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Chaos Duardin would be the 8th Chaos army... thus completing the eight pointed star of Chaos, by having one point represent an army of Chaos : Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle, Slaanesh, Chaos Undivided, Skaven, Beasts of Chaos, Chaos Duardins. Would be cool symbolically.

Same as some posters above, I think giving new BTs to new factions for the sake of differenciating them would bloat the game and make it too dense for newer players to grasp. That's why I'm for Kurnothi being part of Sylvaneth, Tyrion being part of Lumineth, Darkoath being part of S2D and reuniting DoK with Malerion in a single BT. 

For new factions... Destro, the obvious one is a new gobbo faction that focuses more on the wacky tech side of them. For example, I'm still surprised we haven't seen a reimagined doom diver catapult in AoS. That's like, one of the most iconic Warhammer things ever. For Death, I really have no clue... I feel like the alliance is complete, and I'd rather have them give Ossiarchs/NH/SBGL a second wave (either additions or replacement of WFB models) rather than a new army. 

6 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

I got a question. What happened with the Spider Incarnate? Or more incarnates in general? Did they skip this idea because of bad sales? Did it turn out to be just the Krondspine? Anyone has any clue?

Just saw this on FB 30 minutes ago. As a disclaimer, I have no clue where this comes from and what the context behind it is. So take it with massive heaps of salt

Peut être une image de texte qui dit ’Among the new additions, we have discovered three powerful realm spells that will likely shift the magical landscape significantly. Meanwhile, Incarnates, unfortunately, seem to have lost favour and will be taking a backseat for the next year.’

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53 minutes ago, Warboss Gorbolg said:

Chorfs as a stand-alone are wishlisting IMO. Active and loud fan base but GW already tried them twice and sustained neither effort. They will continue to make cameos in Warcry, and as Chaos add-ons I think.

Fimir are dead on arrival as they are simply WAY too dark for what wants to be a mainstream company and game approachable by kids. Can’t reboot them as fimir either as people will come across their history. Feel pretty confident that we will never see fimir.

People said the exact same thing about Squats ("it's a meme army none will actually collect") and yet GW has struggled to keep Leagues of Votann in stock. Legions of Azgroh were extremely expensive Forge World resin, but still managed to survive even into AoS after quite a few other ranges (for 40k even) ended up on the "didn't sell, cut it" chopping block. Chaos Dwarfs have never been tried in plastic and as LoV probably shows, there's certainly appetite for them. Hell, the same "active and loud fanbase" argument could be levelled at Skaven too compared to how often they actually appear on tables, but I don't think anybody doubts a re-release of updated kits would sell like hotcakes.

Fimir lore wasn't any darker than what Beastmen lore used to be, except Fimir were retired and Beastmen weren't. By the same token, they'd probably just ignore that part of the fluff, whether it be an outright retcon of their Fantasy lore (I think WHFRP 4E already did this?) or just invent something new entirely for AoS. I think the main reason we won't see Fimir is simply because Kruelboyz kind of already stole their niche (evil torture-loving swamp-dwellers ambushing out the fog aligned with Destruction). 

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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11 hours ago, bethebee said:

honestly i can't really see getting any more factions then maybe one per GA.

for order, the obvious hole is whatever the ****** Malerion is up to.  he's clearly meant to be a major lore figure; they've been dropping bits of lore about him for years now like Tyrion considering him more of a threat than Nagash, intentionally off-screened their fight and kept everything around it vague, everything about the shadow demons-but-not-demons, etc.  an army release for him, even just as a major expansion/reimagining to DoK, is happening at some point, but definitely not within the next 11 months and probably not for a while after that.  order might have something Eventually Maybe happen to dwarves but that'll probably be a combining of the books or (more likely imo) a side-army option like the old Legion of the First Prince to allow proper jolly cooperation.  hell, they might even just get expanded ally rules and that's it.  obviously there could be more zany things on the way like a second human order faction representing a power that isn't just Sigmar (and a little of everyone else) but that's mostly just baseless wish-listing.  with that being said, order has the most room to have discussions like that, so take that how you will.

chaos is already a huge GA and the only thing it's obviously missing is chorfs.  i really can't see them coming anytime soon for multiple reasons including the fact that their squatting didn't happen all that long ago, but with that being said i think GW making them a "side army" for Old World says 1 of 2 things.  either A, AOS is getting proper chorfs within the next four years so they put them with all the AoS-aligned armies in the "you can play them but don't ask for more than that" section.  or B, they think chorfs will do badly even with all the nostalgia bait memes going for them, and they're willing to take the risk of making new models for Tomb Kings but not them.  i think the latter is probably the case.

death is kind of complete, really, at least in terms of army count.  unless they go for some real oddball option or double-dip they kind of have all of the traditional western undead stuff.  vampires + lesser undead, ghosts, ghouls, undead constructs.  it'd be nice to have an anti-Nagash army but i'm almost certain that's what they're going to do with the Summer King anyways.

destruction is a Neat case since they can kind of just follow the rule of "vaguely fairy/folktale creatures that like to break things".  obviously the big meme is Silent People coming any day now guys believe me it's real but there's room to expand further beyond that.  what i think is most likely is orruk warclans getting better fleshed out or fully split into different books, but i'm cool admitting that's completely baseless other than the community generally disliking how the soup was handled there.  in terms of completely new army releases, eh...  maybe?  they've covered basically everything Orc-adjacent which is the foundation for the GA really so i'm not holding my breath.  all of kraggy's buddies got genocided to death so that's not happening, and we don't really have a foundation for anything but fimir.  i think they stand in about the same spot as chorfs though, only if the main thing chorfs were known for was their reproduction methods.  maybe we'll get one one day for Warcry but i don't think so.  if we ever do get an insectoid faction it'd almost certainly be in here or order which would be cool but seeing as there's not really any reason to expect anything that like other than "it's sort of an unused aesthetic" there's not much of a point to it.

tldr: delfs definitely For Real This Time within four years, chorfs probably not, death is probably getting no new armies, and destruction Could but there's no reason to expect anything.

I could see malerion in the aos4 starter box. Theres a lot of speculation about stormcast/skaven, but they tend to like putting something new in those boxes, and we haven't seen order vs order yet.

5 hours ago, Gareth 🍄 said:

They were introduced to AoS as a Destruction faction.

I'd personally prefer to give Kruleboyz and Ironjawz their own battletomes and expand them both rather than see another Warclans battletome lol.

Separate battletomes would be better because they'd have longer to cook. I don't hate the idea of warclans if the writers are given the extra time to make a book like that work.

4 hours ago, Vagard said:

If you put bonesplittaz in armies to be updated, you can add :

spiderfang and night goblins 

dwarves and elves in CoS

all 4 demonic part for chaos gods

Many other subfactions in the order soup


For night goblins its basically just the grots and madcap shaman that are old.

Most of the demons were updated around end times/early aos weren't they? I think its just a handful of resin characters and the tzeentch daemons that are lagging behind.

Daemons are cross system too so the logistics of updating them tends to be a bit harder.

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I think Fimir won't make it but we did have the Fomoroid crusher originally from Warcry which seems to be the spiritual successor. Then again we started with the ogroid thaumaturge and not have three varieties so who knows!  I like the thought of them as destruction but how would they differentiate from ogors?

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31 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

I got a question. What happened with the Spider Incarnate? Or more incarnates in general? Did they skip this idea because of bad sales? Did it turn out to be just the Krondspine? Anyone has any clue?

Fire incarnates are mentioned as recently as the first Dawnbringers book so I don't think they're done with them yet.

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My $s on that arachnarok skull being a part of the wispered about giant portal trogg like a piece of armor or trophy and not an incarnate. 

Lots of wishlisting going on here so I'll throw down. 

Give me zoats. The bloodbowl model and the 40k one are amazing and I'd start an army of them instantly!!

Edited by Vasshpit
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I wouldnt like Fimir coming back to be honest. They just dont bring something new to Destruction. Maybe a Warcry warband could be nice as part of Kruleboyz.

I would like for the Spider Incarnate RE to be part of a new wave of Spiderfang models. I thought they also had lore bits of summoning such things. Something to do with amber bones and shamans if im correct. Could be mixing up something with Bonesplitterz. Some new models including bits about the Spider God would be fun too. Dont think this is very likely though.

My best bet is on a Gitmob wave. But it seems like Ironjawz are on the horizon first.

Chorfs should be the 8th Chaos army for sure. Would expect them 4th edition at the earliest though. Rather see BoC and Skaven updated first.

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To be fair we don’t know if they were ever planning to release more incarnates outside of whitefang liking a comment about  the spider.

we also wouldn’t know if something internally happen to those theoretical release but it does seem that if it was something they where trying to push out, something did gut the release as it should have happen by now.


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2 hours ago, CDM said:

There is no value to battletomes or codexes for that matter that can't be easily put into a larger book

There is sooooo much value in it. Battletomes are (with GHB) the base of the meta in AoS. All the releases are because of them. A new battletome means new rules, new minis, new ways of playing the game. Without them, we will just go through 3 years of same rules and no new mecanics which means a very boring game. 

Do you imagine bringing your 400+ pages alliance book at a tournament to only use the rules for your army? nah thats impossible. 

Besides, GW is making a lot of "free" money with paper, it is way cheaper and profitable to sell a 80 pages book than minis. It will kill their business model. 

Books are also very useful to know which model belongs to which faction. If you only refers to keywords, it will be a nightmare for new players to know which model they can buy for one army. 

There is so much more reasons to prove that it is the worst idea ever to get rid of battletomes... 

One thing I agree with is that the rules specific to each army unbalance the game (e.g. the battle tactics in battletomes, which are too easy for some and almost impossible for others). 


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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

GW is known to reshuffle the release of minis in its calendar, maybe the spider incarnate is waiting somewhere waiting to be released after a delay.

Could they have one per a realm? The kronspite was for ghur and maybe the next doesn’t come until we move into 4.0 and Ulgu…… A spider would make sense to be the incarnate of that realm .

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1 hour ago, Ganigumo said:

Most of the demons were updated around end times/early aos weren't they? I think its just a handful of resin characters and the tzeentch daemons that are lagging behind.

Nurgle demons a pretty new yes, but slaanesh khorne and tzeentch are older if i'm not mistaken (especially tzeentch flamers) I don't even remember the older demon kits for these factions 

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2 hours ago, wayfarer said:

My memory tells me that Fimir were still Chaos at the start of AoS.

I think the change came around the introduction of noble.

At least since shortly after painting up my nobles my Fimir haven't accompanied any of my Chaos armies to battle. 

Can confirm they were always Destruction in AoS:

Wayback Machine (archive.org)

The Albion Zoo - Fimir & Friends (warseer.com)

(1) Forge World Warscrolls : ageofsigmar (reddit.com)

Edited by Gareth 🍄
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Personally I hope we stop with new Factions for a few Editions after Chaos Duardin and Malerion.

There are so many ranges that need refreshes; Ogors, Beasts, Flesh Eaters and Skaven

Wave 2's; Fyreslayers, Idoneth, Ossiarch, Kharadron, Lumineth*, Ironjawz and even Daughters.


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39 minutes ago, Vagard said:

There is sooooo much value in it. Battletomes are (with GHB) the base of the meta in AoS. All the releases are because of them. A new battletome means new rules, new minis, new ways of playing the game. Without them, we will just go through 3 years of same rules and no new mecanics which means a very boring game. 

Do you imagine bringing your 400+ pages alliance book at a tournament to only use the rules for your army? nah thats impossible. 

Besides, GW is making a lot of "free" money with paper, it is way cheaper and profitable to sell a 80 pages book than minis. It will kill their business model. 

Books are also very useful to know which model belongs to which faction. If you only refers to keywords, it will be a nightmare for new players to know which model they can buy for one army. 

There is so much more reasons to prove that it is the worst idea ever to get rid of battletomes... 

One thing I agree with is that the rules specific to each army unbalance the game (e.g. the battle tactics in battletomes, which are too easy for some and almost impossible for others). 


Why do new releases have to be tied to an army book? They could just as easily update with narrative events like this Harbingers release. Instead of releasing seraphon on its own , have it released leading into a narrative event. Why carry any book around to play a game in this day and age?  just digitise the rules and update. 

The books could easily have faction sections, I find it hard to believe new starters wouldn't understand.

Tying their model releases to an army book makes them hamstrung. They've already moved slightly away by having Warcry and to a lesser extent underworlds warbands adding units to factions . I think we'll see more of that

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49 minutes ago, Jetlife said:

Could they have one per a realm?

TBH this feels like the glaring issue of GW's policy that expanded lore should be about Things With Models. They wrote themselves into a corner because Incarnates are not just singular to a realm, but to more primal magic as well--the Krondspine and Spider are both from Ghur for example.

I honestly think GW ran with a GOOD idea then backpedaled when they realized the production needed to have (at least) 8 incarnates.

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12 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Personally I hope we stop with new Factions for a few Editions after Chaos Duardin and Malerion.

There are so many ranges that need refreshes; Ogors, Beasts, Flesh Eaters and Skaven

Wave 2's; Fyreslayers, Idoneth, Ossiarch, Kharadron, Lumineth*, Ironjawz and even Daughters.


There is also an upper limit to how many factions GW can support. If we assume that chorfs and Malerion's pointy ears are the last factions to join AoS, then we are looking at 26 factions in the game. Supporting so many at the same time is a herculean task even for a company the size of GW.

In the next edition, I could see one new faction joining the fray, but the other releases will be new additions to already existing factions.

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14 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Personally I hope we stop with new Factions for a few Editions after Chaos Duardin and Malerion.

There are so many ranges that need refreshes; Ogors, Beasts, Flesh Eaters and Skaven

Wave 2's; Fyreslayers, Idoneth, Ossiarch, Kharadron, Lumineth*, Ironjawz and even Daughters.


Yeah I feel the same. We already have 24 factions, and somehow the game is in relatively good shape balance wise, despite the huge number of BTs. 

I'd like Malerion's elves to fuse with DoK so that with Chorfs, the game can be stopped at a reasonable and symbolic 25 factions (and give the DoK army list some meat. Have it be like Seraphon with 2 army lists in one). 

And yeah at this stage, I'd rather have the existing factions get some love. Ogors, BoC and Skaven need their resin/metal models removed and lots of new plastics, Bonesplitters would like plastic characters, while some AoS armies like the ones in the quote need expansions. I'd also add the phasing out of WFB minis in ranges like Slaves, Cities, Gravelords and Nighthaunt. I'd take that over a brand new Gitmob army or Grungni duardins. Both can chill in Cities and GSG as far as I'm concerned, and be fine there.

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2 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

I got a question. What happened with the Spider Incarnate? Or more incarnates in general? Did they skip this idea because of bad sales? Did it turn out to be just the Krondspine? Anyone has any clue?

One idea I had around them is that we get one per edition. As we tend to move from one realm to another with the edition change.

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6 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

One idea I had around them is that we get one per edition. As we tend to move from one realm to another with the edition change.

This could be possible but i dont think that it was their original plan. The RE is almost a year old by now and 4th would be almost another year.

I think they planned a 2nd season of war book that got delayed and would have clashed with the GHB release. Maybe they will do another of those in the void after the Dawnbringer campaign and the start of 4th edition.

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8 hours ago, Gareth 🍄 said:

Yeah in the old Warhammer Fantasy lore they used to be followers of Chaos who fell out of favour with the Chaos gods, and then in AoS they were just Destruction. Like a reverse Ogroid.

Ah, thanks for the further info, I thought they just worshipped some minor daemon or something. Anyways, if they come back, perhaps with an adjusted background as many got a problem with it (it is tasteless for sure although it does make them horrific, so perhaps they can find something that is scary but not so tasteless, maybe something similar to the xenomorph), I really hope they can be allied with Chaos again. LOVE their design and would absolutely love to be able to field them. Don#t need ogors, don't need Chaos trolls but Fimir.... they're on my bucket list.

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8 hours ago, Gareth 🍄 said:

Yeah in the old Warhammer Fantasy lore they used to be followers of Chaos who fell out of favour with the Chaos gods, and then in AoS they were just Destruction. Like a reverse Ogroid.

Ah, thanks for the further info, I thought they just worshipped some minor daemon or something. Anyways, if they come back, perhaps with an adjusted background as many got a problem with it (it is tasteless for sure although it does make them horrific, so perhaps they can find something that is scary but not so tasteless, maybe something similar to the xenomorph), I really hope they can be allied with Chaos again. LOVE their design and would absolutely love to be able to field them. Don#t need ogors, don't need Chaos trolls but Fimir.... they're on my bucket list.

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2 hours ago, Vagard said:

Nurgle demons a pretty new yes, but slaanesh khorne and tzeentch are older if i'm not mistaken (especially tzeentch flamers) I don't even remember the older demon kits for these factions 

The Khorne ones were updated with the slaanesh ones, when they did wrath & rapture in 2019. I think the bloodletters & daemonettes were late fantasy or early aos.

The horrors are newer, not sure when they came out, but the screamers and flamers are plastic versions of the 2000's ones.

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43 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

The Khorne ones were updated with the slaanesh ones, when they did wrath & rapture in 2019. I think the bloodletters & daemonettes were late fantasy or early aos.

The horrors are newer, not sure when they came out, but the screamers and flamers are plastic versions of the 2000's ones.

Ironically the flamers and screamers get much less flak than the horrors.... but that's mostly down to the previous iteration being cooler/scarier than the plastic horrors. I guess it will be a looooong time before Horrors get remade, especially because the newer blue horrors are in a similar style, but I imagine the update to be a bit more fierce. The Silver Tower one is a beauty though - and he knows it. Down in horror HQ we gave him a little crown and his new moniker is "Beautiful Frank". 

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