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Everything posted by PraetorDragoon

  1. Yup. If they would be still behemoths it would state "Behemoth, Battleline if X" like the Beastclaws.
  2. Ah, that explains things Could you check if there are arcanites or bloodbound in there as well? If so, then its just leftover database code.
  3. They aren't there when I check them on chrome, using a pc.
  4. Yeah, I don't really believe in the skygrots, but they've had more rumours than a Slaves to Darkness book, so I felt I had to mention them Aeronautics of Sigmar is something I can see existing, with skygrots and Ko and shiprats.
  5. Like Malign Portents you mean? In any case, we have the remaining of the 2.0 books coming out, so there is that. Light/Shadow Aelves have popped up a long time in the books, and are likely (but not guaranteed!) to show up at some point in the future. Skygrots were a rumour at some point, but I haven't heard much of them recently. (though their name has been dropped before and is specific under the aos naming scheme, Grotbag Scuttlers, so who knows) For existing factions I would expect new characters, if that. More likely for existing factions to stay where they are and instead new factions or campaign allegiances that shift what you can take and hand you different benefits. (LoG and the order one from Forbidden Power for example.) Slaves/Darkoaths will be.... interesting. Could be a combined tome, could be a new tome based on the warcry blokes, hard to pin down what that could be. Assuming we ever see any tome of them though. The only thing I heard about them is wishlisting.
  6. Maybe the Ironjawz get a gore-grunta megaboss made from the grunta box?
  7. Nurgle is 1.9 as I call it. Written with 2.0 in mind, but has some old writing conventions. (effects on 6+ to hit instead of 6s before modifiers/rerolls, etc.) Still, it has the cover and spine of the 2.0 tomes, which makes it unlikely to be updated soon. (Legions of Nagash, Daughters of Khaine, and Idoneth Deepkin are the same) As result, Tzeentch (or Slaves to Darkness, if those ever show up. We haven't heard anything about those that isn't wishlisting.) are more likely first. (Would be nice to have a non-errataed Changeling.... for a month or so)
  8. GW has put a bit too much emphasis on Barbarians = Chaos for me to expect any Destruction barbarians. They likely would end up too similiar looking. Fimir and Fishmen have been mentioned and would be cool. Otherwise, something like an Elemental faction could be destruction... and provide something that isn't really around in Destruction yet.
  9. Now I wonder if there is some meat to that old Grotbag Scuttler goblin skypirates rumour.
  10. Quite understandable. (Rotation is why I don't play mtg at standard level) I just think it makes sense from a competitive (and shopkeeper) standpoint. Cycle out a bunch of cards, and you can print new cards without worrying about broken combos with earlier cards. We'll see if it happens, as its just speculation on my part.
  11. Its a personal guess of mine for a while that GW would rotate the season 1 generic cards out of 'standard' when season 3 hit.
  12. I haven't used the open war generators yet, as I'm not fan of rolling. However, I am thinking of using them as replacement for points. I.E. using the 1-2-3 force point cards as example for army building at x force points. Any thoughts on this?
  13. Hey. My friend likes to run khornate daemons, but hasn't had much success with them. Any particular hints or tricks I can pass on to him?
  14. Has anyone tried to run a clans pestilens list in meeting engagements?
  15. Funny how that Barricade spell shows up so often. A simple idea, but most likely the best one. As my army is themed after Tomb Kings, my grand court has to be Blisterskin. Its only thematic after all.
  16. Does anyone have a bit of experience with Meeting engagements? I am trying to work on a list centered around a Ghoul King on Zombie Dragon.
  17. So I guess these rumour engines point to the slug mount.
  18. art added because it contains a Plaguebearer using a slug mount.
  19. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/08/14/narrative-play-in-the-generals-handbook-2017-aug14gw-homepage-post-4/ Stuff for narrative play. I do love that Time of War, though it looks like they're still location specific.
  20. I need that Bullgor set. It seems perfect to round out my Warherds.
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