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I think that tentacle thing is what is making the dwarves exodus from the sky's. I'm guessing that they have over-mined the aether gold (something dwarves seem to do a lot.) and have awoken some unknown race in the process. At least thats what I'm hoping.

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18 hours ago, Galas said:

Just bring he back, GW! Dam you GW! Just give him to me!

This is one of the exact guys I believe will come back, same with the peg-leg guy.


In general I think that the Scourge Privateers (or something like that) will be pirate Dark Elves. Which is both fitting, cool, thematic and currently very unique.

The common trend you see for AoS is that there are some very characterful hero and lord models from the past that didn't fit WFB armies all to much. I believe these are the characters GW draws inspiration from to create the newer sub-factions. You can see this process repeated in Chaos and Destruction pretty much everywhere, in essence I believe GW is fully steering away from any older character that looks historically 'accurate', so far they have dropped Brettonia and Tomb Kings who had a lot of ties to that, I believe they might return completely changed and I also believe that both Beastmen and Empire are up for the same process. The prime reason as to why Death will still have to wait is because I can almost certainly confirm that they are in for  a massive overhaul aswell. If you like that 'Death Knight' armour Nagash and the goons are wearing (Krell also) I expect that to become the new look for the new Death sub-faction.

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The prime reason as to why Death will still have to wait is because I can almost certainly confirm that they are in for  a massive overhaul aswell

Is this overconfident prediction or are you aware of something specific.

Logically, Death will get a big reinvention at some point.

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Death has gotten its overhaul already. Nagash, the Mortarchs and the Morghasts are the new direction. 

This isn't ideal given that none of those Warscrolls are competitive in any way pending lore spells (Arkhan and Harbingers are only somewhat overcosted).

Edited by Nico
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6 minutes ago, Nico said:

Is this overconfident prediction or are you aware of something specific.

Logically, Death will get a big reinvention at some point.

Overconfident prediction that hasn't failed me so far in guessing where the new line is heading towards :) .
What I see GW doing globally is blending popular and great aspects of 40K into WFB, like they used to blend great aspects of WFB into 40K back in the day. What this allows for isn't only to have GW create their own content but also go as free as possible in their creative process.

The latter is where the essential succes of GW always came from. Certain aspects in WFB where very commonly seen and also used by other miniature producers and while that's good, what it does do is dull down the unique vibe GW always used to have back in the 80's. 
Slowly we see that this vibe is returning, not even only in Chaos! So if you want to draw some unique inspiration you can really look at 1st to 4th edition WFB and see some of the crazy designs.

Realms of Chaos even has a skellaton champion in it that looks like a sketch of what is known as a Morghast. It's this type of design that is really unique to GW. So while you see me calling upcomming Death faction 'likely Deathknights' the correct term is actually to say that GW is just going back to the time where their design was very unique. For the WoW designs are directly inspired by WFB of that day. 

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6 minutes ago, Nico said:

This isn't ideal given that none of those Warscrolls are competitive in any way pending lore spells (Arkhan and Harbingers are only somewhat overcosted).

Yeah with massive Death overhaul I pretty much expect everything to change.

Largely because the way summoning works for Death isn't ideal. I think the prime reason as to why Death is waiting isn't because certain sculpts arn't allready said and done but because it requires a magical configuration that is completely different as it is now.

Death is a difficult alliance to tackle in general. By large because:
1. It's only made up of one WFB faction now
2. This means the market is per definition smaller as for say the Chaos, Order and Destruction Alliance
3. A lot of older Death design is very difficult to create in a PG 13 way (though Death Knight warriors most certainly match ;) )

Based on this prediction you can even guess where the lore is going (note I don't read it), I believe bold Manfred will find it's own unique item and will lead this Death variant of 'Everchosen' to bring Death to other realms. Alliances are basically made up like DnD characters also, you have your Lawful Order (Stormcast), Chaotic Evil (Khorne) but also Chaotic Lawful (Tzeentch) etc. 

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I don't think they will turn Death into a death knights faction that would more likely alinate death players considering they have been waiting so long for a release and gameplay wise in my eyes is redundant if I wanted that I would play stormcast or chaos. As alec said the overhaul already happened.

"The design of nagash's staff alkanash, harks back to his past as a high priest of khemri, with motifs from both the tomb kings and vampire counts used in the final design"

"Nagash is a landmark minature for several reasons. He enabled us, as a design team, to re-imagine the undead range and create a new aesthetic for undead characters such as Arkhan and neferata." 

Another part 

"Being able to create nagash enabled us to redefine the undead range, to establish a new ruling class with a grim aesthetic.

 Considering they released Flesh eater courts and their lore is no where near PG 13 if you actually read the battletome I think we have nothing to worry about.  I do think the new undead zombies, skeletons etc will match how nagash and the mortarch's look on facebook people have been constantly begging GW to release new zombies they said they passed our feedback on. 

The new warhammer underworlds has been giving hints on the direction they are going with Death. 

As been said the reason why they kept the VC stuff I do agree because they don't look "historically" accurate like the tomb kings I could easily see the undead wearing the mask for the warhammer underworlds poster to be a new "liche priest" they look more gothic and grim and clearly does not just only look like an undead Egyptian skeleton. 

Anyway... before we go off topic again I made a thread about this. 








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6 minutes ago, Nico said:

Good move!

Some good points there.

Thanks, people in the topic made some good points in there as well, I made the topic because in the rumor thread it was turning into a similar discussion we had with slaanesh so I made the thread a few weeks back. I think it was relevant to bring up again since we went into that discussion. 

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1 hour ago, shinros said:

I don't think they will turn Death into a death knights faction that would more likely alinate death players considering they have been waiting so long for a release and gameplay wise in my eyes is redundant if I wanted that I would play stormcast or chaos. As alec said the overhaul already happened.

"The design of nagash's staff alkanash, harks back to his past as a high priest of khemri, with motifs from both the tomb kings and vampire counts used in the final design"

"Nagash is a landmark minature for several reasons. He enabled us, as a design team, to re-imagine the undead range and create a new aesthetic for undead characters such as Arkhan and neferata." 

Another part 

"Being able to create nagash enabled us to redefine the undead range, to establish a new ruling class with a grim aesthetic.

 Considering they released Flesh eater courts and their lore is no where near PG 13 if you actually read the battletome I think we have nothing to worry about. 

Anyway... before we go off topic again I made a thread about this. 

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I don't think anyone is alinated anymore as GW is allready doing. There are allready many Death Knight designs withing WFB and AoS, all the End Times content is what I'd call Death Knight design and I am 100% convinced this is what the new faction of Death will look like. 

What they did by dropping Tomb Kings is set themselves up for this, as aspects of the armoured undead and armoured undead beasts where very much part of Tomb Kings and much less Vampire Counts. The latter was much more Horror Vampire based, the other was allready a mix of bones and armour, a lot of armour if you went looking for it.

The biggest advantage of the Death Knight design is that it hits that sweet spot between TK and VC. As your quote says, Nagash is the basic re-designed framework for what is to come. Nagash to me is also a really large Death Knight ;). 

As for the lore not being PG 13, doesn't matter, those audiobooks are anything but the core of the product. No 13 year old is going to listen to a 4 hour audiobook or pick up that book as his first buy into Age of Sigmar. GW's prime selling point remains mini's and Death Knights like Nagash and the Morghast look cool, they will also look cool at 28mm scale.

In addition to all of that, GW is continueing their synergy very well the moment Death and Necron parts can logically be blended into awesome. This patron will continue, you can thake my word on it.

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56 minutes ago, Killax said:

I don't think anyone is alinated anymore as GW is allready doing. There are allready many Death Knight designs withing WFB and AoS, all the End Times content is what I'd call Death Knight design and I am 100% convinced this is what the new faction of Death will look like. 

What they did by dropping Tomb Kings is set themselves up for this, as aspects of the armoured undead and armoured undead beasts where very much part of Tomb Kings and much less Vampire Counts. The latter was much more Horror Vampire based, the other was allready a mix of bones and armour, a lot of armour if you went looking for it.

The biggest advantage of the Death Knight design is that it hits that sweet spot between TK and VC. As your quote says, Nagash is the basic re-designed framework for what is to come. Nagash to me is also a really large Death Knight ;). 

As for the lore not being PG 13, doesn't matter, those audiobooks are anything but the core of the product. No 13 year old is going to listen to a 4 hour audiobook or pick up that book as his first buy into Age of Sigmar. GW's prime selling point remains mini's and Death Knights like Nagash and the Morghast look cool, they will also look cool at 28mm scale.

In addition to all of that, GW is continueing their synergy very well the moment Death and Necron parts can logically be blended into awesome. This patron will continue, you can thake my word on it.

FEC's battletome is anything but supplementary material. And tomb king's dropped? They are still featured from time to time lore-wise (in actual core material, yes), the models got discontinued but the kings are still there.

GW has done the "sinergy/blend" only with stormcasts truly, though.

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11 minutes ago, Chillpill said:

Should I hold off from buying the current one then?

There's nothing in it that you 100% need to play the game, so I'd say hold off. You can get by for a few months with the core rules and unit warscrolls, all available for free on the AoS app. The main things you'll be missing are battleplans (scenarios) and points costs - neither of which are strictly necessary, although battleplans add a huge amount of character to your games. You could pick up one of the campaign books or faction battletomes which will give you a few battleplans to be getting on with while you wait. For points, you could invest a few pounds/dollars in the Azyr subscription for the AoS app which gives you all the points for everything and automatically updates.

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2 minutes ago, KillagoreFaceslasha said:


FEC's battletome is anything but supplementary material. And tomb king's dropped? They are still featured from time to time lore-wise (in actual core material, yes), the models got discontinued but the kings are still there.

GW has done the "sinergy/blend" only with stormcasts truly, though.

I can't agree with the last statement. Dwarfs an Sylvaneth are a great example. One went deep into the Slayer character, the other in the Steam Punk Engineer character. Dryads are completely fleshed out as Treeman 'gundams' and Wood Elves will continue in insect design.

You can believe whatever you want but 'Death Knights' design is very likely to thake over what was Tomb Kings and a big part of what was Vampires. As said just continueing on what was made for End Times.

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Just now, Killax said:

I can't agree with the last statement. Dwarfs an Sylvaneth are a great example. One went deep into the Slayer character, the other in the Steam Punk Engineer character. Dryads are completely fleshed out as Treeman 'gundams' and Wood Elves will continue in insect design.

You can believe whatever you want but 'Death Knights' design is very likely to thake over what was Tomb Kings and a big part of what was Vampires. As said just continueing on what was made for End Times.

You're missing the point of my statement: blending with 40k was the crux of it.

So going full slayer is blending 40k? Dryad's lore is blending 40k? I'm sorry, but it ain't that way. But, I think we are derailing enough this thread and I'll leave this here.

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Shadows over Hammerhal fits right in with some of the newest/upcoming releases in a funny way. Stormcasts, Tzeentch and Khorne all got new battletomes. The Cogsmith can symbolize the Kharadron Overlords, the putrid blightkings the new deathguard ang hopefully we get some Aelfs next ?

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2 hours ago, Gaz Taylor said:

At a guess, around August but this is based upon the release last year

Wasnt the first GHB out in June, followed by Sylvaneth, Beastclaws and Bonesplitterz then the 6 week Season of War across July and August?

Id expect the new GHB around the same time (and not before! An annual update is fine but more than that is ridiculous. Im still bitter about the 2yr shelf life of 40k 6th ed!)

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4 minutes ago, Captain Marius said:

Wasnt the first GHB out in June, followed by Sylvaneth, Beastclaws and Bonesplitterz then the 6 week Season of War across July and August?

Id expect the new GHB around the same time (and not before! An annual update is fine but more than that is ridiculous. Im still bitter about the 2yr shelf life of 40k 6th ed!)

It was available to look at in stores in early July, and for sale in late July.

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