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Happy enough with what I already have to finish painting (on a couple of projects I'm excited about, one of which even belongs in the Destruction sub-forum, so boo hoo for me).  Mostly sad that I'm now a grown human being and not a kid in a candy store any more.

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I'm fighting the urge to splurge: Archaon.
I've been haggling with someone to get the newest "Azhag the slaughterer" model. 

That and about 100+MDF round bases. 


oh; and I did get a good deal on the 'skeleton' starter box. Moratarch, Black knights etc. I just wanted to pain the damn Mortarch....so sue me

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Absolutely love the new models, but got waaaay too many models unpainted and unassembled already!

Will pick up the Grand Alliance book and possibly the new battle tome as well for completionist purposes.

If there turns out to be a small cute battalion, consisting of for instance 1 warboss, 1 unit of brutes and 1 unit of 'ard boys, I might pick those models up - just because of how amazing the new models are.

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9 hours ago, Malin said:

This is madness?!


Always loved the 40k Orks just not the WFB ones.  So yes, I'm descending into Madness.  Traded for 9 trolls and a troll hag too!  I plan to go big and beasty!!!

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On 26/04/2016 at 4:00 PM, domus said:

4 x Megaboss on Maw-Krusha
Wad blown, super happy though!

Outstanding....... Just like your opponent will be when you drop 4 MawKrusha on the table "out standing with tears in their eyes"

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57 minutes ago, Mitzy said:

Outstanding....... Just like your opponent will be when you drop 4 MawKrusha on the table "out standing with tears in their eyes"

That's why I love the pool choice setup so much.  I can scale my army up / down in power level to more evenly match what they bring. 

Archaon on the table?  Ya, you're probably gonna feel the might of destruction.
Just some fun army?  Leave those dudes on the side and rock the rest. 

Better gaming experience for all involved.  ;-)

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