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Everything posted by Aloth_Corfiser

  1. Thank you all! 😄 The Pistoliers have rather nice helmets. I am not in the UK, but do you mean "Mannans Blades"? As far as I know, a lot of Forgeworld Stuff has been cut for AoS , there were also Nuln Ironsides which looked fantastic. This look would be the dream if they were going to be released in this style once again! Right now I am kind of fed up with Aelves and pondering If I will start a small Warcry Warband of Freeguild. At the same time I am so anxious to see what broken Realms might mean for the Sigmar worshipping Humans.
  2. I have a question for the Freeguild Experts here: Are there enough Helmets in the Freeguild Guard and the Crossbowmen/Handgunner Kits respectively, to assemble all 10 Models with a Helmet? Don't get me wrong, I like feathered Hats, however I would like to have a universal look on my (hopefully future) models. 😃
  3. In my one and only test game against Bonereapers my 20 Warden Block was really lucky. since the release I had been itching on casting Speed of Hysh on a block of 20 - and it worked brilliantly for me. They come rushing across the field - threatening objectives and make your opponent think twice about charging them because of their Spearwall ability. The Wardens managed to avoid most damage of a Mortek Crawler (their Nightmare obviously) thanks to a Cathallar nearby who had cast Protection of Hysh on them. The 20 Wardens killed 10 Mortek Guard without real issues and won me the little test game against my friend - but otherwise, sadly, I have been avoiding games. But I am keen to write reports as I get back into it. 5 of my Wardens died due to the Crawler and I think another 2 due to the Mortek Guard - but none were lost to Battleshock. My faction was Zaitrec and I tried to buff them pretty well, cant remember if I used their Aetherquartz though.😇
  4. Indeed! It is especially annoying since in the Instruction manual the Photos with the green check mark seem to be inverted between Warden 15b and Warden 16a. ..... I am not sure if I am going crazy - could someone also check their Manual, please? 😄 I vivdly remember trying to glue the foot in such a way as to resemble the Photo in the Manual After realising the error I was sorry to have literally disintegrated the foot into a pile of plastic and glue ;( . Edit: However my errors with the foot are not visible since the Model is painted and based.
  5. This looks really nice! I like your Bases and the muted Yellow on your Freeguild Soldiers. If I may ask: What Model is the guy in your third picture in the center? The one with the Swordarm raised and the extra grumpy face. I have never seen it before. Is he converted out of the Greatsword-Kit? Also Dwarven Wanderers are a very cool Idea and I would love to see more about what you come up with! Have fun 😃
  6. Yeah I am hyped also! ☺️ For sure didn't expect a whole new Temple for the Daughters or 2 new Cities for CoS. We will have a much better Idea when we know more about the Underworlds Warband Myaris (?) Purifiers. For now the only Info is that they want to calm down the Beastgrave Mountain and somehow reason with it. Good luck! One thing that will be excititng is: Will every Broken Relams Book be accompanied by a Box of Army X vs Army Y? At most I expect maaayybe a new Hero in a Box with our established Troops.
  7. It sounds really offensive in general and I also don't get your reasoning. (quoting @Frowny here) Do you want to discuss niches of game mechanics and how these mechanisms "use up" creative space? Or do you want to discuss the Lore behind these descicions and what kind of World GW wants to create? At one point you say "Warhammer is just a Game" - I respectfully disagree - you also have to look at the backstory and connect the dots to get an Idea as to "why" GW has chosen to implement feature X or feature Y. (As others have poined out already). With labeling your post as offensive I mean this: How are Old High Elves "lazy" in desgin? Please elaborate on that. I was a little bit into the Old World Lore (although I am a bit too young to have ever posessed a Warhammer Fantasy Army. However if you look at the general preambles of the 3 Elven Factions you get interesting dynamics: The Dark Elves: -cruel, killing for fun, slavery, raiding, --> they loathe the World and are loathed by it --> they enslave not only sentient beings but beasts and occasionaly each other ---> Spikes and cruel Blades everywhere. or Bikinis and cruel blades, debauchery, etc. The Wood Elves: -a fey nature, killing/hunting for sport, implementation of the several fair folk tropes floating around, Bows everywhere, even though they are at home in their Forest some Regions and its Spirits still see them as Outsiders, The Old High Elves: -a regal Empire and a Shadow of its former self, proud Citizens who would give everything to preserve their Realm, an actual functioning governemnt with a levy-system, inspiration taken from Zoroastrianism and the ancient Middle East or the Byzantines (just look at these long Robes and Scale Armour) Where do I want to get with this? Well in another Forum some User asked "Why don't the High Elves in Total War Warhammer get Swordsmen like the Dark Elves do?" Another user pointed out that the Sabres of the Dark Elves could reflect a more aggressive and savage fighting style in contrast to the "hold the line(!)" approach of the High Elf Spearmen. A nuanced juxtaposition highlighting the different natures of these Cultures. The Dark elves emphasizing the Art of killing, they thrive in it, they take pleasure from it, they would kill and maim all day given the chance (don't know if this is exaggerated :D) When the High Elves on the other Hand have so much other things to do besides killing their enemies and it shows in their weapon design: -A necessary Militia Force with supporting Units of Nobles riding their Steeds (Silver Helms, Reavers, or even Dragons (!)) backed by rare specialists like Mages, the various Guard Units and noble Beasts, etc.. These other things besides War could be: learning a new Spell, reading a book, gardening, shipbuilding and exploration, bookkeeping, honing their trade as a craftsmen, painting and sculpting, labouring in the fileds to sustain a subssistence economy. You can actually imagine Elves doing these things, because their Faction is not exclusively build upon maintining constant war. How is that lazy design? I get the Trope you are criticizing - you don't want Aelves to be "good at everything" - others have brought up their points of view how they like it and why it fits. Isn't it all the more fun to defeat this arrogant piece of *** High Elf / Lumineth Realm Lord after he/she has boasted about his/her prowess and skill? That's a thing I thoroughly enjoy about Elves - it creates memorable moments when my arrogant Toy Soldiers get stomped. And the Lumineth have their wekanesses! A few examples: -they are woefully inflexible and conservative on the extreme (In thought and in weaponstyle) -this inflexibility is also reflected in their Phalanx -Style Troops -Aelves are fragile as it should be (they could be a bit mor expensive in Matched Play points though (!) -they want to be defensive and reactive (more so the Teclian side) -they are emotional and sometimes moodswingy (reflected in comparatively low bravery under vertain circumstances) [and reflected in the Spirefall in the Lore] So yeah, a bit of a rant without a goal sorry for that. However I hope that I could contribute a little to the discussion, cause I like the Lore even if I sometimes roll my eyes and think "gosh this is stupid" and by no means the Lore we have is fleshed out yet. But I am sure this will just grow with time and publications. And honestly I think when reflecting about the general points and archetypes of the Backstory you can come up with different perspectives about an Army you didn't like before. Trivia at the end: How many Armies of Humanoids in AoS can you think of which have topless miniatures in them? A lot right? I was actually really happy that the Lumineth have some clothing on them! Just for the record: -Daughters of Khaine: Bikinis -Deepkin: Half naked Thralls and exposed Arms on the Akhelian Guard -Khorne: shirtless Barbarians -S2D: half naked Marauders and Warcry Warbands -old Wood Elves (Wildwood Rangers) exposed muscle Arms again -Ogres being mountains of flesh and muscle -GA Destruction (barring Moonclan) and Demons should be clear anyway Clearly the Lumineth stand out as an army of clothed Individuals with cool Uniforms and Armour among countless Factions of muscular Bodies and exposed flesh and don't waste anything. 😋
  8. In fact this change had the opposite effect on my weird mind: "Nah it's just some special WH40k Rumour Engine thing" and I didn't bother clicking on it. A few hours later I see new Rumour Engines on TGA! 😄
  9. That would be a really ingenious solution! I think that there is this possibility. However, since the discontinuation of Swifthawk Agents I always thought that GW woud have abandoned the Idea of the Spire of Dawn entirely or just forget about it. If I remeber correctly the Spire was also used to guard powerful aelven Artefacts. But as usual the Lore is limited to small paragraphs in the "Spire of Dawn / Island of Blood" boxed set. It is mentioned, I think, that the Spire of Dawn is in Hysh. Maybe we will get more Info in the coming Broken Realms Story Arch: Just like the Stormvaults of Sigmar, Teclis could have set up his own hidden magical Sites. We still need to see the Twins reaction to Sigmar repurposing the Enlightenment Engines do we? So far we only know that Teclis is annoyed - and rightfully so. However I could Imagine special missions by Lumineth Mages and "new Swordmasters" to rescue the Enlightenment Engines in the Stormvaults or to magically alter them, etc. So we would have another Story about how the Lumineth interact with the other Realms and a reason for them to leave Hysh.
  10. I just read @Athrawes post in the Rumour Thread and that's so cool what you described about the Tower of Hoeth being set up to outlast the Aelves and be an Archive which survives even a World Ending. Never heard of that but damn. Such cool lore 😄 And I would be totally down on for example a Unit of 5 new Swordmasters. Right up my alley, the perfect blend of Tyrionic and Teclian Philosophy. Next to Tavlu we also have these Runes: Sword top to bottom: Or could be something other than "Skale"? I was totally expecting a River-Swordwoman and now I am a bit over the Moon (what a bad pun for a Zaitreci....) for a reimagining of Swordmasters!
  11. I think it is our old High Elf Rune Tavlu I am really happy with the models! They also have little backpacks and travelling gear, this is neat. The Swordfighter is one of my favorite models now. 🥰 Hmm - I don't mind the silly balancing, it's part of their charm for me. Elfs who overcomplicate things in a haughty and silly way is just a thing that has always drawn me to them. Firing an Arrow in midair while jumping? No problem. They are a race that can afford to show off
  12. @Lasarce This Cathallar in conjunction with the Base is beautiful! 🥰 And @LuminethMage I am so happy for you! This looks fabulous! Can we get a close shot of the Sentinels arrayed in all their glory, please?
  13. If you need your Hobby fix and the Forums are not enough: Sorry, I have to preach something (for many of you it may not be new, but I had to think about it while reading some replies) : My Hobby-Life changed for the better when I discovered "Warhammer Weekly" on Youtube. It is such a funny and informative show to stay up to date on news and hearing about new artists. The 2 Main Hosts Vince and Tom are super cool people and you can listen to them (and guests) nerding about Warhammer and Tabletop for 2+ Hours (sometimes even 6 Hours!) 😁 The various guests are also really nice people who are also well known in the AoS community (some have channels of their own. (HeyWoah, Doom and Darkness, AoS Coach, 2+tough etc.) Really a big chunk of the creative and competitive AoS Community is found on Youtube for me - people realize their own visions in form of their channels and the involvement and investment shows. Due to different Time Zones I am never able to catch these shows live - but there are always so many folks in the Life Chat it's engaging. I guess just watch some of their Videos or some Hobby-Cheating or Topic of the Week on Vince Venturella's Channel and find out if you like it. @Thomas Lyons and @Vincent Venturella just because I found you here - Thank you a thousand times and more that you share your Hobby-Passion with us. 🥰
  14. Now that a purely Monster-Army is out the time of the Wildwood Ranger has come! I wonder how they will fare against the Gargants.
  15. I have prepared a drinking glass of hot water and dipped my bent Warden Spears inside for about 1 and 1/2 seconds. Then I immidietly tried to bend them in the right direction. In 3 out of 4 cases it worked pretty okay but one spear is now a bit twisted in another way. So well it is a dangerous method I think 😅
  16. Yep - the colours just harmonize so well I can't stop looking at the High Warden! Please moarrr 😬
  17. Yes indeed! 😄 But now the bases dont seem to fit and I am always thinking about gravel, rugged coastline, beaches, etc. - but I am too far in with the bases and they are fine. Paint-Scheme Paralysis is a blessing and a curse! hehe Retributor Gold is really the best Gold I have used so far - it covers the surfaces really well and has a nice consistency. The old Lothern Sea Guard (from the island of Blood Box) are one of my all time favorite Models! The Hair showing underneath the Helm, the grim faces, different Helmets with tassles and bands, Spears with ribbons, the Red Sea Dragon Shields, the wave motifs, etc. May Tor Xillion endure! It is somehow the only City we have got in Zaitrec (is "Celennars Gift" a City/ a shrine?) I was looking at the map and there in Ymetrica they have a Harbour-City - Matah - and so the Idea came up. There is also an error in my german battletome: In the flavor Text next to Tor Xillion it says that it would be on Ymetrica's Coast - so I couldn't let that one slide! 😃 I tried to add wave motifs to the robes but I am not skilled enough (yet)
  18. The Zaitreci hold great reverence for Hyshs Moons and as the Moons steer the currents of the hyshian Oceans it falls to the Haven Guard of Tor Xillion to enclose on any seaborn threats to their beloved City. Alas there are many threats in this new Age - for Tor Xillion still lays besieged and so the Haven Guard is often stretched thin between maintaining the supply routes from Xintil or to conduct surprise landing operations on Zaitrecs coastlines. When the Moons are obscured and only the stars gaze out into the Night, they would land silently on hidden Beaches. With flickering Moonfire Lanterns and nimble feet their silver Companies march inland to surprise those who dare to spoil the Great Nation they call home. As you can see I had a complete turnaround - I just could not see myself to paint an Army mostly in Gold. I think deep down I always wanted some kind of Naval Theme. The Models are not entirely finished - i still need to decide on the Gemstones and correct mistakes. (The Dawnrider is on whole other level!) 😅 However I am very happy how it all came together. Updates will surely come but it may take a while.
  19. I love everything about this! You had me hooked already at the title: "City of the last dusk" just sounds so good lol It is such a nice touch that your Anointed is holding his Helmet, this pose should be seen more often!
  20. I am always down to some Open Play! We could also open up a Poll I would be interested in the Data about wether how many Players are theoretically open about playing outside the box of matched play points. But yes I tend to agree it can be hard to find the opponents you "want" (especially during Covid19 times ;( )
  21. Maybe a stupid Question: What do you all use for skin colour? And when I am already asking this: What type of shade(s) if any do you use for faces? I know it is not that important on our regal hyshian Aelves (Teclis be praised they actually wear clothing compared to other Aelves!) - however, I was always struggling with faces and have gotten mixed results. However that would depend on what you would like to represent: In my humble opinion it can be really fitting if your Bases represent a "foreign" enviroment, a difficult terrain where your Army is not welcome and so on.
  22. May I alsorecommend the Age of Sigmar subreddit? I am myself not active there, but I always enjoy looking at Peoples first ever painted Models and the generally welcoming attitude and encouraging comments, it can be pretty wholesome. 😀
  23. These are really beautiful Models - they embody this Warrior-Monk vibe really well.
  24. Yeah, the switch from a 25mm Base army to a 32mm Base one opened up a whole new world for me And indeed it should be called Ten Paradises for a reason. I collected Wanderers before and basicly just threw Mud and Snow and a Tuft of sickly Grass on the base. If any of you remebers this Antology: I first wanted to do a wasteland Base with chopped up sprue as crystals but then went the "lazy" way. Anyway, thank you both Ruins are always a great Idea and they are ingrained in Lumineth History. I also want to do some Ruins that are overgrown in this semi-summer/autumn feel. @LuminethMage if you are looking for more zany -Zaitrec glowing enviroment, there are "Alien-Grass" Tufts also from "Gamers Grass": https://www.gamersgrass.com/52-alien-tufts The Bases look great btw., I saw them on the Lore Thread!
  25. Hello Pointy Aelves It is an exciting time of new Threads and new Minis - so I wanted to create a Topic were we could collect our Pictures and general advice about Bases, Terrain, Gaming Tables or Display Boards. The whole Idea started while I was looking for an optimal Tree-Height for AoS. My 2 Trees were bought in a local Hobby Store shortly before it got closed forever and because I thought that they looked cool. They are ca. 15cm in height, a little small maybe - but good stand ins for Trees which are not that bulky. My humble submission are 2 Trees and my little contingent of Vanari, that are painted as of yet. With the Lumineth I really discovered basing as kind of a Passion and I would like some feedback as I think, sometimes I might have "overdone" the Bases a little. 😄 I will tone it down a little with the Flowers. The trees are on 40mm Bases because I got some spare ones - but maybe I will integrate the Trees into a larger Terrain piece in some distant Future. For the Procedure: I apllied a little Layer of Stirland Mud, when it had dried I drybrushed it with Mournfang Brown (but not always) Then I went crazy with Spices: After Army Painter Basing Glue on the Mud Area I just sprinkled on some dried Basil and driedTarragon. I bought grass-flock but was unhappy with it because the Green was really intense and it got everywhere. So I guess the Spice Idea was at first a bit of a makeshift thingy. But after I glued on Tufts (GW Middenland Tufts and Warlord Games Moorland tufts) and Flowers (Gamers Grass) I started to really like them. (Plus they smell quite nice now 🙃) I envision a lightly forested area and maybe I will try and go for a "fey -mythical Forest feel" - the Lumineth advancing out of the Woods. (Because Phalanxes in the Woodlands is a baad Idea hehe) So if you are working on some Terrain or Bases or have Questions about Materials feel free to share it here please.
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