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Everything posted by kenshin620

  1. I assume only "always" Battleline units. This is it's own allegiance, it's not Nighthaunt nor is it LoN (though the latter doesn't matter since that really only affects Grand Host of Nagash).
  2. The Jug Lord is actually fairly new. I was referring to this As for Juggernauts, for some reason GW decided they're not daemons despite literally being daemons and they don't feel like changing that. Meanwhile a slightly diseased horse is a daemon!
  3. Great conversion! If I'm honest I'm curious if the Classic Mounted Lords will survive next tome. Khorne was long gone, Slaanesh just got axed, and Tzeentch while still existing is super niche and outdated (I'm sure many people forget the Fatemaster exists). Harbinger of Decay lucked out and had a pretty useful warscroll.
  4. Yea I suppose. I just want more centigor love! I need new models! I believe that nothing technically stops allies from taking items, it's just that they normally can't take items since GA items get locked out. But I never really thought about it.
  5. Well in a word, rough! The current Slaves to Darkness army is a bit half baked, with really old warscrolls and a General's Handbook Allegiance that results in an army that is a bit more like a supplement to the 4 Gods rather than a standalone thing. But all signs point to Everchosen/Slaves to Darkness update soon-ish (I'd wager July-August?)
  6. I think if you want to run a lot of marauders, slaanesh works well. Exploding 6's with flails can stack on some decent hurt.
  7. Forbidden Power has an Allegiance that has Fyreslayers and KO. To me it sounds like Firestorm 2.0 (slight alt of GA Order) so I don't expect anything too crazy, but it may be an option.
  8. Another thing to keep in mind is that whenever slaves to darkness get updated, they'll probably get improved warscrolls which will likely have some affect on all the god armies. Like the Slaughterbrute.
  9. I think they may do something where you can only take 1 terrain warscroll per army, so either altar or penumbral. Or it ends up as another Magewrath Throne.
  10. Rat Ogors are pretty good. Giant rats seem great with their "range" but aren't all that punchy. Of course HPA are really punchy but random movement can be the bane. Stormfiends don't benefit from buffs but are your only dedicated shooting. May want some magic though, so either a masterclan general or bring the clanrats.
  11. Mix with a brayshaman using direflock for even more bravery bomb.
  12. You'll need more battalions to get more Magmadroth traits, unless it's Lofnir
  13. You forgot the most important tribe of them all AoS players against SCE players. Heyooooo!🤪 You know if theres one thing I need to see is how this paint works with non-citadel paints/primers. Curious if anything odd happens.
  14. We all know what unit you're referring to, don't have to hide! 😉 Methinks though the simplicity (relatively) of AoS points would start to get compromised with additional costs especially since AoS is limited to Multiples of 10. Would it help "balance" the game? Maybe. But then it would go down the entire rabbit hole and then soon command groups cost points, weapon choices costs points, shields costs points, artifacts, etc...and then we'd have WFB. Which would be great cause I got plenty of square bases ready to go!
  15. I mean if I has to rewrite some things, here are some of my ideas for Fan Rule Buffs to make standalone BoC more interesting. This is just some of my half baked ideas. Allegiance Changes Greatfray Changes Battalions Units Endless Spells
  16. Yea Coal Heart seems great, I mean Ironjawz love their Command Trait for Rend protection. And you can have as many as you want without need to have a command trait? Sign me up!
  17. The only problem with that is that it's pretty easy to go over the ally limit. Heck they already talked about bringing Magadroths which eat more than 200pts already! Unless mercenaries follow a different set of point allocations, which would seem even weirder. Regardless I'm interested to see what FEC can bring to other armies even if they lose out on the spell lore, feeding frenzy, and deathless courtiers.
  18. 120pts may be too low, 140-150 seems more realistic Not really sure if horde discounts matter either, running 12 seems very unwieldy. That's just asking to get debuffed to hell (especially with a bravery bomb)
  19. Interesting that FEC is one of the "mercenaries" specifically pointed out for Forbidden Power. If you can still summon I think a Archregeant would be a good magic option for non-death armies as he also packs in extra goons, unless they do something extra in terms of bringing them (like require a "50-100" point tax for mercs or something, or remove summoning)
  20. Yea they'll make good alts. But also why aren't Ruinstorm daemons available in AoS yet!
  21. That sounds like a bad idea then for all the space marine/sce players! It's all armor!
  22. I mean that is kind of the point of Warcry as per the designers, to show a 'different' side of chaos. It does sort of make sense in a way, just because you're Unmarked chaos doesn't mean you're Nosrca 2.0 or a Spikey Knight.
  23. Unfortunately if you go clanrats, you have to go all clanrats as battleline. Stormfiends and Acolytes lose their battleline status in mixed lists. So either the clanrats have to go or you add in a 3rd clanrat unit.
  24. For Lofnir 2k, is 3 Runesons on Magmadroths a good number? 2 Coal Hearts and 1 Ashheart. The only problem is that they really want to be near each other to benefit from both Ashheart and the Runeson reroll hits.
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