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1 minute ago, Captaniser said:

Anybody else think that the Seraphon army box will consist of a Slaan, 10 saurus and 10 raptodon hunters/chargers? Would mirror the StD army box closely and cover the initial reveals.

And would be just what they showed off together at the end of the reveal trailer

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18 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

Anybody else think that the Seraphon army box will consist of a Slaan, 10 saurus and 10 raptodon hunters/chargers? Would mirror the StD army box closely and cover the initial reveals.

Yeah same for the astra militarum release too. Seems a consistent approach at the minute. These must be popular boxes! Then they show a few new units over time..

They mentioned apparently, although I didn't hear, that it wasn't even half of the stuff coming for Seraphon! Which makes me very happy if true.

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47 minutes ago, CDM said:

They mentioned apparently, although I didn't hear, that it wasn't even half of the stuff coming for Seraphon! Which makes me very happy if true.

It's true! We're expecting 4-5 new model kits coming with the Seraphon Release (psuedo-confirmed by the ever prescient Whitefang). 

We got a teaser of a new Kroxigor Moon/Sun Hammer on this week's rumor engine. 

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18 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

It's true! We're expecting 4-5 new model kits coming with the Seraphon Release (psuedo-confirmed by the ever prescient Whitefang). 

We got a teaser of a new Kroxigor Moon/Sun Hammer on this week's rumor engine. 

I assume that is not including the Chamelon Skinks we got from Warcry. That is a ton of love for our favourite scaly Mesoamerica star lizards!

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1 hour ago, Captaniser said:

Anybody else think that the Seraphon army box will consist of a Slaan, 10 saurus and 10 raptodon hunters/chargers? Would mirror the StD army box closely and cover the initial reveals.

I think they might do 5 raptadons and 5 of the new chameleon skinks, or 5 raptadons and a unit that we have not yet seen. 10 saurus with 10 raptadons I think would keep enough people on the fence to be a misstep.

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27 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

Based on reacts I've seen from Whitefang, either we're not getting a launch box like Prisoners with Jobs to Darkness orrr we're wildly off on the contents. 

I could be misinterpreting the stars though. 

Either way, it's awesome to see Seraphon finally getting something. I feel like this will really help the overall mood regarding AoS. I could imagine that Skaven and Beastmen get stuff for TOW (which sucks as they both deserve to get updates like yesterday) but at least one of the iconic Warhammer concepts gets finally their time in the sun. 

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51 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

I think they might do 5 raptadons and 5 of the new chameleon skinks, or 5 raptadons and a unit that we have not yet seen. 10 saurus with 10 raptadons I think would keep enough people on the fence to be a misstep.

Why a misstep or enough to keep people on the fence? 

I'll be all over that boxset, less so if they include chameleon skinks as I already have those. 

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2 minutes ago, MitGas said:

Either way, it's awesome to see Seraphon finally getting something. I feel like this will really help the overall mood regarding AoS. I could imagine that Skaven and Beastmen get stuff for TOW (which sucks as they both deserve to get updates like yesterday) but at least one of the iconic Warhammer concepts gets finally their time in the sun. 

I can see Skaven being the baddie in the 4th ed launch box and getting the necron/kruleboyz treatment. 

Gutter runners

Night runners


Rat ogres

Plague monks

Censer bearers

Giant rats 

Jezziels guns and weapon teams 

Something new and nasty

That's 10 new kits which seems to be about right and some of them could be dual kits. Add in some characters and we've got ourselves a party!! 

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12 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

Why a misstep or enough to keep people on the fence? 

I'll be all over that boxset, less so if they include chameleon skinks as I already have those. 

Speaking only for myself (and I am a very casual player), having only three units in the box isn't super enticing.  Especially since I'm not sold on the Raptordons and won't be until I know their rules.  But if there is a wider variety in the box, well that starts to get more tempting.  If Raptordons are sort of the "extra" or "bonus" models in an otherwise good box, then I'm much more likely to pick it up.  But if I feel like I'm paying a lot for models I may never use?  Then I'm more likely to wait and pick up individual units later. 

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3 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

I can see Skaven being the baddie in the 4th ed launch box and getting the necron/kruleboyz treatment. 

Gutter runners

Night runners


Rat ogres

Plague monks

Censer bearers

Giant rats 

Jezziels guns and weapon teams 

Something new and nasty

That's 10 new kits which seems to be about right and some of them could be dual kits. Add in some characters and we've got ourselves a party!! 

As much as I want this or BoC so get a similar treatment, I feel like edition starter set will always be a brand new army. But I've got hope they'll get their Seraphon-esc update in time.

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39 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

I can see Skaven being the baddie in the 4th ed launch box and getting the necron/kruleboyz treatment. 

Gutter runners

Night runners


Rat ogres

Plague monks

Censer bearers

Giant rats 

Jezziels guns and weapon teams 

Something new and nasty

That's 10 new kits which seems to be about right and some of them could be dual kits. Add in some characters and we've got ourselves a party!! 

I'd love for you to be right - I'm repeating myself but I've been hoping to see Skaven and Seraphon get some cool new stuff for years by now. But with Cities and Seraphon coming, it's another important step at least. 

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57 minutes ago, Ferban said:

Speaking only for myself (and I am a very casual player), having only three units in the box isn't super enticing.  Especially since I'm not sold on the Raptordons and won't be until I know their rules.  But if there is a wider variety in the box, well that starts to get more tempting.  If Raptordons are sort of the "extra" or "bonus" models in an otherwise good box, then I'm much more likely to pick it up.  But if I feel like I'm paying a lot for models I may never use?  Then I'm more likely to wait and pick up individual units later. 

This is mainly where I'm coming from too, @Ogregut. Do I need 10 cavalry to start an army? No, I don't need duplicates at all if I'm just starting. Do I even want 10 raptadons? I have no idea, without seeing how they are to build and paint first. I do know I want 5.

But if it were the generic Slann, 10 saurus, 5 raptadons, and 3 kroxigors? I get a caster hero, poster-book battleline, fast cav, and smashy monsters--a perfect plating of what the army offers. I have room to breathe when deciding how to expand. I don't have duplicates taking up space. I have three minimum-sized, unique units to build and paint to find out if I *want* to build and paint more of each.

Another part is we know Christmas battleforces come out with a wider range of units than SC/Vanguard and launch boxes. If the Seraphon launch box has duplicates in it, I become more likely to wait for Christmas to get more value and more unique kits out of the money I'm going to spend.

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Would love to see more god-beasts. 

I know we're also expecting, at some point, Tyrion and his aelves, Malerion and his aelves, Chaos Dwarves... those seem like the most 'in the bag' assumptions to make, though it could take another edition or two to see reality.

It's rough talking about 4th edition when we're only halfway through 3rd edition, but we are going to be at a point where by the end of this year most of the battletomes will be updated. 

1st edition was Stormcast vs Khorne (Chaos)
2nd edition was Stormcast vs Nighthaunt (Death)
3rd edition was Stormcast vs Kruleboyz (Destruction)

Do we see a return to Stormcast vs Chaos? Does GW break the mold and introduce Dawnbringer Crusades in the starter box versus Chaos, such as Skaven or Beasts, that really need some love? Is this how they introduce Chaos Dwarves? Or do we see a rare Order vs Order with Stormcast vs Malerion's shadow aelves? 

Also, do they shift focus into a new Realm, leaving Ghur behind, and which realm would they focus on?

Lots of ways they could go, and I'm excited for the future.

As for Seraphon, yeah, I'd love a starter box, especially if it has a collector's edition battletome. And maybe some awesome new seraphon dice. I'm a sucker for themed dice. 

Edited by RileyArlic
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4 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

What if Gorkamorka is getting a model. Could that ever happen?

Edit: Dont think we will be seeing another God so soon though. Maybe a God-beast?

Not Gorkamorka, the Destruction theme right now is he’s kinda refusing to show themselves. Gordrakk says it’s because he’s waiting for Sigmar to stop hiding up in his Star castle and be a warrior-god again that Destruction can respect.

I think another Destruction god-beast is definitely on the table.

And though people joke about Silent People I’m kinda betting them for an end of edition surprise. We keep moving towards Lendu where Beastgrave was at until they migrated from it and now we’re in two seasons that are underground insect tunnel themed.

We already have so much stuff on the Ur-grub and Silent People race that it feels like a build-up(remember they have done so in the past like 2015’s starter book “Steamhead Duardin” being the 2017 Kharadron, 2018’s Corebook Sons of Behemat origins being the 2020 release, 2016 Beastclaw Raider’s tome mentioned the NightHaunt that released in 2018. Bugs might’ve gotten delayed from when they got their 2020 and 2021 cards and were set to be a 2022 thing since we didn’t get a new race that year as usual)




Edited by Baron Klatz
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37 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

What if Gorkamorka is getting a model. Could that ever happen?

Edit: Dont think we will be seeing another God so soon though. Maybe a God-beast?

I doubt Gorkamorka will ever get a model, nor do I think he should. A big part of destruction lore is about the clearly absurd stuff gorkamorka does, like biting moons and drinking oceans. In my eyes he's actually on the same level as the chaos gods.

Its also worth considering if Gorkamorka ever actually existed at all (in a physical sense). The forces of destruction aren't exactly known for accurate record keeping, and its possible many of gorkamorka's triumphs were actually the triumphs of large numbers of united destruction forces. As in all those God-beasts he killed were killed by ogors, grots and orruks, and the story was exaggerated and changed over time into a labor of Gorkamorka. Its a bit of a theme that stuff they can't explain or remember gets attributed to gorkamorka, like the everwinter, bad moon, and spider god.

It would be cool to see an avatar of Mork though, Gordrakk is a stand-in for Gork so it would be nice to see mork better represented. Its honestly what I was hoping kragnos would be. Some sort of hyper powerful WAAAGH!!! spirit that moves around and possesses Destruction shamans seemingly at random to shift battles (and often ends up exploding the shaman). The model itself could be some kind of entranced shaman surrounded by a bunch of magical energy, possibly in the shape of something nasty, and you could have a grot, ogor or orruk inside of it. Ruleswise it would've given destruction something it doesn't have much of, a sort of super support caster. Then as a good plot hook for kruleboyz maybe Gobsprakk could've been the first to have been possessed by the spirit at the battle of excelsis, but managed to survive the ordeal.

That said I am 1000% percent down for god-beasts on the table. Bring on the spider god!

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Thinking back on the reveal stream of the new seraphon, the show runner said that we had seen less than half of the range, and that means that we will get at least 8 kits in total.

I will make the bold statement and say that we have 3 of the remaining units confirmed to be in as well. Kroxigor 'confirmed' by the rumor engine, and saurus guard and knights. The saurus warriors would make the older saurus kits look very dated in comparison, so their upgrade is needed to be in line. 

Now we have 3 unsolved rumor engines that i am certain are seraphon releated


Nr. 1: Spear.


Downright a seraphon weapon. Looks too ornate for a simple warrior, but could be used by knights.


Nr. 2: engine.


Shares seraphon design cues and glyphs, but what could it be?


Nr. 3: Geometric spear.


Now this one i am unsure of myself, but it looks to me like the geometric shapes spear is attached to a shaft, which makes me believe that this one isn't for 40k.


Studying the StD release, a number of the generic failcast heroes got replaced, so i would wager that the scar vet on cold one get's a new model too, and it's weapon would be nr. 3. This leaves the "final" unit to be nr. 2, and i hope that it is some new large dino beast that carries the engine with it.

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I have said it a million times and will say it a million more, bring on more animistic destruction gods based on natural disasters.

I want a Blizzard God (Yhetee), A Drought God, a Storm God, a Flood God, and a Volcano God (Vulcatrix reincanated). Each one empowered by Gorkamorka with a hilarious story. 

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11 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

Thinking back on the reveal stream of the new seraphon, the show runner said that we had seen less than half of the range, and that means that we will get at least 8 kits in total.

I will make the bold statement and say that we have 3 of the remaining units confirmed to be in as well. Kroxigor 'confirmed' by the rumor engine, and saurus guard and knights. The saurus warriors would make the older saurus kits look very dated in comparison, so their upgrade is needed to be in line. 

Now we have 3 unsolved rumor engines that i am certain are seraphon releated


Nr. 1: Spear.


Downright a seraphon weapon. Looks too ornate for a simple warrior, but could be used by knights.


Nr. 2: engine.


Shares seraphon design cues and glyphs, but what could it be?


Nr. 3: Geometric spear.


Now this one i am unsure of myself, but it looks to me like the geometric shapes spear is attached to a shaft, which makes me believe that this one isn't for 40k.


Studying the StD release, a number of the generic failcast heroes got replaced, so i would wager that the scar vet on cold one get's a new model too, and it's weapon would be nr. 3. This leaves the "final" unit to be nr. 2, and i hope that it is some new large dino beast that carries the engine with it.

I think that's pretty fair reasoning. I would say there is a chance that 2 is for some sort of scenery in Warcry - maybe a scenario close to the crashed Seraphon ship - but yeah unit is more likely. As to what, it could be a big dino, but equally I wonder if it might be a new Astrolith Bearer or something along those lines, as we have no idea of scale from it.

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8 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

@Baron Klatz

Thats an absolutely stellar kitbash. 

Oh yeah the Seraphon x Necron stuff out there is nuts.

Here’s a great thread on it.


And the new sleek sci-fi looking Seraphon equipment looks to be ready to continue that trend with even other 40k add-ons.


Edited by Baron Klatz
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