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Warhammer - The Old World

Gareth 🍄

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"New models for the game will be released in Citadel plastic and Forge World resin, and they’ll join a whole range of resurrected and revitalised miniatures from prior editions of Warhammer Fantasy Battles – in plastic, resin, and metal – to make satisfyingly varied armies."

wow, didn't think they would try to sell even old metal stuff

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5 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

wow, didn't think they would try to sell even old metal stuff

Here is what happened :

Somewhere at Nottingham... :

"Sir, the WHFB fans want the classic models back"
"Alright, they want the WHFB models ? We'll give them the classic models then ! All of them !"
"But sir, even the metal ones ?"
"I said all of them !"

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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3 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

Congratulations @Public Universal Duardin for your army of choice (besides the obvious one) being reborn with a great hero/commander leading the charge. Inshallah one day we shall have the demonic engines of doom leading the charge in both TOW and AOS, but until then we can convert the Dawnbringer an into new knights of Bretonnia…..

To be a Chorf fan is one of patience and scouring ebay listings 🙏

But Bretonnians were my original love whose litanies of heroism included battles against cannons of dwarfs, chariots of Nehekhara and hordes of goblins (that is, the armies my brothers and friends owned). In the golden days of yore when the floor became a meadow of clover, styrofoam pieces walls the cowardly enemies of the Lady cowered behind and overturned Coke cans towers for heroes to duel on top. So seeing a new knight is, well, absolutely fantastic 😁

The Dawnbringer knights do open up some really interesting conversion ideas 👀

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So... They say that they'll focus on armies that are active during the period and the geographic area, but existing 8th ed armies will have rules support, so... What we can expect in each category?


- Empire / Kislev

- Bretonnia

- Tomb Kings

-  All chaos flavours

- Vampire Counts 

- Orcs and Goblins

- Dwarves

- Wood Elves

Not Supported

- Dark Elves

- High Elves

- Ogre Kingdoms

- Lizardmen

I'm not sure... Looks like except Lizardman all 8th ed factions could be supported... 

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4 minutes ago, Gotz said:

So... They say that they'll focus on armies that are active during the period and the geographic area, but existing 8th ed armies will have rules support, so... What we can expect in each category?


- Empire / Kislev

- Bretonnia

- Tomb Kings

-  All chaos flavours

- Vampire Counts 

- Orcs and Goblins

- Dwarves

- Wood Elves

Not Supported

- Dark Elves

- High Elves

- Ogre Kingdoms

- Lizardmen

I'm not sure... Looks like except Lizardman all 8th ed factions could be supported... 

I'm pretty sure I saw a High Elf emblem on the map shown in the stream, they could probably represent local enclaves/merchant district elves.

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Hmm that's interesting. I probably wouldn't have bought a Brets vs Tomb KIngs starter set just to have sell most of the models on Ebay anyway, but I'd have been interested in one that was basically a big Empire army box, especially if it came with some Old World terrain. If they're making the rules and the models available then sure whatever that'll do

Edited by Jefferson Skarsnik
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3 minutes ago, Blueraven84 said:

Anything about lizardmen? I can see no starter box if they go heavy with resin models as those have never been inside starters?

Just that every 8th ed army will get rules for TOW, Bretonnians and Tomb Kings are just the first to get new stuff and the Old World itself will be the focus to begin with for new kits.


And honestly part of me is kind of fine there's no starter. They mentioned start collecting/vanguard boxes so that gives a little more flexibility in what I buy for it

Edited by EonChao
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6 minutes ago, Blueraven84 said:

Anything about lizardmen? I can see no starter box if they go heavy with resin models as those have never been inside starters?

Lizardmen is the only one I'm quite sure is on the just rules support.

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8 minutes ago, Sete said:

And aparently no starter set aswell. :/

Is GW even trying?

That's because most people interested in TOW already have (sometimes quite big) collections from the days of WHFB. Following that logic, GW has decided a starter set would be superfluous since who would buy a starter when so many people already have minis ?

This will make the game hard to access imo. Which I feel like the WHFB fans would like. You don't even need to gatekeep on the internet and in clubs now that you can't pass via a starter to start playing the game ! 

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