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Everything posted by phizzco

  1. I just seems strange that you would be able to activate an ability that requires a unit not be dead, after it should already be removed. I understand that no respite and relentless fury trigger when something dies but rather than be treated as a standard attack, it would view it as a special ability. Obviously this isn't as written, but seems like an oversight by the writers.... I'll definitely take advantage of this when I can regardless.
  2. Is this accurate? Is leave none alive an ability to allows a unit to attack before being removed? I play khorne myself and love this if its, in fact true, but this seems wrong.
  3. What did you run most recently? Against what army did you play? What was their composition? What was the battleplan? Thanks!
  4. I'd imagine this stuff will be re-tuned. If not i'll.... just not play with people that play slaanesh lul. I dont have any friends right now that play them so I don't have much exposure.
  5. where do you buy the bases for these dioramas , like the round one you have for your megaboss for example?
  6. Sorry I'm thinking blood lords I guess, with the halo?
  7. I think we talked about this earlier but Tyrant's ability would neutralize Locus and make the units act as normal.
  8. AOS space marines are always going to have all the cool things because they're space marines.
  9. I havent seen GW proper do upgrade packs in a LONG time. Thats been FW's territory.
  10. I feel like blood crushers are the "resilient daemon' you need to get out ahead and tarpit enemies for your fragile BLs to get in... either that or a slew of doggos.
  11. What do we do against a shootcast list or a heavy razordon list of seraphon?
  12. Command points might be more worth it than magores
  13. You saying this guy played an unofficial battletome and it was op????
  14. @DarkProdigy What does your army look like with 520 points in bloodwarriors?
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