. My suggestion to add would be to intentionally do a very small project, like a single model, and set a very narrow scope for “completion”, like just doing base coats. This has usually reset my funk as I finish that stage and then start looking for ways to improve it, and since it’s the one model, there isn’t more and more work to do afterward.
  3. We didn’t get Stormcast last year; IDK, DOK, StD, and Seraphon. The first original idea I’ve had for AoS was the “Storrukcast Eternuls”, a group of Orruks who were made into Stormcast Eternals by Sigmar because of how honorable they fought against the Stormcast (This was before Stormcast we’re locked into only being Humans). A very loose prototype here: If I were to seriously go forward with it, I’d add a lot more Ironjawz bits and choose units so I can use the army either as Ironjawz or SCE. I also have every other army, and am way behind this year on catching up with boxes I haven’t built.
  4. Alright, sounds fun. My first bit of advice is to not buy the hottest new army to come out, and to at least wait until a Battleforce box or Start Collecting comes around. You know, save your money and don't waste it on things that are going to be bundled for discounts. Or just dive into the deep end before you learn how to ride your motorcycle without training wheels.
  5. As much as I like the design on these guys, I can't shake this sinister feeling that a few GA: Death models might be on 'Last Chance to Buy' in the near future.
  6. Yea, I wish they would have spoiled something about Free Cities and Orruks. And Warcry expansion was pretty predictable. Hoping it comes with new models.
  7. Meeting Engagements reminds me a lot about how I felt about AoS on initial launch: You can see what the goal is, you can see where it's headed in the future, but it's currently a half-baked idea that needs a little more time in the oven. I love that they incorporated force deployment as a number of smaller deployments. However, I'd like to see more options, such as a scenario where the armies have sent their Spearheads ahead to flank the enemy and a Turn 2 Spearhead deploys somewhere in enemy territory because they ran around them. I'm undecided on how I truly feel about army construction. On the one hand, enforcing Spearhead/Main Body/Rearguard puts more emphasis on army building. On the other hand I'd almost prefer just a Speadhead/Main Body construction. Or even a few options where I can bring my 1000 point army as a Main Body, then deploy a unit or two in the Spearhead upon deployment and let the sparks fly. There's the Overflow rule. If the plan was to discourage players from bringing larger models, just write it into the rules and double-check that you aren't allowing some models when others are banned (i.e. Banning Alarielle but allowing Nagash) Looking at it harder, I think it should have been written into the Open Play/Narrative Section and pushed as a semi-Competititve format. There's some semblance of an unspoken rule here that if points are involved, it has to be written into Matched Play. If so, I don't understand it, because I use points to build armies almost every time I play a game just to keep the game from accidentally becoming a one-sided slaughter. And yes, I see this format played even if it was in the Open/Narrative section. Also, in my experience, discussion about ME just kind of boils down to asking "Why don't we just play a game of AoS at the 1000 points level?"
  8. That realization when your YouTube channel could be one of the first to discuss Nova releases, because every other big AoS YouTuber is going to either be there or asleep.
  9. He was mostly basecoated and just in need of some shading/highlights. But I freehanded the lightning bolt on the left pauldron and... I don't recall ever doing any Freehand before this point, so I think that might be a new trick for me. Other than that, I'm moved out of the old room, just looking to better set up the new room. Happy Painting!
  10. Because if they gave you everything now, you’d still be unhappy.
  11. To compare and contrast, Malign Portents had a number of 20 second teaser trailers before each of the new characters got a 2 minute video. Portents then got a load of story content and build up. Meanwhile other factions have been sporadic with what they get. Idoneth and Daughters had a teaser trailer out a month before their launch (though, there were plenty of rumor pictures for Idoneth, like the ship). Gloomspite I think had a day before full spoilers. FEC and Skaven came close to out of nowhere (though, they aren't new per any stretch). Trailer/Spoiler-wise, this is really close to what we got for Forbidden Power.
  12. Why live with serviceable when you could have straight up amazeballs?
  13. It’s funny, but those candles in the vid line up exactly with the rumor engine photo. Looks like the back.
  14. https://whfb.lexicanum.com/wiki/Excelsis There’s significantly more there than I thought there would be.
  15. Here's one I've made that could use a writer's skill at wordplay (Since I'm an engineer): Camp Sinew Desert of Bones – Roughly halfway on the road between Shadespire and the Realmgate on the far end of the Desert. It likes to move. Shyish Outpost (Allegiance: Not Nagash) Somewhere in the middle of the Desert of Bones between the ruins of civilization and the tendrils of its most recent gasp, a large collection of tents and trade caravans stands as the last outpost for adventurers heading to Shadespire. While the population usually numbers in the hundreds, it has been known to swell into the thousands on occasions when multiple caravans and adventuring parties arrive and overlap on trips. Adventurers traveling to the mirrored city often set camp here for a chance at spending the night without fear of attack from the dead, and a last chance to purchase supplies before traveling on. Returning adventurers have the opportunity to catch their breath, tell stories of their previous adventure, and then usually break down crying when they realize all of their companions died. Often these returning souls can find work among the caravans, or can travel along as armed guard. Merchant Caravans get the benefits of being able to sell goods and services at a premium, while also being the first to purchase the first fruits of the Mirrored City, some that can be sold in the other realms for a higher price. The camp consists of almost all of the races of the mortal realms, minus those fully under the sway of Nagash, but including the occasional vampire, necromancer, or other minion free from Nagash’s will. Order is usually the majority faction in the camp, though a relative stalemate is held by all factions of the camp, as sometimes having safety trumps being the ruling power. The outpost is not visited by armies of the living, as the desert and Shadespire both tend to be more effort to trudge through than they are worth. The biggest threat comes from Nagash himself, though as long as the outpost does not swell too much in size, it is hardly noticed by the Great Necromancer. Fun fact #1: Because the Camp is made primarily of travelers that set up on either ends of the camp, the camp shifts quite often, moving up to two miles over the period of a month. Fun fact #2: Safety is always in numbers, and travelers do not generally need to worry about being ambushed just outside of town. Bandit groups tend to be large enough without being overwhelmed by the occasional patrol of Dead.
  16. What is everyone's thoughts on Warcry warbands getting more models? I was noticing that most of the Chaos Warbands have only 1 Leader model while each of the other factions have at least three (minus Legions of Nagash at 1 and Nighthaunt at 2). Maybe they each get a new leader and StD/EC get six new models.
  17. I still play on the old rules that members of any race can be Stormcast, so that includes Skaven. It’d be an army full of LibeRATors, Ratributors, and Squeakutors led by a Lord-Celestant on Hell-Pit Abomination.
  18. With Cities of Sigmar on the horizon, I may soon be allowed into the club! This better not be a sausage-fest, or I’m leaving.
  19. Stawk’s 1000 point list guide comes to mind, though by now I’m sure it’s out of date and had more of a goal of getting you some kind of list on the cheap. I think for most armies I’d start with the suggestion of one Start Collecting, getting a few games at ~500 points, then the book, and then fleshing out from there.
  20. I figure there’s no better place for Warcry fluff questions than here, and I’ve got two: What warband is influenced by Nurgle? I want to say Splintered Fangs or Corvus Cabal. Seems clear that Iron Golems are Khorne, Unmade are Slaanesh, Cypher Lords are Tzeentch, and Untamed Beasts are, well, Beast of Chaos-related. Is there going to be a warband for the Horned Rat? Or is fighting to be by Archaon’s side something that isn’t in the nature of the Skaven?
  21. That explains my wife’s reaction (I went out of town 😅). Still, one business day shipping for ordering it ‘Standard’ wasn’t bad at all.
  22. But what if it WAS because the High Elves were wrong about Malakith the whole time?
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