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Let's chat : Maggotkin of Nurgle


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1 hour ago, Turragor said:

I've been thinking similarly. 2 things I'm pondering as I paint up a bunch of stuff very slowly are:

1) Sorcerer. The entire core of any and all damage (for the  most part) is the drones with blades. That sorcerer is target prio 1 for the enemy and isn't so durable.

2) The demon prince. Kind of a similar thing. Rather weak as a locus. But I'm open to having my mind changed there.  I was considering having the GUO gallop along with them as the locus (or taking horticulus for a bonus tree).

A final note - I'd probably just take 1 unit of nurglings and maybe another sorcerer with blades.

Why two sorcerers with blades, rule of one would make second redundant?

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2 hours ago, Turragor said:

I've been thinking similarly. 2 things I'm pondering as I paint up a bunch of stuff very slowly are:

1) Sorcerer. The entire core of any and all damage (for the  most part) is the drones with blades. That sorcerer is target prio 1 for the enemy and isn't so durable.

2) The demon prince. Kind of a similar thing. Rather weak as a locus. But I'm open to having my mind changed there.  I was considering having the GUO gallop along with them as the locus (or taking horticulus for a bonus tree).

A final note - I'd probably just take 1 unit of nurglings and maybe another sorcerer with blades.

I have used horticulous accompanying  drones with success. He always runs so can keep up with drones. Has good rend and is a tank! 8 wounds, 3+/5++ plus he can offer some tactical flexibility by being able to retreat and do MW. And he heals them if any models die..the only downside is he is more expensive than a DP and can't take artifacts. 

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59 minutes ago, Fredster001 said:

Why two sorcerers with blades, rule of one would make second redundant?

Well I was thinking of a backup blades caster if one is offed, mainly. Not using it the same turn.  You could also have one stay nearer the drones to recast and one near the pbs if you feel they could do with a dose instead.

I just feel that blades is getting a lot of attention as a method of doing damage and most good opponents will know this long before I've even finished painting my army and test played it!

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So in a last minute crazy alignment of the stars I'm going to Adepticon and entering the sigmar GT!!!!

now I have to decide if I want to go competitive or field models I have converted and painted and spent lots of time on..

And if I do go competetive  do I run a max debuff list with plaguetouched warband..or offensive list with glotkin general and blight cyst???! Ahh I'm gushing.. but I'm so pumped and my wife couldn't care less so I had to gush to someone!!!!!

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How's this list for mixed nurgle?

Allegiance: Nurgle


Lord of Blights (140)

Harbinger of Decay (160)

- General

- Command Trait : Resilient

- Artefact : The Splithorn Helm

Sorcerer (120)

- Lore of Malignance : Blades of Putrefaction

Festus The Leechlord (140)

- Lore of Foulness : Magnificent Buboes

Great Unclean One (340)

- Artefact : The Endless Gift

- Lore of Virulence : Sumptuous Pestilence


10 x Putrid Blightkings (320)

5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)

5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)

3 x Daemon Plague Toads of Nurgle (120)

3 x Daemon Plague Toads of Nurgle (120)


Blight Cyst (220)

Total: 2000 / 2000

Allies: 0 / 400

Leaders: 5/6 Battlelines: 5 (3+) Behemoths: 1/4 Artillery: 0/4

Wounds: 146

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3 hours ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

So in a last minute crazy alignment of the stars I'm going to Adepticon and entering the sigmar GT!!!!

now I have to decide if I want to go competitive or field models I have converted and painted and spent lots of time on..

And if I do go competetive  do I run a max debuff list with plaguetouched warband..or offensive list with glotkin general and blight cyst???! Ahh I'm gushing.. but I'm so pumped and my wife couldn't care less so I had to gush to someone!!!!!

Blightguard is also so tanky no?

I am going to play with that list:

Allegiance: Chaos

Lord of Plagues (140)
- Artefact: Rustfang 
Sorcerer (120)
- Artefact: Muttergrub 
- Lore of Malignance: Blades of Putrefaction
The Glottkin (420)
- General
- Lore of Malignance: Rancid Visitations
Gutrot Spume (140)
Festus The Leechlord (140)
- Lore of Foulness: Plague Squall

5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
- Nurgle Battleline
5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
- Nurgle Battleline
5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
- Nurgle Battleline
5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
- Nurgle Battleline
40 x Chaos Marauders (200)
- Axes & Shields
- Mark of Chaos: Nurgle

Blight Guard (200)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 164
gurgot+5 blight for a flank, and im going to play with 2 or 3 blightthrees for speed. Festus heal the glotkings and glotking cast místic shield themselves and +1 wound to the marauders. The marauders can do really good work with mortal wounds and the army is very resilent in genreral. The spells rest armor to thhe enemys and the bloghtkings reroll 1 to hit and 1 to wound.

What do you think?

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46 minutes ago, Iradekhorne said:

Blightguard is also so tanky no?

I am going to play with that list:

Allegiance: Chaos

Lord of Plagues (140)
- Artefact: Rustfang 
Sorcerer (120)
- Artefact: Muttergrub 
- Lore of Malignance: Blades of Putrefaction
The Glottkin (420)
- General
- Lore of Malignance: Rancid Visitations
Gutrot Spume (140)
Festus The Leechlord (140)
- Lore of Foulness: Plague Squall

5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
- Nurgle Battleline
5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
- Nurgle Battleline
5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
- Nurgle Battleline
5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
- Nurgle Battleline
40 x Chaos Marauders (200)
- Axes & Shields
- Mark of Chaos: Nurgle

Blight Guard (200)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 164
gurgot+5 blight for a flank, and im going to play with 2 or 3 blightthrees for speed. Festus heal the glotkings and glotking cast místic shield themselves and +1 wound to the marauders. The marauders can do really good work with mortal wounds and the army is very resilent in genreral. The spells rest armor to thhe enemys and the bloghtkings reroll 1 to hit and 1 to wound.

What do you think?

With that many BK units why aren't you running the Harbinger?

i agree the marauders might be dangerous with Blades but they'll die to a stiff breeze, plus you'll be lucky to get more than 10-12 in combat?

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7 hours ago, Fredster001 said:

I also don't rate Maggotkin battalions, too much cost for too little gain. A resilient army like ours doesn't need the 1 drop gain. Far better to plough points into units.

Thats also true...  But the new Battletome of nagash have much cheaper batallions, maybye they reduce the price again????

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2 hours ago, FRoper said:

what do people think of this 1000pt list. How could it be iomproved to make it more competitive. 

Harbringer of decay (General)



5x blightkings


3 plaguedrones

2 gorebeast chariots

I don't think those plague drones are very useful. Plague drones need demon hero near them (for +1 attack) and while harbinger fills that role, he has to babysit your slower blight kings. I would replace drones with something else. Pusgoyle blightlords are better stand-alone option if you got points. Haven't used chariots so don't have any opinion about them.

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Guys i finally managed to do some games With cyst and plaguetouched.

General Thoughts:
- 2 wizards are needed in order to keep control on the cycle, one dies too easily, 3 found them a bit too much since they are pretty slow moving
-cycle 1-2-6 are really amazing, 3 is far too random, 5-7 are good but situational
- gnarlmaws are cool on t1-2 then they become almost useless, expecially against melee army. I think that 3 is all i will buy for quite a while

Pt list thoughts;
-harbinger is necessary for me, witherstave is good
- loa Kinda depressed me a bit, was expecting a bit more, maybe i just rolled badly
- sorcerer is very meh
- festus is ok but still slow and still low range, i think buboes/squall are good spells for him
- sorc lord is still a good option
- 14 kings are far too much in one unit. Also they don't do the damage i expected at all for a 480 point unit
- knights are really tough and fast
- grandfather's blessing is a really useful trait, basically a free "spell" once per game

-harbinger is not that needed, is a bit expensive in this list. Still is good
- lord of blight is so useless without being the general, almost every turn you will run With kings so no shooting. And his attack didn't go off once.
- 30 kings are too much and more bodies are better, will try to fit 25 in
- while gutrot is good he is better against certa in armies, was completely useless against sylvaneth
- loa was a bit unimpressive. The reroll 1 is nuts tho

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1 hour ago, shadowgra said:

Guys i finally managed to do some games With cyst and plaguetouched.

General Thoughts:
- 2 wizards are needed in order to keep control on the cycle, one dies too easily, 3 found them a bit too much since they are pretty slow moving
-cycle 1-2-6 are really amazing, 3 is far too random, 5-7 are good but situational
- gnarlmaws are cool on t1-2 then they become almost useless, expecially against melee army. I think that 3 is all i will buy for quite a while

Pt list thoughts;
-harbinger is necessary for me, witherstave is good
- loa Kinda depressed me a bit, was expecting a bit more, maybe i just rolled badly
- sorcerer is very meh
- festus is ok but still slow and still low range, i think buboes/squall are good spells for him
- sorc lord is still a good option
- 14 kings are far too much in one unit. Also they don't do the damage i expected at all for a 480 point unit
- knights are really tough and fast
- grandfather's blessing is a really useful trait, basically a free "spell" once per game

-harbinger is not that needed, is a bit expensive in this list. Still is good
- lord of blight is so useless without being the general, almost every turn you will run With kings so no shooting. And his attack didn't go off once.
- 30 kings are too much and more bodies are better, will try to fit 25 in
- while gutrot is good he is better against certa in armies, was completely useless against sylvaneth
- loa was a bit unimpressive. The reroll 1 is nuts tho

You really hit the nail on the head! I concur with all these points. I haven't tried the cysts yet the high price tag keeps me away. Have you tried a PT list with some points for summoning to make use of the gnarlmaws late game? 

I have tried the glotkin as general for my last few games and the lack of a command trait, and the loss in durability is hard for me. I want my harbinger back lol. It's even better now because spume takes a band of merry men off yonder..so I'm not trying to jam my entire army in the 5+ love bubble. Plus having a non-named character hero (a rarity in rotbringers) is nice for artifact holding.

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54 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

You really hit the nail on the head! I concur with all these points. I haven't tried the cysts yet the high price tag keeps me away. Have you tried a PT list with some points for summoning to make use of the gnarlmaws late game? 

I have tried the glotkin as general for my last few games and the lack of a command trait, and the loss in durability is hard for me. I want my harbinger back lol. It's even better now because spume takes a band of merry men off yonder..so I'm not trying to jam my entire army in the 5+ love bubble. Plus having a non-named character hero (a rarity in rotbringers) is nice for artifact holding.

No i don't like summon via new book so i think that furies became much more valuable for us than PBS (summoning OFC not on the field)

Also all our options for daemon summon are fairly expensive too (120 for 10 PBS is crazy high).

Ye harbinger is king. Really good hero and can take all the traits and artefacts so max flexibility in him. I surely won't play plaguetouched without him unless i am playing some tricky lord on daemon mount list, the 50% resistance increases it provides is so massive.

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What do people think is more useful to a Nurgle Mortal army? Marauders or Warriors? Looking to use my Blightkings in a single unit so want another battleline choice to fill out the ranks.

Both will benefit from the Harbinger, and Warshrine, as well as the Blightking's healing

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3 hours ago, Soldier of decay said:

Does the LoA Virulent discharge ability make the BK virulent discharge trigger twice? It’s worded differently so I wonder if that is the intent.

I was ready to dismiss your question until I actually read the wording ...and I'm not sure where I stand. That is a really interesting way to word it for sure. So you roll a dice for each unit that is within 3 of a friendly unit with this ability...that kind of sounds like  it does

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7 hours ago, Lucio said:

What do people think is more useful to a Nurgle Mortal army? Marauders or Warriors? Looking to use my Blightkings in a single unit so want another battleline choice to fill out the ranks.

Both will benefit from the Harbinger, and Warshrine, as well as the Blightking's healing

I am a big fan of 10 man marauder units. Really cheap unit that can sit on backfield objectives, screen and block. They aren't even that slow with the plus 1 to run and if you are charging with them you are probably using them wrong anyhow (unless tagging a unit on the corner to tie them up). 

Warriors work better in bigger units. But cost much more points. Marauders do battle line better as cost less so more points for your bigger hitters. 

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I know I post on this page a lot. (Probably to much) but this is the list I'm kicking around taking to Adepticon. It's debuff to the max. Sloppity seems like an odd add but he has a -bravery bubble to stack with the carrion dirge to make glotkins -1 t hit horrific opponent rule go off easier and was a cheap hero for artifact holding. (Witherstave is just to good to leave off the table)

alernativly I could drop sloppity, give witherstave to harbinger, get an exalted hero of chaos to carry the dirge and add 7 mauraders (28 to 35). So I would lose the -1 bravery bubble, but gain 7 mauraders. Please any help in shaping this list would be helpful!!! 

Harbinger of Decay (160)

- General

- Command Trait : Grandfather's Blessing

 Artefact : The Carrion Dirge


The Glottkin (420)

- Lore of Malignance : Blades of Putrefaction

- Lore of Foulness : Magnificent Buboes


Bloab Rotspawned (260)

- Lore of Malignance : Gift of Contagion

- Lore of Foulness : Plague Squall


Gutrot Spume (140)

Sloppity Bilepiper (100)

- Artefact : The Witherstave


5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)

5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)

10 x Putrid Blightkings (320)

28 x Chaos Marauders (180)

-Axes & Shields
- Damned Icon
- Mark of Chaos : Nurgle


Plaguetouched Warband (100)


Total: 2000 / 2000
Wounds: 159

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5 hours ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

I know I post on this page a lot. (Probably to much) but this is the list I'm kicking around taking to Adepticon. It's debuff to the max. Sloppity seems like an odd add but he has a -bravery bubble to stack with the carrion dirge to make glotkins -1 t hit horrific opponent rule go off easier and was a cheap hero for artifact holding. (Witherstave is just to good to leave off the table)

alernativly I could drop sloppity, give witherstave to harbinger, get an exalted hero of chaos to carry the dirge and add 7 mauraders (28 to 35). So I would lose the -1 bravery bubble, but gain 7 mauraders. Please any help in shaping this list would be helpful!!! 


Allegiance: Nurgle


Harbinger of Decay (160)

- General
- Command Trait : Grandfather's Blessing - Artefact : The Carrion Dirge

The Glottkin (420)

- Lore of Malignance : Blades of Putrefaction - Lore of Foulness : Magnificent Buboes

Bloab Rotspawned (260)

- Lore of Malignance : Gift of Contagion - Lore of Foulness : Plague Squall

Gutrot Spume (140)
Sloppity Bilepiper (100)

- Artefact : The Witherstave


5 x Putrid Blightkings (160) 5 x Putrid Blightkings (160) 10 x Putrid Blightkings (320)

28 x Chaos Marauders (180)

-Axes & Shields
- Damned Icon
- Mark of Chaos : Nurgle


Plaguetouched Warband (100)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Allies: 0 / 400
Leaders: 5/6 Battlelines: 4 (3+) Behemoths: 2/4 Artillery: 0/4 Wounds: 159



Bloab and glottkin only learn 1 extra spell so you have to choose between the two you listed.

What i like:


The idea of glott+bloab+plaguetouched+gift


28 marauders

What i do not like

Bilepiper: he is  pretty terrible, buffs no one and a simple -1 bravery is achievable by taking some knights (that are an awesome unit)

10-5-5 blightkings are too much, they are pretty slow And you don't have enough bodies. I would take some warriors/marauders and a fast unit like knights or marauders horsemen

Finally i think that you could drop bloab or glott in order to have more points BUT i like the idea of having them both. Also because if glott charges you can have bloab's spell trigger another time with a bit of luck.


Try to fit in a poxbringer with favoured poxes, it is another really strong debuff you can add on top of the others!

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12 hours ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

I know I post on this page a lot. (Probably to much) but this is the list I'm kicking around taking to Adepticon. It's debuff to the max. Sloppity seems like an odd add but he has a -bravery bubble to stack with the carrion dirge to make glotkins -1 t hit horrific opponent rule go off easier and was a cheap hero for artifact holding. (Witherstave is just to good to leave off the table)

alernativly I could drop sloppity, give witherstave to harbinger, get an exalted hero of chaos to carry the dirge and add 7 mauraders (28 to 35). So I would lose the -1 bravery bubble, but gain 7 mauraders. Please any help in shaping this list would be helpful!!! 

Harbinger of Decay (160)

- General

- Command Trait : Grandfather's Blessing

 Artefact : The Carrion Dirge


The Glottkin (420)

- Lore of Malignance : Blades of Putrefaction

- Lore of Foulness : Magnificent Buboes


Bloab Rotspawned (260)

- Lore of Malignance : Gift of Contagion

- Lore of Foulness : Plague Squall


Gutrot Spume (140)

Sloppity Bilepiper (100)

- Artefact : The Witherstave


5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)

5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)

10 x Putrid Blightkings (320)

28 x Chaos Marauders (180)

-Axes & Shields
- Damned Icon
- Mark of Chaos : Nurgle


Plaguetouched Warband (100)


Total: 2000 / 2000
Wounds: 159


Why take Glottkin if he's not general? I'm pretty sure his command ability is at least the cost difference between him and a GUO. 

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Just now, hughwyeth said:

Why take Glottkin if he's not general? I'm pretty sure his command ability is at least the cost difference between him and a GUO. 

This is something I ask myself whenever I look at this list.. but there are some and I'm open to change it. 

The biggest being that it is my best paint job on any model ever. I spent week painting him and another week just on his base. He is the reason I won runner up best painted army at NOVA last year. Besides that.. has a butt load of wounds, does pretty decent damage, turns the marauders from fodder into a legitimate threat (doubling wounds and possibly providing blades), has a REALLY good shooting attack if he isnt dropped below the first tier, and I love his -to hit bubble now that its based off 2d6.

I have played a few games with this list without the harbinger with glotkin as the general. I dont mind it.. but he isnt nearly as durable without the 7" bubble of 5++ love. I get skiddish of taking a list to a big tournament without that protection.. but maybe its just a crutch.. because I tend to overthink it and stay within that warm bubble of safety and it isnt conducive to a game where mobility and  objectives are king. 

If I scrap the PT warband altogether I'm inclined to take something that is a bit more thematic for my army and maybe less competitive but fun and with no lynchpins. Wouldnt matter if I went first or second.. and the enemy could focus on taking out one or two things that would significantly degrade my ability to control objectives or do damage.. 

Horty would roll with the drones. festus would chill with the EGUO and blob of Plaguebros. Kings and spume harass.

Exalted Greater Daemon of Nurgle (500) 
- General 
- Command Trait : Pestilent Breath 
- Artefact : The Endless Gift 

Horticulous Slimux (220) 
Festus The Leechlord (140) - Lore of Malignance : Blades of Putrefaction 
Gutrot Spume (140) 

6 x Plague Drones (400) 
5 x Putrid Blightkings (160) 
30 x Plaguebearers (320) 
10 x Plaguebearers (120) 

Total: 2000 / 2000 
Wounds: 127

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40 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

This is something I ask myself whenever I look at this list.. but there are some and I'm open to change it. 

The biggest being that it is my best paint job on any model ever. I spent week painting him and another week just on his base. He is the reason I won runner up best painted army at NOVA last year. Besides that.. has a butt load of wounds, does pretty decent damage, turns the marauders from fodder into a legitimate threat (doubling wounds and possibly providing blades), has a REALLY good shooting attack if he isnt dropped below the first tier, and I love his -to hit bubble now that its based off 2d6.


Dude I'm in the same position. Painting the scenic base now and then the big boy himself. I got him when I built a list a month before the tome was released, so when the tome come out it threw a spanner in my initial list! I think he's a great choice for general in a plaguetouched warband. I'm thinking a list with him as general, a sorcerer, 10/15(14) knights and gutrot+10 blightkings for deep strike as a core. Then probably another 40(35) marauders. They'd be the target of the +1 wound spell from GK  and they just engage whichever is the most important enemy units. Just rely on their mortal wound output from the battalion ability. Gutrot+knights are a nice board control option. Then probably some chaos warriors as some resilient smaller units.:

Allegiance: Nurgle

The Glottkin (420)
- General
- Lore of Foulness: Plague Squall
Gutrot Spume (140)
Festus The Leechlord (140)
- Lore of Malignance: Blades of Putrefaction

10 x Putrid Blightkings (320)
- Nurgle Battleline
40 x Chaos Marauders (200)
- Axes
- Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
10 x Chaos Knights (320)
- Ensorcelled Weapons
- Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
- Slaves to Darkness Battleline
15 x Chaos Warriors (270)
- Hand Weapon & Shield
- Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
5 x Chaos Warriors (90)
- Hand Weapon & Shield
- Mark of Chaos: Nurgle

Plaguetouched Warband (100)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 181

Have you got any photos of your GK?  I was also thinking of magnetising Otto and Ethrac's feet so they can alternately be played as a Sorcerer or Lord of Plagues on their own seperate 32mm bases. Having magnetised my GUO, I'm thinking it should be easy enough!


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1 hour ago, hughwyeth said:

 was also thinking of magnetising Otto and Ethrac's feet so they can alternately be played as a Sorcerer or Lord of Plagues on their own seperate 32mm bases. Having magnetised my GUO, I'm thinking it should be easy enough!


Picked these two up off of eBay and made foot heroes as well. 

Did some converting and green stuff work as well.even made my lord into a lady of plagues. Overall I'm pleased and almost ready for paint. 

Fyi: LoP is on a 40mm.

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