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What would be the perfect AoS video game?

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What do u think would be the perfect AoS video game?

I would love to see a version of Warcraft 3/ Starcraft 2, but AoS. I just love base building and i think multiple races can be easily represented. Its an easy way of telling stories too and lots of cinematics. Give me some playable Fyreslayers, Ogor Mawtribes, Flesh Eater Courts, Idoneth Deepkin and some Slave to Darkness. Something a bit different from the basic humans vs undead vs orcs.

I could also be happy with a AoS Monster Hunter. Let me hunt Chaos Daemons, Undead and God Beasts instead. SCE also lend themselves to the many weapon and armour options.

And last but not least. Just because i love the genre so much. Give me a proper AoS Fighting game. Let me play Gotrek, Gordrakk, Archaon and all the other awesome characters we love. I think the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm engine would lend itself very well to what i have in mind here. That style of game could easily incorporate magic and other abilities. Soul Calibur style would also be great. Dont think a 2d style game would be good for AoS.

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I actually think a Dark Souls or Diablo-esque game would suit AoS particularly well and I think it would have a bigger chance of being a success than more logical genres like RTS or TBS games.

I‘m afraid for anyone trying to do a decent RTS game. As far as I can tell, no game comes close to SC and SC2 there and the genre isn‘t very popular these days either, turn-based strategy even less so (which I find would reflect AoS the best). 

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9 minutes ago, MitGas said:

I actually think a Dark Souls or Diablo-esque game would suit AoS particularly well and I think it would have a bigger chance of being a success than more logical genres like RTS or TBS games.

I‘m afraid for anyone trying to do a decent RTS game. As far as I can tell, no game comes close to SC and SC2 there and the genre isn‘t very popular these days either, turn-based strategy even less so (which I find would reflect AoS the best). 

I think RTS can still work well. But i think the 1v1 part is the problem here. 5v5 or battle royale games are all the hotness and just dont translate well to RTS games. If it gets somewhat redesigned to a 3v3 or 5v5 format i think it could be very popular in esports. People like to play with their friend nowadays compared to the single player basement dweller i used to be years ago and put in the work to git gut and obtain the micro. The FPS and Moba genres kinda destroyed 1v1 games. I do hope it get popular again some day. But game developers have to take risks and with the current game industry i dont think its very likely. Mobile games with lots of micro transaction targeted to casual players make way more money than an expensive AAA game that a few hardcore gamers like. 

That said. I do think small game studios with a passion for the genre could still revive it. How long has it been since we had a half decent RTS. I think SC2 was the last of its kind. I think it would have done better if it was just a single game without the expansions.

People do like skins and i think that could easily be done in RTS games. SC2 has actually done this in a way where u could change the looks of units a bit. I also think the generals idea that C&C Generals had was perfect and could be expanded upon. Make up some nice characters and make them play very different. People like to connect with the characters they play instead of just playing around with a few units. Just to throw in some ideas. I just hope the genre doesnt die. 

Blizzard did announce recently to have started on a new big game. I hope its an RTS and i hope they get to destroy some negativity surrounding the company and just make good games again.

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I don't want an RTS or a total war style game. I want to see something that engaged with the setting in a completely different way to the tabletop game. Give me a Witcher style game where I play as an agent of Azyr or a diablo style game. That game already has a very AoS adjacent vibe. Lilith and Morathi are very similar, Inarius looks very similar to the Celestant Prime,  there are different realms and Sanctuary is known as the mortal realm. There are leylines that hold the world together. The lead concept artist was Igor Sid who was also a gw artist. 

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I'm not sure what to answer, I like most of the games that are GOOD.

And that's my only issue with AoS games, they are cumbersome to play or uninteresting that, after a few hours, I don't want to play anymore.

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What is nexon building? Think i missed it.

15 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Now that I know what Nexon is building... I just want that game to be done properly and be enjoyable.


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40 minutes ago, Beliman said:

I'm not sure what to answer, I like most of the games that are GOOD.

And that's my only issue with AoS games, they are cumbersome to play or uninteresting that, after a few hours, I don't want to play anymore.

I have only played stormground. It was pretty bad and buggy.

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3 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

I have only played stormground. It was pretty bad and buggy.

I have to say that Stormground was more enjoyable than Realms of Ruin for me. It was repeatable as well, but as it was randomly generated and it has that Roguelike touch where you carry over progress it was pretty sweet for a longer time.

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Showing my age but something like Dynasty Warriors would be fun. Play as foot hero, run around and smash the realm gate, capture objectives, smash loads of chaff and fight some bosses!

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14 minutes ago, GrimDork said:

Showing my age but something like Dynasty Warriors would be fun. Play as foot hero, run around and smash the realm gate, capture objectives, smash loads of chaff and fight some bosses!


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Oh, you're talking about video-games, I got confused a bit at the start. ;)

I'm just looking for a fun one I can enjoy, it doesn't need to be "perfect" to me.

I'd like to have a single-player focused one, with possibility to completely personnalize my army / character (not just switching colors, changing gender, heads, and so on). It doesn't need to be a specific genre, to me (can even be a mix). Definitely NOT a "live-service" game, one that doesn't force me to be constantly online to play.

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  • Gaz Taylor changed the title to What would be the perfect AoS video game?

+++ Mod Hat On +++

I've just updated the title of this topic so it's a bit clearer about it being about Video Games!

+++ Mod Hat Off +++

I'll just echo some of the ideas here already but my thoughts are...

  • A game similar to Weird West, where you get a story told from the point of view of different characters and travel around doing quests and there may be bounties on your head if you break the law in some settlements.
  • A Dynasty Warriors type game
  • A Fallout or FPS RPG type game
  • A Metroidvania type game set in an abandoned city
  • A Open World action RPG similar to Breath of the Wild

The great thing about AOS is the setting. It's pretty much limitless and you could do any type of game or tell any type of story. Personally they need to stop with the tactical war games and try something different. 

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In my opinion a RPG would be great.
Various sorts can work, for instance a Diablo-like game could be fun.

But maybe the lowest hanging fruit is simply pushing Vermintide into AoS.
Especially now with the new edition being skaven-focused.

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I have long held that a dynasty warriors/musou style game would be a really good fit for AoS, either as a slightly more grounded thing where various non-unique heroes from different factions are playable, or a very over the top, bombastic game where you're playing as, like, nagash or morathi or whatever.  That style of game lets you easily spotlight a bunch of factions by including just one or two playable characters from each, and powerful heroes sweeping through hundreds of enemy warriors to single-handedly turn a battle is pretty AoS-coded in my mind.

The stormcast dark souls/action rpg idea is also a good one that's basically a perfect fit.  Basically just stop trying to make warhammer strategy/tactics games, imo, I already play warhammer for that, give me something with a different feel!

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2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Warhammer MMO for PC/Console in Development at Jackalyptic (wccftech.com)

Those are the two games in development based on my quick search yesterday.

I really hope that's an AoS MMO. I think an MMO would be the absolute best way to explore and show the mortal realms. There's some amazing potential for dungeons and raids based on the established locations and narrative events, and a GW2-like dynamic event system with gigantic meta events would be amazing to make the world feel alive.

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3 hours ago, GrimDork said:

Showing my age but something like Dynasty Warriors would be fun. Play as foot hero, run around and smash the realm gate, capture objectives, smash loads of chaff and fight some bosses!

Niceeee!! Didn't think about it. And you can flex a lot of characters.

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2 hours ago, Sarouan said:

Oh, you're talking about video-games, I got confused a bit at the start. ;)

I'm just looking for a fun one I can enjoy, it doesn't need to be "perfect" to me.

I'd like to have a single-player focused one, with possibility to completely personnalize my army / character (not just switching colors, changing gender, heads, and so on). It doesn't need to be a specific genre, to me (can even be a mix). Definitely NOT a "live-service" game, one that doesn't force me to be constantly online to play.

Something like Roguetrader, which has been pretty welcomed, could be interesting.

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Something that no one mentioned just popped into my head. What about a Tell Tale like game? Where do you have a narrative with choices? Focused purely on the storytelling with little playability, for those who don't know it.

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Said this in the rumor thread but I'll echo my thoughts here: I think a Space Marine style game is a perfect fit. Emphasize that a Stormcast is an eight foot tall knight with as many gear options as Space Marines have! Game could be one focused quest, or a quest that is interrupted by death and reforging. "Death and reforging" could be a lot of things, but it could be a way to show a passage of time or to have the protagonist jump Realms altogether! That sort of "getting reforged a lot" mechanic could be extremely cool in a deeper RPG with dialogue options or story choices: maybe Your Guy loses some conversation nuance, or maybe the morally grey options are unavailable to you after too many deaths. Maybe you don't get the option to help or save a person because your own moral compass has degraded a bit. 

I think a banger action game with no multiplayer component, DLC, or live service would do a ton to underscore what is cool about the setting. Set it in a crazy part of the Mortal Realms' terrain, emphasize sky dwarfs and other AoS specific stuff that really makes the setting shine. Make the game a length that feels like you got a whole story, but not so long that you don't want to replay it. Have some really interesting and memorable setpieces like Space Marine did to brand the setting in the audience's head. Leave 'em wanting more

I think leveraging multimedia well could springboard AoS's popularity after one phenomenal game. In my opinion, AoS is a canvas with more potential then a lot of other fantasy settings and does things that are cool and unique without being so tied to what has been "popular fantasy" in mainstream pop culture for awhile now. Greek and Norse mythology and Superhero stuff is all in the zeitgeist and AoS is a unique blend of all of it. There is a ton to like, and I'd like to see a studio take a swing at something that is extremely removed from "controlling squads of lil' guys strategically"

5 hours ago, Lucentia said:

I have long held that a dynasty warriors/musou style game would be a really good fit for AoS, either as a slightly more grounded thing where various non-unique heroes from different factions are playable, or a very over the top, bombastic game where you're playing as, like, nagash or morathi or whatever.  That style of game lets you easily spotlight a bunch of factions by including just one or two playable characters from each, and powerful heroes sweeping through hundreds of enemy warriors to single-handedly turn a battle is pretty AoS-coded in my mind.

The stormcast dark souls/action rpg idea is also a good one that's basically a perfect fit.  Basically just stop trying to make warhammer strategy/tactics games, imo, I already play warhammer for that, give me something with a different feel!

Oh gosh man a Stormcast Warriors game would take up so much of my time. Give you the "hero" stormcasts as options, wade waist-deep through skaven or chaos cultists just knocking 'em away ten at a time before getting your own self smacked by a Big Monster. If you ever played the first Hyrule Warriors, that game did a phenomenal job combining big Zelda monsters with hundreds of lil' shrimps. Seeing a Chaos Warrior champion standing head and shoulders above the sea of normies, slaughtering fistfuls of people as they go to fight each other would be such a vibe. 

Imagine a Warriors map that's split into two by Realmgates! Ah! So cool. Fight across Aqshy to make it through the portal to Ghyran and siege the enemy keep from within; that's unique even to the Warriors genre, and I think that's the sort of stuff that would help cement AoS as a unique and cool setting

5 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

I think a soulslike game would be the perfect game to hype the setting to the masses.

A soulslike would be so so so cool, but I also feel like it's the biggest gamble potentially. AoS has been aping souls-vibes for a bit, and I'd be genuinely concerned with a bad AoSouls game: it could have the backlash of "the entire setting is a bad souls knockoff," though it could also have the opposite effect of being a fantastic game that elevates the setting. If you gave me free reign, I'd try to work out how much money From Software themselves would ask for: might as well go big! It worked for TWW! 

A Stormcast Questor who has been reforged too much and sent on the sort of long solo quests we hear about occasionally would be a perfect Souls protagonist. Meet other quirky stormcasts who have been reforged too much, etc. The classic "depressed knight on a log"

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I would love an isometric rpg like Pillars of Eternity, Divinity Original Sin II, BG III and etc... with a huge selection of spells, skills, weapons, equipment and a game length of 100-200 hours. A party of 4-6 with a very good co-op mode. I think this would work much better than a Total War game. Lots op class options with SCE alone.

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A city builder game where you build your own Free city

AOS meets heldivers 2 - Lightningstrike into the fray, just love the idea of instead of drop pods you travel by lightning into one of Sigmars many enemies. Maybe a bit of Vermintide/Darktide mixed in.


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