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43 minutes ago, Xs_0013 said:

This is majorly helpful thank you! 

ithink I was just relying on brute force of warscrolls and hoping the Allherd bonus keeps my board presence relevant. 

I do have access to 20 bestigors, cockatrice, and the congregation so maybe I'll write a new list up with an eye for debuffing.  

what are your thoughts on a shaggoth to support the DrOgres? too much investment?

is gavespawn the best sub faction right now?

Drag. Ogs and Shaggoth both suffer from "the previous book" syndrome.

I am unsure if you saw their previous warscrolls but they were severly underpowered (Drag. Ogs at least, Shaggoth was ok for the price) which resulted in that FAQ making them cheaper and cheaper and cheaper.

Eventually you hit a point where even a weaker unit becomes amazing if its cheap enough for you to take lets say 12 of them. After all 5 wounds and 4+ save is great for grinding your way through, and when a unit of 3 costed something around 140 pts... flooding the board with them while taking 2 Shaggoths to back them and still have enough points for bunch of other stuff up was pretty common.

Now they finally have the dmg output you would expect from something that is a mix of a Ogor and a draconian. But due to how goodp they were previously (due to being cheap) they became rather overpriced. Especially the Shaggoth, which didnt get any significant stat boost yet is priced in a category where the big heavy hitters start to appear. Thats quite absurd.

The problem is also the fact for that price to be at least somewhat justifiable he would need the ability to cast and dispel 2 spells, not 1. Which he doesnt. Thats why running DO in bigger numbers is currently not viable. One basic unit of 3 as flank grinder is solid, two is expensive but can still work. And a Shaggoth is a no no until it drops at least 50-70pts and even then its still to expensive for what he brings.


About Bestigors, I am not  a fan of their current itteration. Too expensive and not enough dmg. But people here reported good results for a grinding unit. All out Defense + Beastlord buffing them and you get a solid anvil that can grind really well. But it needs some setup before that. Hence what I mentioned about breaking your army into "mini squads", that can operate separately while also working well together.

Tzaangors are the best offensive option in the book going by dmg per point cost. Good price, good Wound pool and high number of attacks that can be enchanced via Hero buffs and command abilities, or you debuffing your enemy. They`ve always been good, now they are even better thanks to the synergy.

I think Gavespawn is very strong yes. Simply because it allows you to fill out your whole battleline very easy, and those super spawns are not bad. Just their aura is tiny in range so they need to get in there properly.

Frankly there are better people here to give advise, especially since I plan to move away from my Beastmen due to space and time constraints and just how many I`ve collected over the years haha. Right now the Beasts of Chaos are in a good spot, althought almost everything in the book is somewhat overpriced. Once we get some slight price adjustments (20-30 points reduction across the board for all the stuff that went up by 50%+) they will be a great army to play.

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So my revised list might look something like this:





Gibbering Congregation 

Tzaangors x10

Tzaangors x10

Gors x20

Ungor Raiders x10

Ungor Raiders x10




puts me on 1990pts.

the Beastlord hangs with the gors and cockatrice

each shaman hangs with tzaangors, a ghorgon, raiders. 

a spawn goes with each group. so the army splits into 3 mini squads, each with support, chaff and debuffs. 

I'm sure I'll get a better feel for this as I play more games, I just dont have that much actual experience under my belt yet. 


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  • 1 month later...

Anyone tried the Quakefray monster spam at all?    I am for some reason strongly tempted by them; lately I've been doing all monster mash armies (SoBs, Bloodthirsters, Stonehorns, looking ahead to Stormcast Dragons).  The Ghorgons at being rend-2 with the herdstone, and one at rend-3 w the monster action is super awesome, and wow they get a bunch of attacks and damage!  I like the swallow whole potential too; with proper positioning, I could see even Immortis Guard/Morghasts going down vs a Ghorgon mob. 

I'd probably go with the Shaggoth as the General since he is tough and can heal decently, and somewhat decent in combat now.  Maybe with that Slakefray Reveller one for super fast monsters?

All I have right now is a Cockatrice.  



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Have used it as a fun army, including in a local 1 day tournament.

For max monsters I used 1 tzaangor shaman, 2 cygors, and 6 ghorgons. 

Only having 1 character for issuing orders is a limit. Tzaangor shaman's high speed helps.

Matchup dependant. Swallowing multi wound models (elite cavalry and such) is great. A couple of 1 wound models, meh!

Fun and visually great.

Thinking of swapping out some Ghorgons and putting in some giants. And possibly a Cockatrice. Gone off these lately. Started a bad run 11 games ago, no 4+. Maybe another character.


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Yup, had quite a bit of success with Quakefray.  The trick is to use a mix of units and not ignore the little guys completely.

1-2 Cygors is great, the mortals are obviously great in this general's handbook, the main problem with them is they aren't great at ambushing which is our main strength.

Similarly 1-2 Ghorgons is good, they do good damage but need support to be reliable (hero for re-rolls to charge and/or All out attack) so many more and they become a liability.

2-3 Chaos Gargant, just great.  Both a support piece and do some serious damage in their own right. Near a hero they are tossing out 10 attack including 2 rend 4, damage 4 headbutts (from turn 2).  Such good value for 150 points.

1-2 Cockatrice.  Fragile but with a game winning de-buff.

0-1 Shaggoths.  Wish there were better but 275 points is just nuts.  10 wounds and 4+ means they are hard to protect and fragile.  A utility piece but in an army of better utility pieces.

Then you need some bodies and heros to fill in the gaps.  I like 2 Great Shamans (maximise off-board bloodrituals) and 1 Tzaangor shaman (cheap mobile general).  1 Doombull is also nice to get the Cygor and Ghorgons charging out of turn.

Ungor and Hounds are the obvious choice to grab objectives and screen.  Both great value.

If you have left over points Enlightened on foot are a tasty unit for 90 points and combined with roaring monsters you can really shut down commands. 

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  • 4 months later...
1 hour ago, Myrdin said:

So, with Warhammer Old World being back and running, I heard some rumors that BoC will be nuked from future AoS ?

Not sure if that is to be believed but what say you ?

GW themselves confirmed it this week. I was pretty surprised that the rumors were right for once, but that is unfortunately the case.

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Why not keep them both ffs...

I had to rebase that army once already, and frankly I am not interested in the Old World game mechanics in the slightest to do it all again back to squares. Rank and file square formations and what not. And just when BoC was finally doing good, with a book that was actually competitive for once >__>

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Sad times for us goats. Just as it was getting good.

Once summer 2025 comes around, and I've had one last blast with my boys; I'm gunna take a look at the state of other potential armies to proxy as. Currently the thought is I can do some slight conversions and run a pretty decent Disciples of Tzeetch army. Or as many have suggested, Slaves to Darkness will cover a lot of like for like units (Gors as warriors, ungors for darkoath, etc)

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Well, i am not competing in big GW tournaments. So all this means for me is that i now KNOW there will be no new models instead of just being quite sure about that. 

Maybe(!) in three years i might not have working rules for AoS 5.0.

And not paying 40€ for rules i might not actually use untill then honestly sounds like a deal.

So yeah, surprisingly enough i am chill about this.

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