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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. Well I think yoir comparing stormvermins and clanrats per model. sure Stormvermins have a slightly better stats, but what makes the clanrats much better objective grabbers is their points. for a unit of 20Stormvermins you pay 240p, in comparison a max unit of clanrats costs 40points cheaper, gains the horde bonus of +1 to the hit and wound role till having lost 11 models and have more wounds then Stormvermins in total, meaning that they will keep the objective save for 2-3turns, if you’re lucky. a unit of 20Stormvermins that have a 4+ save as long as they have 10 or more models can easily be dispatched in a single round of shooting or combat making them much worser than clanrats. If you compare them points wise. Now dont get me wrong Stormvermins aren’t bad at all. Taking them in units of 40 will mean, that they’ll kill units of with devastating result , as long as you charged with them and didnt get charged! Buffing stormvermins up will be great but unlike clanrats you don't want them to hold objective, especially if they are taken as a unit of 40, because those 450p really want to kill something, desperately, to make up for their cost. so If you really want to take a unit of Stormvermin, then just take them. I wouldnt go fully out on them because you really want some cheap units like clanrats to protect those 40very expensive Stormvermins from charges, and holding objectives. anyways had a game today, with the same list I used against sylvaneth, with a slightly different choice of artifacts and traits. And well shortly put it was a blast (my warlock bombardier approves) edit: will give you guys a report in a few minutes or maybe tomorrow.
  2. Well if they would have thrown out all finecast/metal/ bad looking models, there wouldn’t be much left. the range would literally consist of a Warlock bombardier, that isn't for sale yet, clanrats, Stormvermins, plague priest and on plague furnace, all Grey seer types (including thanqoul), those 4Verminlords, doomwheel, warplightning cannon, Stormfiends, clalword and hell pit abomination. loosing basically 75%of the army would have been a massive hit to the skaven faction that wouldn’t keep much of it’s original taste of madness and scientific horrific weapons. I think gw decided to keep them, because of the range that is made out of fail-cast etc. Is basically what makes the skaven so unique, losing them would basically mean loosing the skaven range.
  3. Before the first ghb launched, wounds was the way to calculate the army size. something that was most of the time very, very unbalanced. sure it was a time where monsters ruled the table, but in a game where there are basically no restriction like having to have battleline, there was basically no reason to even consider taking the casual units like darkshards, dreadspears, clanrats etc. a fight between 100clanrats and 100Swordmasters is basically a very unbalanced game , with the victor decided before the game even has started. so some form of points for legends units would be cool, especially when trying to fight some kind of a very fluffy campaign in the city of pillars or karak eight peaks, how it is named by the dwarfs.
  4. So Ive been playing a game of aos 2000points today, against sylvaneth. My list consisted of: heroes:600p 1Verminlord warbringer:280p(general; Brutal fury; Rune blade (artefact of chamon) 1Clalword:100p(devious adversary) 1Grey seer on screaming bell:220p(deathfrenzy) battleline: 850p 2x40Clanrats:400p 40Stormvermins(450)p others: 2xWarpfure thrower weapon teams:140p 3Stormfiends:260p(flamer; rattling; doom flayers) endless spell:40p doom bell:40p total points:1990p my opponent had a Treelord ancient, 60dryads (2 units of 30 each), 2 units of 3 hunter something with glaives, the new special hero and some kind of a witch thingie hero, oh and some battalion, which affects never really seemed to have taken part in the battle for some reason. and befire I forget to mention her, drycha was also a part of the army. We played total conquest. my opponent, who finished setting up first, chose to go first, something I didnt expect to happen. his first turn was rather mutual easy, with which he basically summoned another wood and moved everything up slowly. Drycha and one of those hunter units showed up, with which my opponent chose not to charge his units, instead he kept them next to the objective, which I didn't hold yet. Drycha in the other hand tried to snipe out my Bombardier who laughter silently vanished after he was mortaly wounded down to a single wound remaining (brutal). at the end of his turn he gained 2victory points. In my turn the ratogre, tiredly swung the screaming bell, which got an additional 5 movement to its move characteristic. The grey seer tried to cast deathfrenzy onto my Stormvermins which failed miserable, he them tried to summon the doom bell and failed again, although being near a gnawhole and gaining the buff, not able to find somebody to blame his failure, he climbed a bit up his bell in hopes nobody would notice him, Skreek the Verminlord, laughed as his underling failed his attempt to cast, while failing as well, and started blaming the bombardier next to him for disrupting his corrupted spell. the mad scientist, then tried to cast mmmwp, failing as well, but was unable to blame anyone, since the clanrats swiftly, moved away from him. in the movement the tide of backstabbing rat-man, run-scurried forward, truing to gain the control of the objective, at the left flank, while my red guard (Stormvermins), swiftly followed my soon butchered clanrats, but keeping a certain distance , in hopes to engage the enemy with a cunningly planned ambush from the back. My Verminlord moved up but kept his distance from Drycha, or any enemy units, waiting and scheming for the right moment. The mad scientist, angry of his failure in the arts of the corrupted magic, he adds another rocket into his launcher, while laughing mad as he envision drycha burning to death, while dying surprised as he notices a cut of wire. laughing- squeaking in the distance Skaa bloodtail, who tried to keep up with the grey seer, in case the prophet should run-scurry away. At the end of my turn I gain the controll of the objective at my left flank and right flank, gaining 3victory points thanks to the endless hordes of clanrats, take-stealing the objective from drycha, Yes-yes😋. with the gaze of the great horned rat, I gain my luck back and steal-take the initiative. The screaming bell toll in triumph, giving every skaven wizard in my army a bonus to the casting throw. full with corrupted power, my Verminlord finally is able to summon the doombell, and succeeds casting dreaded deathfrenzy, on my clanrats and stormfiends. the grey seer amused about the death of the scientist, casts mystic shield onto himself, succeding with a magnificent 13(-6). seeing how the masterful schemed plan seemd to carry fruits, the clanrats scurry-charged into combat with the hateful tree-thing called drycha, his dryads and those hunters thingies. My stormfiends and the Warpfire thrower got in range with their shooting attack killing of 16dryads, but dying in exchange from a miscalculated red button pressing. on the my left flank I almost loose the entire squad, thankfully 13of them survive keeping his hunters and drycha in combat. The meathsields holding the line on my right-side are more immune to the attacks of his hunters and dryads, and only loose a couple of worthless skaven life's, but in exchange eat-gnaw almost ten dryads to their wooden bones. My second turn ends with a score of 5-3. on my opponents second turn, he kills of my remaining glorius clanrats which kept half of his army in combat with, and shreds through my clanrats on the right side with his glaive equipped hunters. (they did 20 whole wounds 3of them😵😵) Scared but unable to move my Grey seer screams in frustration at his rat ogre who kill-slays another 2dryads. Taking back what was ones theirs my opponents scores 4points, bringing him up to 7to my 5. As my luck hasn't run out yet, I get the next turn again, and My Bell tolls an 11 bringing doom on his army (or so I thought) knowing that my Verminlord might die to a treelord ancient I cast dreaded deathfrenzy on himslef and my remaining 3Stormfiends, My red guard who were waiting for their opportunity to kill-slay what the pitiful weak-meat was unable to gnaw to death, they move up to the dryads, surrounding them in a glorious last stand, held up by dryads, the Stormfiends shot their way out by almost killing of the remaining 20dryads. freeing themself for a masterful planed assault into the hunters hiding themselves in the woods. My Verminlord who saw how weakened Drycha was from dodging the swift rosty blades of his underlings, He charged arrogantly into the fray. Inspired by his devastating charge my Stormvermins, scurry-run into battle with his dryads and hunters on the right flank. I activated his command trait gaining another 3attacks per weapon he has and popped his command ability, with which he then strikes Drycha, beheading her and holding his trophie high up in the air, laughing at the pitiful attempt of dodging his attacks. instead of being scared in any way the hated hunter-things, cut through my Stormvermins with a ferocity and anger, killing of a bunch of Stormvermins, with which 28remained. brought into a frenzy by the tolling bell my Stormvermins attack back killing of the last remaining dryads, and a single hunter. Having lost a objective and gained the controll of anothere that was conyrolled by my enemy, I gained, another 3victory points. throwing me up to 8-7. In my opponents third turn he moved his Tree-lord ancient up, teleported his unit of spirit-things that were studying the gnawhole that magically appeared, and took my Objective at the right flank back in my territory were I had nothing left. He then charged my Vermin-lord, who he just barley kill, thanks to his piercing branch that somehow found the daemonic heart of the corrupted Rat-daemon in front of him. Skreek knowing that his demise is near, starts tumbling like hell, Scratching everything and anything in his way, but sadly doesn't take down the Tree-lord ancient with his attack, and Vanishes in the shadows, believing his enemy to have given the killing blow. Afterwards, we rolled of for turn 4 and he won the role off. Knowing that there was literally no way of winning the game, I conceded. It was a fun game and I think we both really enjoyed it, not only that but have learned a few things of each others armies. pro and contras about stormvermins: Well where should I start, stormvermins are an interesting unit. they can put out a lot of damage, although have problems taking any kind of punishment themselves. I think where stormvermins shine is mostly a game where your opponents underestimates them, luckily this is basically almost every time, especially if you tell them how squishy they are. they are also great units for punishing anything that has a 3+ save, something Plague monks will struggle fighting against. They are also rather easy to buff thanks to bonuses that can be given from the clawlord, warbringer and clawlord on brood horror (especially the last one since his command ability allows you to choose the same unit for gnash gnaw on their bones multiple times). Where the so fantastic looking verminus shocktroops suffers is in point efficiency. they are very squishy, can’t take a lot of punishment, and need immense babysitting to survive a charge or even shooting, something that isn't really easy but can be done. The other problem I see with stormvermins is that they basically become useless when they hit 19 models or less. they are great but loosing the bonus, from their allegiance ability, makes them worser then clanrats, and thats something we really don't want to see happening with the stormvermins at a pointcost of 120points per 10models. So yeah that mostly it. as for Stormfiends, well I cant really say much, since my bombardier exploded in and from that greenish mushroom, cloud, I doubt he’d have had any chance of coming back. they did great against the dryads, thanks to some great roles (which would have been a blast if my warlock was still alive) but didn't do so great in combat against the hunters. so yeah, I really think they will have potential. They wont upright kill any target for me, but can do some devastating damage across the game, and most people seem to fear them more then any other units, so thats great I guess.
  5. Well, if you asking me of painting 300++ models in one day, then good luck. in any other way, I’ve been painitng my skaven models with basicaly the base colors and a shade, while priming them brown. with this paint-scheme I am able to paint around 80 clanrats in 3-4hours.
  6. And with the doom-bringing bell I’ve finally finished my 2000points skaven army. the only thing I have to do now is the basing, and some highlights on my stormvermins.
  7. Smashing and bashing allows you to activate another unit immediately after a Ironjaws units has destroyed something, meaning the locus of Diversion will be ignored in sich a case
  8. Well luckily the time I needed for the movement phase has decreased a lot lately thanks to all of those companies who make and sell movement-trays. should I make it to the etc next year, you’ll probably recognize me, even without knowing my face.😂
  9. The mass never really bothered me. I actually like it more then painting up the elite units, because of the mass the skaven can be brought nobody really will notice the missing highlights on your common troops, and 120++painted models look so amazing on the table, especially when you basically paint your heroes at a level that significantly better then that of your common troops.
  10. I painted around 200clanrats. Never made it to 300+ Clanrats, although beeing the owner of arounf 500of them.
  11. Yeah and now you know why nobody bothered to deep-strike there stuff, although the chance never was there at the beginning anyway
  12. Well You havent met the people who fought my 320clanrats list but I fully agree with you. Moulder has some strong units that get often underestimated. I mean nobody would see giant rats as a thread till their units get gnawed to death by them, or the hellpit was laughed at last time by a friend of mine who played stormcast, till he noticed how much damage it can deal in one round.
  13. There has been no news what so ever about the tome. literally nothing since it was shown to us last time
  14. I consider Stormfiends as a distraction unit, or better said a unit that surprisingly does better then most people think. Their are so many people out there that believe Stormfiends, Stormvermins, and weapon teams like the warpfire thrower as useless, because they basically never played against itSince the last few tournaments, the slaven have been seen played with tons of plague monks or the non horde way of taking 60clanrats a ton of wizards with warpgale and the warplightning vortex endless spell. bring something else and youll find most players unprepared.
  15. Never underestimate the skaven, Yes-yes. We may not be seen as a true chaos faction in some Eyes, but the truth is we don't really care anyways. We-we do what we want. we slay-kill who stands in our way. We watch-wait till the timte has come, for Us-us to rise-scurry to victory. Chosens by the gods, man-things say, great at destroy-killing stuff they-they say-squeak, Cunning like-like no other, stupid manthing squeal-squeak. Fool-thing they all are-are. Soon soon the rats will scurry-scurry to-to war, showing the Ever-things what true- True power means-means!! Yes-yes fear-fear the danger from beneath.
  16. Its funny how they literally discontinued one of the best high aelven faction. And a very popular one indeed
  17. Well, I mean you could always take something out from the bitz box, like some kind of a free guild banners, or instrument and switch it out with the rune banner or instrument the thunderers technically have, and boom the unit is now converted which will allow you to take them as free people gunners or something. And in the end probably nobody will complain because a converted model with small or big changes is still a conversion.
  18. Thanks for the tipp, although I already have a way of painting clanrats (4min. per model) My army is also already finished, and tournament ready. and the idea was well meant for all players, doesn't matter what armies they play (there are more then just a few people who have well problem with painting in total. one might not have the time, and others dislike painting, but would love to participate on some events) Now Im not saying that you have to take the road I have written about, but it is more like an idea that can literally be called rubbish (if you want to do so) and ignored
  19. Well I really like the idea you have @TimM85, although there one thing I would maybe change. Painted minis look awesome on the table, still there are people around the world who would love to participate on a event or tournament, but cant because their minis aren't painted, and without enough time, because somebody is studying is brains out or most of his free times gets spend in work this be something that is a far wish. So what would be cool is to allow those people with unpainted minis to the event and those who painted theirs get some extra bonuses like, some bonus starting points, that helps them when the ranking of the players gets announced.
  20. It would be interesting, and maybe even possible. afterall there talk about a certain pact and if I’m not mistaken, then Sigmar had one of the children and followers of Gork (or Mork) for a certain time. thereS just one tiny problem. the trailer specifically talks about a pact of bones, which is well something I am not sure has any relation with the free cities of Sigmar or any order army in total. then again I’ve never heard that Nagash had a treaty with this brutal barbaric Ogres really!
  21. Well in 40k taking first turn never really meant for me a victory, then again I’ve been playing khorne Daemons in that game and have literally lost every single game with them. too much shooting against something that doesn’t survive shooting at all I guess😅
  22. Hi guys, I was thinking a bit since the day when most of the aelves were well cut, and I was thinking of making well a City of aelves battletome. the idea is to basically make generic Aelve warscrolls, like for example Aelvish hunters with greataxes (white lions and wildwood rangers) and basically give them the option of choosing a certain keyword that shows what god they specifically worship granting them some buffs that makes them different in total. There are a few ideas I have in specifically, and since I finally graduated, and well will have to serve my country (sadly, and not really since I will be able to gain some legal cash, something most students can only wish for) in some kind of social duty’s Time probably won’t be a problem. But as it is, I would start with the project after I know how popular the free city tome is ( in other words when it gets released), should it well be not as well received, I guess there won’t be anything standing in my way. now don’t get me wrong this’ll just be a fan made tome, free of charge but probably will be unusable in most to nearly all events or tournaments, especially those held by Gw
  23. And the bell of doom cracking into the realm of mortals, bringing despair and destruction to anyone, that stands in the way of mighty Queek Headtaker and his Hordes of relentless backstabbers. so what do you think guys?
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