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Let's chat : Blades of Khorne!


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While I dont dissagree with the statements it is very important to know/be informed about the Bloodsecrator and understand how much flexability is obtained with the model by using massed infantry units. The term 'daisy-chaining' most certainly is very relevant to us still and also one of the few things that allows Khorne armies to have an advantage over other armies as placement is key.

While I really like Brass Stampede plans or other large based plans, they are about as good as there are places for them to get to. This is much less of a factor for any model on a 32mm base or smaller. However I still do feel that Bloodreavers in particular could have the 25mm bases and this way remained more relevant. Alternatively I wished Garrek's Reavers was a Bloodreaver upgrade option.

It's also because of this that units like Blood Warriors or even Wrathmongers can become really good when placed well. Blood Warriors their biggest advantage in my opinion remains their 32mm base whilst having the norm good stats. Which allows them to really thuck in chaff with a 4+ save or worse. Likewise Wrathmonger placement is a deal maker/breaker for their usage.  The bigger the base the more difficult specific battles can become and this does really matter in an experienced event that also has sufficient scenery.

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Brass Stampede always been a powerful list, just that few people are ready to buy and paint so many juggernaut. But the mortal wound shower without being tied to any hit-roll (so no debuffable) and working even with one model, the speed of the army and the global "ignore spell on a 4+" can make it very annoying to face.

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15 hours ago, ledha said:

Brass Stampede always been a powerful list, just that few people are ready to buy and paint so many juggernaut. But the mortal wound shower without being tied to any hit-roll (so no debuffable) and working even with one model, the speed of the army and the global "ignore spell on a 4+" can make it very annoying to face.

I think in general the idea of painting so many of any single unit is not fun. But its a lot less than doing a swarm of reavers/warriors/letters

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I don't feel like obtaining Juggernauts is an issue.

I think a lot of people that start a mortal khorne army get the SC at least 2 times for the priests and Blood Warriors. A couple more Juggernauts and you can field a minimum Brass Stampede. (which in my opinion is sufficient)

What's hard to come by, are Khorgoraths... I feel the offers on the second hand market are often unreasonable and rare due to demand.

Besides some little core rule adjustments in the GHB2018 (no shooting at targets that are farther away than 3" if locked in combat and/or targeting single non-monster/non-behemoth characters with shooting gets -1 to hit) them getting their own little box is a desperate wish for this year.

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2 hours ago, Xasz said:

I don't feel like obtaining Juggernauts is an issue.

I think a lot of people that start a mortal khorne army get the SC at least 2 times for the priests and Blood Warriors. A couple more Juggernauts and you can field a minimum Brass Stampede. (which in my opinion is sufficient)

What's hard to come by, are Khorgoraths... I feel the offers on the second hand market are often unreasonable and rare due to demand.

Besides some little core rule adjustments in the GHB2018 (no shooting at targets that are farther away than 3" if locked in combat and/or targeting single non-monster/non-behemoth characters with shooting gets -1 to hit) them getting their own little box is a desperate wish for this year.

Agreed, before I ever ran skullcrushers at all I already owned 9 just from sets :P

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On 02/04/2018 at 6:41 PM, Xasz said:

Not necessarily.

At Adepticon and LVO there was a guy with a Brass Stampede + Gore Pilgrims list, who placed rather well. (you can watch two of his games on Warhammer TV's VODs if you are a subscriber)

He placed 9th at Adepticon and 10th at LVO and was the best Khorne player at both events.

This does not necessarily mean that this is the best list out there (and some people consider the US AoS scene less competitive than the UK's) but there is more than the Bloodletter circlejerk out there.

Do you mind sharing his list?

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Kudos to him. I appreciate he's probably a far better player and list-writer than I am, but that list looks sooooo thin to me. I usually like to have at least 2 units of 20+ (preferably 30) and lots of other scary stuff running around! 360pts in battalions makes me really anxious haha.

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6 hours ago, Roark said:

Kudos to him. I appreciate he's probably a far better player and list-writer than I am, but that list looks sooooo thin to me. I usually like to have at least 2 units of 20+ (preferably 30) and lots of other scary stuff running around! 360pts in battalions makes me really anxious haha.

he still have 141 wounds,nearly only on multi-wound models rocking a 4+ save with anti-spells or regeneration ability. Not the easiest to shift !

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8 hours ago, Roark said:

Kudos to him. I appreciate he's probably a far better player and list-writer than I am, but that list looks sooooo thin to me. I usually like to have at least 2 units of 20+ (preferably 30) and lots of other scary stuff running around! 360pts in battalions makes me really anxious haha.

I too get scared with hardly any models on the board! I've ran a similar list for a while now but replaced a couple things so I could fit in 30 Bloodletters, works really well, probably win 4 out of 5 games with it.

personally I don't see an issue with using the two battalions, they are both super powerful and not too hard to make the points worth it! And I could very well see them coming down a little in points next GHB, so the list will only get stronger :) 

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Inspired by the list mentioned above that finished really well in Adepticon i came up with a slight modification. Any input?

Allegiance: Khorne
Lord Of Khorne On Juggernaut (140)
- General
- Trait: Violent Urgency 
- Artefact: Gorecleaver 
Slaughterpriest (100)
- Blood Blessing: Killing Frenzy
Slaughterpriest with Hackblade and Wrathhammer (100)
- Blood Blessing: Killing Frenzy
Slaughterpriest with Hackblade and Wrathhammer (100)
- Blood Blessing: Killing Frenzy
Bloodsecrator (120)
- Artefact: The Brazen Rune 
Daemon Prince of Khorne (160)
- Artefact: The Crimson Crown 

5 x Blood Warriors (100)
- Goreaxes
10 x Bloodreavers (70)
- Meatripper Axes
3 x Mighty Skullcrushers (140)
- Bloodglaives
- Khorne Bloodbound Battleline (Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut General)
3 x Mighty Skullcrushers (140)
- Bloodglaives
- Khorne Bloodbound Battleline (Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut General)
3 x Mighty Skullcrushers (140)
- Bloodglaives
- Khorne Bloodbound Battleline (Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut General)
30 x Bloodletters (270)

5 x Garrek's Reavers (60)

Brass Stampede (180)
Gore Pilgrims (180)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 139


Using Garreks Reavers to fill out the last 60 points and to perhaps hold an objective/zone around the secrator. This list becomes even more powerful if we get the "Daemon" keyword of the juggs since everyting benefits from the crown then. Also gave the general Violent Urgency to ensure all the charges as there is no Stoker in the list.

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3 hours ago, Pompe said:

This list becomes even more powerful if we get the "Daemon" keyword of the juggs

Love the list bud! Im hoping the same but feel free to ask the AoS Facebook page. I doubt anyone is interested in Age of Sigmar Khorne at GW these days. 

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1 hour ago, Killax said:

Love the list bud! Im hoping the same but feel free to ask the AoS Facebook page. I doubt anyone is interested in Age of Sigmar Khorne at GW these days. 

Because of other priorities? Khorne is the most widely played chaos army isn't it?

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1 hour ago, Xasz said:

Tzeentch is more popular than Khorne (by a huge margin) at tournaments.

But what about general public? I'm assuming a lot of players dont go to official tournaments

I've never been for example


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1 hour ago, phizzco said:

But what about general public? I'm assuming a lot of players dont go to official tournaments

I've never been for example


That is an impossible to answer question, as no one has perfect knowledge about this.

In my own gaming group I'm the only Khorne player out of 10+ total AoS players, but obviously everyone has a different experience.

I personally would guess that many players started with Khorne in the beginning of AoS but play something different now. (e.g. AoS has more options now)

On top of that, due to the great Start Collecting boxes, there is rarely a need to pick up the starter set when you start an army. (ergo, less Khorne because you can pick what appeals to you directly, this was formerly a lot harder for GW games)

EDIT: Another thing might be the lack of spells. Newer players might get the info from more experienced players that spells are rather powerful. An army that has no business using these might not seem appealing to a new player. 

If you start a new army and have no idea about the different factions and what play style you will enjoy the most, you'd tend to pick something that is strong in all aspects of the game. (or is just straight up visually appealing to you) Khorne is neither very unique in it's visuals nor is it strong in shooting or spells.

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13 hours ago, JonnyTheKing said:

I too get scared with hardly any models on the board! I've ran a similar list for a while now but replaced a couple things so I could fit in 30 Bloodletters, works really well, probably win 4 out of 5 games with it.

personally I don't see an issue with using the two battalions, they are both super powerful and not too hard to make the points worth it! And I could very well see them coming down a little in points next GHB, so the list will only get stronger :) 

Could you show us your list with a Letterbomb please mate?

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12 hours ago, phizzco said:

Because of other priorities? Khorne is the most widely played chaos army isn't it?

I wouldn't say it is. As Xasz also said, Tzeentch is way more popular at the tournament scene and due to recent updates I think Nurgle has taken over the casual popularity of Chaos too. Which was the case in 40K allready.

Not to get salty but the prime reason I think Khorne is completely off the agenda is the lack of a Khorgorath kit 3 years in, the Errata/FAQ only adressing potential issues to non-Khorne players and further complete lack of character development, in particular Khul. Who did recieve some books but nothing of that comes remotely close to what he does in-game.

The Shadespire unit is funny but I was hoping for 80 points for what are 3 Blood Warriors and 1 Fleshhound. Now that unit is 120 I see no use for it.

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4 hours ago, Killax said:

I wouldn't say it is. As Xasz also said, Tzeentch is way more popular at the tournament scene and due to recent updates I think Nurgle has taken over the casual popularity of Chaos too. Which was the case in 40K allready.

Not to get salty but the prime reason I think Khorne is completely off the agenda is the lack of a Khorgorath kit 3 years in, the Errata/FAQ only adressing potential issues to non-Khorne players and further complete lack of character development, in particular Khul. Who did recieve some books but nothing of that comes remotely close to what he does in-game.

The Shadespire unit is funny but I was hoping for 80 points for what are 3 Blood Warriors and 1 Fleshhound. Now that unit is 120 I see no use for it.

Here's hoping that we see one once the new starter set comes out and replaces the current one, but I don't see it


i could see it happening once World Eaters are released in 40K as I could easily see the Khorgorath getting ported over as it's a cool model with cool rules and would fit World Eaters. I think we can expect a few new toys when that day comes though, most likely a couple new heralds like Nurgle has gained

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1 hour ago, ledha said:

It's interesting, and sad, to see that magore's fiends have a worse gorefist rules that the blood warriors (need a 4+ save instead of a sucessful save)

Yes, what's up with that? The should fix the warscroll asap or change it for the normal Blood Warriors also to 4+. 

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