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Everything posted by PraetorDragoon

  1. Yes. Getting frustrated when your prediction is correct.
  2. GW could do FOMO spearhead boxes with book releases, but I wouldn't expect more than 1 evergreen spearhead box per faction.
  3. While it is not going to happen, It would be cool if the Dawnbringer boxes had spearhead rules.
  4. Not really. Squad based games (like aos) and skirmish games (like warcry) have a vastly different feel when you actually play them.
  5. In 40k there were rules for the original combat patrols at first, then with the new codexes the factions got new combat patrols. I would expect a reboxing, and new ones when the releases roll out.
  6. Why does Spearhead get the more interesting Battle Tactic system?
  7. Weird indeed. For Leviathan, the index release schedule was first the rulebook, followed by leviathan datasheets, then tyranids/marines, then a rollout of the other factions, and closing with the points and combat patrol.
  8. You are way off, because the last interations of the 40k and AOS largest tier of starter sets did include scenery. For example, the AOS Extremis edition starter, which is currently still for sale. Now, the Launch boxes did not include scenery. I doubt that would change. A miscommunication and people mistaking the launch set and the starter for each other is more likely.
  9. One thing to note is that the leviathan launch box did also contain combat patrols, but not all units could go in those patrols I would expect the same for the aos launch box.
  10. According to the articles, Manifestation Lores are in addition to your spell lore. So there is no competition on listbuilding with other non-manifestation spells. You pick the ones you might potentially benefit from. Will you cast them in many games? Maybe, maybe not. There might be a point where casting them is beneficial instead of other spells, and you can do so at no points or listbuilding costs. Another point is that the Weirdnob does not have a warscroll spell. There is also the question if spells like Mystic Shield are going to be a CORE spell for everyone, or if those are going to be in a generic lore.
  11. Its secretly the Gnabzabbler, an overcharged with azyr magic goblin who has stolen some lightning from Sigmar. (or so the story goes) Not like points have ever been that indicative of the power of Endless Spells. I hope for some more variety than "moves and deals mortal wounds" though.
  12. Ah fair. I forgot about that. I wonder what the endless spells scrolls are this time.
  13. It is possible all current existing endless spells get scrapped for a new set of generics that play better with logistics.
  14. I clearly misread it. I thought you were referring to a similar concept in other games for warcry. My bad.
  15. For some reason those non-mask/faceplate helmets seem wrong on those Stormcast.
  16. IIRC there were also some other worms, including one taken over by Khorne and one with a bunch of orcs. It shouldn't stop goblins from having som worms.
  17. Shu'gohl, or the crawling city is a city of sigmar in Ghur build on the back of a massive crawling worm. It featured in two black library novels so far. Edit: That Roving Clans picture makes me want to do another run of Endless Legend.
  18. I wish they were, but nope. Thralls and Reavers have different sprues.
  19. This might be my least favourite preview so far. Lets hope that the Path to Glory missions are less of a snoozefest.
  20. I doubt it will matter much. Small brawler heroes simply lack damage and means to apply this damage to enemies. Dying fast is the least of their problems. The AOS rules simply aren't setup to make small brawler heroes shine.
  21. So there is this interesting disconnect regarding foot heroes. On one hand, players and designers don't want Herohammer. They want to have AoS be around units, and not heroes, which is a fair design constraint. On the other foot, foot heroes tend to have the most personality. They show up the most prominent in lore, and are often the most interesting to write/read about. (or just pick up to paint) They also are the choice where most customisation (rules, lore, your dudes) tend to happen. So we end up with a type of unit that people want to be cool and good, but not good to overshadow regular units. I don't think this can be resolved under current or previewed rules.
  22. Grombindal the legend gets legend rules. I see no problem there.
  23. It saddens me if they keep trying to write rules around the situation they want to make, like the "unit attacks after hero attacks" special rule some heroes have, rather than doing something more simple that would make the situation they want.
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