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AoS 2 - Slaves to Darkness 2 Discussion


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4 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

Got my first Mutalith assembled tonight!  Really not sure I want to glue the tails or warp-ball on though....thinking when I get my second one, I can use the tails from both to make the tentacly mouth on a custom third one, and one warp-ball to make a staff for my kitbashed Lord of Change...who will be allied in as their caretaker.  Are the points in Warscroll Builder at least accurate?

Probably Despoilers for the extra wounds?  Or Cabalists for better magic?  Tome is not arrived yet, but this one's for funsies of course, and pure Chaos! 

225....Karkadrak Lord (general, Tzeentch, Arcane Tome)

135....Sorcerer Lord (Tzeentch)

400....Allied Lord of Change (Levitate)

400..... 4 single Chariots (not sure what Mark, I think Slaanesh makes things able to charge 3D6?)

190....2 Sphiranxes (because I have them and striking first helps crappy units)

525....3 Mutaliths

50....Soulsnare Shackles  (to prevent some charging)

40.....Prismatic Palisade  (to prevent some shooting)

I'd recommend cabalist. The vortex will die if anything nasty gets them and the extra wounds won't do much about that.

If you're playing with the models you have it'll be a fun army and you'll have a great time. I think if you wanted to make it a bit more competitive, the karkadrak could either be dropped, or swap the chariots for some knights. Palasade will be tricky to position.

If you find that combat armies are getting into you, I'd drop the kark for some cheap heros, swap a couple chariots for iron golems, drop the palisade, and put in realm scourge.

There's a potential cool combo with shackles, realm scourge and daemon rift. Half their movement, mess up their charges, and make them eat d3+2 mortal wounds while the vortex also throws mortals and summons spawn and the LoC does range damage. Basically, the core of your list is already a magical gunline that doesn't want to be charged, so building a castle and denial further into your list plays into that strength.

Edited by Rors
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I Agree a littel bit with @Rors

Do u want to built a Despoiler List? A Monster List? Or A Magic List ?! Or just use the Minis u have ?!?!

My Despoiler List was that:


Host: Despoiler


Dämonenprinz  MdN, Axt           195 (BAT1)

General: Bolstered by Chaos

Artefact: The Conquers Crown

Dämonenprinz  MdN Sword      195

GThread:Radiance of Dark Glory

Chaos Wizzard  MdT      120 (BAT1)

Spell: Bindung Damnation

Chaos Wizzard Manticore MdT 265

Spell: Flaming Weapon


20 Chaos Warrior MdN 440 (BAT1)

Banner: The Ironic Icon

1x Horsmen MdN           105 (BAT1)

1xCorvus                            80 (BAT1)


Mutalith Beast  MdT      185 (Mons1)

Mutalith Beast  MdT      185 (Mons1)

Mutalith Beast  MdT      185 (Mons1)


Geminis               40 Punkte


1995 Punkte

6er Drop…

Or Caster/Cabalen List:


Allegiance: Slaves to Darkness
- Damned Legion: Cabalists

Leaders                      10 Zauber                 


DP       MdN                                                               195

Artefact: Arcane Tome

Spell:Flamming Weapon/ Spite Tongue Curse

Chaos Wizzard MdT                                                 120

Spell: Binding Damnation / Chaotic Condult

Chaos Wizzard MdT                                                 120

Spell: Chaotic Condult / Daemnic Speed

Chaos Lord auf Mount MdS                                     170

Spell: Flamming Weapon

Chaos Lord MdN                                                       115

Spell:Chaotic Condult

Chaos Sorcerer auf Manticore MdT                                    265

General: Master of Magic

Spell: Binding Damnation / Daemnic Speed


10 CW MdN                                                              220

5 Chaos Knights MdS Banner des Slaneesh            230

9 Corvus Cabale MdU                                              80       

3 Varanguars für MdN                                              290

Endless Spells & Invocations
Chronomantic Cogs (70)
Ravenak's Gnashing Jaws (60)
Realmscourge Rupture (60)

Total: 1995 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 0 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 0
Drops: 2


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Wondering if some Screamers might be good allies.  Super fast to intercept charges, and at 3 wounds each, not super easy to remove models.  I also like that they can cause MW for any type of move they do, and good for absorbing Unleash Hell if needed.  Can't think of an equally fast StD unit that's a good cheap screen; need something to keep up with Chariots and Knights to kinda block off undesirable interferences.

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34 minutes ago, Lord Krungharr said:

Wondering if some Screamers might be good allies.  Super fast to intercept charges, and at 3 wounds each, not super easy to remove models.  I also like that they can cause MW for any type of move they do, and good for absorbing Unleash Hell if needed.  Can't think of an equally fast StD unit that's a good cheap screen; need something to keep up with Chariots and Knights to kinda block off undesirable interferences.

The biggest issue using them for screens is their base size. Since they're on 32 mm bases they really don't block a lot of space at all, and even though they're 3 wounds they don't have much of a save so they'll still die pretty quick. Their high speed, flight, and small footprint do make them excellent for threatening undefended objectives, but not great for screening.

I think marauder horsemen are definitely worth considering. 5 cavalry bases make them excellent screeners if you don't mind seeing them sideways on the board, and while they might not be screamer fast they're still faster than knights. Plus with the -1 to wound it's even harder for the opponent to clear the screen with shooting. Definitely worth the 5 points over screamers in my mind.

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Had 2 games tonight. First game against Hedonites of Slaneesh, and the second against Clan Skyre of Skaven. I ran with this list.

++ **Pitched Battle GHB 2022** 2,000 (Chaos - Slaves to Darkness) [1,950pts] ++

+ Core Battalion +

Core Battalion: Warlord: Extra Enhancement: Artefacts of Power

Slaves to Darkness Core Battalion: Chaos Warband: Unified

+ Leader +

Chaos Lord [115pts]: Mark of Khorne, Reaperblade and Daemonbound Steel, Warlord - 2-4 Sub-Commanders

Chaos Lord on Karkadrak [220pts]: Chaos Warband - 1 Leader, Mark of Khorne

Chaos Sorcerer Lord [120pts]: Daemonic Speed, Mark of Nurgle, Warlord - 2-4 Sub-Commanders
. Arcane Tome

Chaos Sorcerer Lord [120pts]: Chaotic Conduit, Mark of Nurgle, Warlord - 2-4 Sub-Commanders

Slaves to Darkness Daemon Prince [195pts]: Daemonic Axe, General, Mark of Chaos Undivided, Radiance of Dark Glory, Vial of Mantivore Venom, Warlord - 1-2 Commanders, Wings

+ Battleline +

Chaos Chosen [240pts]: 5 Chaos Chosen, Mark of Khorne, The Banner of Rage, Warlord - 1-2 Troops

Chaos Knights [230pts]: 5 Chaos Knights, Chaos Warband - 4-8 Other Units, Ensorcelled Warhammer, Mark of Khorne, Musician, Standard Bearer

Chaos Knights [230pts]: 5 Chaos Knights, Chaos Warband - 4-8 Other Units, Ensorcelled Warhammer, Mark of Khorne, Musician, Standard Bearer

Chaos Warriors [220pts]: 10 Chaos Warriors, Chaos Warband - 4-8 Other Units, Hornblower, Mark of Nurgle, Murderous Weapons, Standard Bearer, The Eroding Icon

Chaos Warriors [220pts]: 10 Chaos Warriors, Chaos Warband - 4-8 Other Units, Hornblower, Mark of Nurgle, Murderous Weapons, Standard Bearer

+ Allegiance +

. Allegiance: Slaves to Darkness: Host of the Everchosen

+ Game Options +

Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost

Grand Strategy: Defend What's Ours

+ Malign Sorcery +

Endless Spell: Eightfold Doom-Sigil [40pts]

++ Total: [1,950pts] ++

The results after the first game are I had 2 units of Warriors and 2 Sorcerer Lords at the bottom of turn 2. I don’t know. I’m really frustrated. My Karkadrak lord once again did absolutely nothing. I have no idea how to deploy. I feel a general sense of frustration toward this game because my game plans never work.

I wanted to have my Chaos Warriors be tanks but I also want my enemy to come to me but I also don’t know how to encourage them to come to me and I want to counter attack with my Knights and Chosen but instead it all went completely backwards. I advanced with my Chosen turn one “BeCaUsE KhOrNe ChOsEn ArE sLoW”. They immediately got wiped bottom of turn 1 doing absolutely nothing.

My chaos Lord got wiped immediately although I had tried to use positioning to screen out from the deepstrike Sigvald. All I had left to deal with him was a Daemon Prince who I don’t even know what to do with in my list. I am not sure what his role is in my army I just love the new model.

My knights trickled in one at a time instead of slamming in as a unified fist with my Karkadrak. Only having 1 unit with 3d6 charge leaves another really vulnerable to not making it in. It is also extremely hard to get close enough to charge easily but stay far back enough in case of double turn.

I don’t know in my head it was he comes to me, hits a brick wall against my Warriors, Knights and Chosen countercharge and do massive work then go on the offense but I had to go first and I didn’t know what to do and he also had archers/ranged and yeah idk everything went backwards.

The second game was into Skaven and I did much better. I took some notes from some people and managed to strike as a fist, getting my Karkadrak Lord, all 10 knights, 2 remaining Chosen, 5 Warriors and another 8 warriors into combat with my Daemon Prince also fighting some clan rats (Lul) and probably would have shredded them in one brutal round of combat. Unfortunately I had to leave due to an emergency so I didn’t get to play it out. However I do have a picture of right before I had to leave. 

2 chosen murdered all but 2 ninja rats. They’re really brutal. If I can ever get all 5 in… or even run 10… they’re nasty. 

Knights are nasty on the charge. Low key wish we had Ensorcelled weapons though. Although I guess they kind of baked them into the profile cuz if they get charged they’re -1 rend 1 dmg which they (Ensorcelled weapons) used to be. Lances used to be no rend 1 damage if you got charged. 

They would have probably blown through the clan rats with the full profile, especially 10 knights. 5 might’ve done it then 5 consolidated into the stormfiends and idk done something allegedly.

Ultra tanky in melee for sure but honestly they hold up to shooting well too. Is there any sources to spread Rally or get a 2 for 1 or anything or only 1 unit at a time?



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Poor little rats!  They needed some Acolytes, Lightning Cannons and Doomwheels, like my Skryre army is getting.💣

I'm by no means a StD expert, haven't played with the new tome yet.  But I think combining the 2 Knights into a single unit could prove a good idea.  I think they could all still strike in 2 ranks since they're battleline and will be within 1/2" of someone else in base-to-base with the enemy.  That way they'll all get Daemonic Speeded at once, and truly wipe out pretty much everything they hit.

The Doom Sigil and Daemon Prince are questionable in this army, not sure what they provide.  I think a ranged MW endless spell would be better (Darkfire spitting one perhaps?) and some furry underpants Untamed Beasts for pregame move screening units maybe?  

The Chosen probably need to be Slaanesh for the run and charge, at least I think that's what the Mark of Slaanesh does.  Or have them run up with screen units around them.  Didn't realize how many points they are though!  They'll always be a primary target cuz ppl know they'll get clobbered if the Chosen hit home.

You can always save the Daemon Prince for a good roll on the Eyes of the Gods table too.

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3 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

Poor little rats!  They needed some Acolytes, Lightning Cannons and Doomwheels, like my Skryre army is getting.💣

I'm by no means a StD expert, haven't played with the new tome yet.  But I think combining the 2 Knights into a single unit could prove a good idea.  I think they could all still strike in 2 ranks since they're battleline and will be within 1/2" of someone else in base-to-base with the enemy.  That way they'll all get Daemonic Speeded at once, and truly wipe out pretty much everything they hit.

The Doom Sigil and Daemon Prince are questionable in this army, not sure what they provide.  I think a ranged MW endless spell would be better (Darkfire spitting one perhaps?) and some furry underpants Untamed Beasts for pregame move screening units maybe?  

The Chosen probably need to be Slaanesh for the run and charge, at least I think that's what the Mark of Slaanesh does.  Or have them run up with screen units around them.  Didn't realize how many points they are though!  They'll always be a primary target cuz ppl know they'll get clobbered if the Chosen hit home.

You can always save the Daemon Prince for a good roll on the Eyes of the Gods table too.

My worry about the 10 Block of Knights is my habitual inability to maneuver well around terrain and… in general. I really struggle with the movement phase which is why I find myself preferring MSU. 

I agree with the fact the Daemon Prince and Eightfold Sigil. I do own all the Endless Spells for that Malign Sorcery Bundle and the Slaves to Darkness. So that might be a viable solution. 

I am still struggling with using my Chosen and not having the die. I should probably build the next 5 on sprue… but I was ironically waiting for more Khorne heads to convert. That’s how committed to Khorne I am haha. 

Also one of my problems is this month is extremely financially tight and I don’t have exactly have a lot of funds to pump up my range. 

I believe I have 3 pretty strong lists right now but they each have the problem of me not actually having the models right now. As for my first list I have quite a few options on hand but I feel like none of them are great and over half of them will need me to shift my painting priorities around so I could fit said options into the list.

For my first list my on hand options are: 

1) Bloodstoker, Aspiring Deathbringer and the Eightfold Doomsigil which I do have built 

2) Chaos Sorcerer Lord and Eightfold Doomsigil which I ran today

3) Chaos Warshrine which I do own but is unassembled and would need painting and assembly to run

4) 2 Fomoroid Crushers which I also physically own and are sub assembled and would need painting and building

5) Ogroid Thermidons which are on the sprue in my new box… so need painting and building

The other lists need me to get a Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount, a Chaos Lord on Manticore (which I would be converting one way or the other in a massive kit bash and it would be like $150 all said and done probably), or buying 2 packs of Darkoath Savagers

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I've found a nice trick with warriors to to move them up to the objective turn one but instead of standing on it, just have one model put a toe into it, you don't even need that if you hold two +more already. It means you're pretty much guaranteed the extra attack if anything tries to take the objective away. This is also where warriors to well and force the opponent towards them. Mid-field objectives. I'm fine with a 220 point unit getting avoided if I'm getting a 1-2 VP lead each turn.

I do a similar thing with darkoath on the home objective, they take it, then usually hide in a near by objective to jump back into it if anything takes it.

On another note, I've not tried the new darkoath warcry unit but that seems playable for 160. No subfaction lock so you could potentially put them in cabalists to help the wizard or ravagers so that they can summon a unit after they come in from a board edge. They're a good utility unit.


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2 hours ago, Rors said:

On another note, I've not tried the new darkoath warcry unit but that seems playable for 160. No subfaction lock so you could potentially put them in cabalists to help the wizard or ravagers so that they can summon a unit after they come in from a board edge. They're a good utility unit.


For 160 they seem like a pretty fun unit and the fact their oath isn't too difficult to fulfill. Plus worst comes to worst you can just deepstrike them onto an objective or something if you don't think they'll do well in a fight (since they are a bit squishy) so I think they definitely have some uses.

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On 12/9/2022 at 9:20 PM, Grimrock said:

The biggest issue using them for screens is their base size. Since they're on 32 mm bases they really don't block a lot of space at all, and even though they're 3 wounds they don't have much of a save so they'll still die pretty quick. Their high speed, flight, and small footprint do make them excellent for threatening undefended objectives, but not great for screening.

I think marauder horsemen are definitely worth considering. 5 cavalry bases make them excellent screeners if you don't mind seeing them sideways on the board, and while they might not be screamer fast they're still faster than knights. Plus with the -1 to wound it's even harder for the opponent to clear the screen with shooting. Definitely worth the 5 points over screamers in my mind.

I think that cheaper and less efficient screen could be raptoryx:  25 pts cheaper, same base size but 6 models. They are sold with furies, another good option for screen. If a 2 units a furies get charged, one will survive (if there is no strike first/last in the equation).

The boxe is quite cheap and the models are quite recent.


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2 hours ago, Biboune said:

I think that cheaper and less efficient screen could be raptoryx: 

Hej they are cool too. There are a littel bit other parts i think:

Marauder are a littel bit faster

Marauder are Batteline

Marauder can shoot

Jes just vor blocking and a screen, raptoryx are maybe better but Marauder are a valide Option too.

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8 hours ago, Biboune said:

I think that cheaper and less efficient screen could be raptoryx:  25 pts cheaper, same base size but 6 models. They are sold with furies, another good option for screen. If a 2 units a furies get charged, one will survive (if there is no strike first/last in the equation).

The boxe is quite cheap and the models are quite recent.


Annoyingly enough having 6 models is their downside. Because of coherency rules 5 models can actually cover a lot more ground than 6, so the horsemen are still the more effective screen. A bit of a shame because I'd like to be able to use my raptoryx.

Edited by Grimrock
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Slaves FAQ dropped: https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/svsamFDWYszAvzJC.pdf

Nothing too surprising, but I do appreciate that they explicitly banned Khorne hero's from the Cabalists subfaction.  Additionally, if your hero got buffs from the Eyes of the Gods table, and then becomes a daemon prince, he keeps those buffs... which is nice I guess?

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1 hour ago, Bayul said:

So Arcane Tome for a Cabalist hero is redundant?

Yeah, but specifically only for Heroes that aren't wizards to start with. It seems like you can still double dip on a sorcerer lord and take it from  a 1 cast wizard to a 3 cast. Not sure why GW felt the need to target that one specifically but oh well. 

Everything else looks more or less like I expected. Thankfully they didn't mess with any of the Daemon Prince traits so my plans for running despoilers still work. I'm still hoping they update the other chaos FAQ's to close out the weird mark wording, but the book hasn't even been fully released yet so no rush. 

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I am very supprised that they didnt change the DaemonPrinz.

The Cabalist Kult is okay all ready, that the Hero who become a DP is taking evrything with it is lore and Cool.

I have at the Weekend a game against the Number 2 of Germany. He play SolblightGravelord. I come with this:


Allegiance: Slaves to Darkness
- Damned Legion: Host of the Everchosen
- Mortal Realm: Ghur
- Grand Strategy: No Place for the Weak

Be'Lakor, the Dark Master (355)
 Universal Spell Lore: Chaotic Condult

Slaves to Darkness Daemon Prince (195)*
- General  Sword - Wings
- Command Trait: Not to be denied
- Artefact: The Conquert Crown
- Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
Chaos Sorcerer Lord (120)*
 Mark of Chaos: Slaanesh
- Universal Spell Lore: Chaotic Condult (

Exalted Hero of Chaos (100)*
- Mark of Chaos: Slaanesh -Shield & Axt

10 x Chaos Warriors (220) *
 Hand Weapon & Shield

- Mark of Chaos: Nurgle

-Banner: NurgleIkone
5 x Chaos Marauder Horsemen (105) *
 Axes & Shield

- Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
10 x Chaos Chosen (480)*
 Reinforced x 1

- Mark of Chaos: Slaanesh

-Banner: Slaneeshbanner
5 x Chaos Chosen (240)*

- Mark of Chaos: Khorne

Chaos Warshrine (185)*      
 Prayer1: Universal Prayer Scripture: Heal
- Mark of Chaos: Slaanesh

Core Battalions
*Battle Regiment

Total: 2000 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 1 / 4
Wounds: 119
Drops: 2

Any tipps or ..?

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16 hours ago, ibel said:

I have at the Weekend a game against the Number 2 of Germany. He play SolblightGravelord.

Take notes, remember his comments and write a battereport.

If the brings Cado Ezechiar shut him down with Bel'akor and have a Wizard in range to unbind his spell. It's especially good againts CHAOS units.

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