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Everything posted by Televiper11

  1. Lastly, I am beyond happy we didn't get any CoS specific Endless Spells as they wouldn't have made much sense, lore-wise. Why would each City have its own city-spell? I think GW was very creative in just giving us fully empowered, regular Endless Spells instead. There are plenty to choose from and some a very thematically appropriate to the two realms these cities are in.
  2. I'm honestly shocked at all the negativity here. Yes, the culling of models was hard, especially some of the newer plastics. But now that I've seen the tome and what they've done with what's left I am excited as hell. More excited than I have ever been about AoS. The majority of the Warscroll re-writes have been buffs or laterals, which is fine. They standardized cavalry charge bonuses, which is big. The various City allegiances are excellent! Very thematic. Could we have used new models? Yes! So could have LoN and BoC -- the forebears of this Tome. Might we get some someday, I'm betting on it. Would a terrain piece be nice? Sure, but it is not urgent. Get creative with all the great Warcry and Forbidden Power terrain that just came out. In terms of aesthetics too, I don't get the gripe. Who would be living in Cities, those that were drawn to them after the Realmgate War -- the Dispossessed (they lost their homes), the Wanderers (kicked out of Ghyran), all the humans who suffered under Chaos, etc. It works, it fits the lore (especially if you've been reading Black Library), etc. I think CoS is gonna be a big hit and last a long time.
  3. Agreed. I could see making a nice, pacy gunline for board control and sniping. Also, am a reading this right? If I'm charged, I can shoot right away? Stand and Shoot: As the enemy charge, these warriors make one last shot, praying it will be enough to blunt their advance. Once per turn, when an enemy unit ends a charge move within 3" of this unit and there are no other enemy units within 3" of this unit, this unit can shoot.
  4. I'm positive about all of these changes. Only Ironbreakers got a nerf but I've always felt they were overrated on the table. Warden King's Oathstone is better. Make Hammerers (who are better now) his retinue and look out! Runelord is nuts, grabbing a second one. Irondrakes are gonna be awesome if they can double-tap off the Bridge spell.
  5. I want to run the following: Dragonlord as a Dark Lord On Dragon Swordmasters as Great Swords Reavers as Dark Riders Loremaster & Archmage as Battlemages
  6. Am thinking of how to keep certain of my Swifthawks in the game: High Warden = Freeguild General on Griffon Reavers = Dark Riders Swordmasters = Great Swords
  7. A smart player will figure out Nighthaunt or Nurgle lists that can withstand this and possibly win.
  8. Personally, and in all the Matched Play games I've played, no one has gotten hung up on that keyword. I've run Steam Tanks as Dispo allies for years and since they have Cogsmith drivers, no one has cared. KO are a cool army, enjoy.
  9. Steam Tanks are duardin engineering and easy to build without the human character. All of mine have a Cogsmith.
  10. You could still do an all Duardin army w/Gotrek, all the remaining Dispo, Gyros, and Steam Tanks. Would be pretty lethal. They did squat my Order Draconis army so I get the resentment.
  11. Try Open Play or are your only a tournament player?
  12. Which means all of us interested in it need to buy it and run it and prove to GW that it is a viable army worth supporting. Can't say I'm surprised that GW weren't interested. Cities is a niche interest. Didn't Josh Reynolds recently post that his Eight Lamentations novel didn't sell well?
  13. I actually wouldn't have a problem with a mechanic that reflects that.
  14. This was fantastic, required reading for anyone who think this model is OP.
  15. Gotrek - 520pts Warden King - 100pts Runelord - 80pts Cogsmith - 100pts 30x Ironbreakers - 360pts 10x Hammerers - 140 pts 10x Irondrakes - 180pts 2x Steam Tanks - 480pts 1,960pts total -- so wiggle room to play around with the total numbers. This seems like a doable, all Duardin CoS list. We'll see once the Tome hits.
  16. Personally, those who say they are unfamiliar with the lore as an explanation of why they think Gotrek shouldn't be so OP need to familiarize themselves with the lore. There's practically no one that Gotrek can't kill. And Gotrek himself is nigh-unkillable. The WS is fine once the wording on his Avatar ability is clarified. For weak Order armies, he is a god-send, literally.
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