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2 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:



Even within the sombre Ruination chambers, the Lord-Terminos is a figure apart. Armed with a massive blade terminos, they range the battlefield to execute the enemies of Sigmar with swift, sure strikes. These lonesome individuals are also responsible for the rites of the Last Threshold, taking the heads of soul-stricken Stormcast Eternals who voluntarily enter oblivion. They are accompanied by Memorian squires, who recount their battle honours and keep them tethered to the present.

now that some tasty lore. They now got to do the Lighting ghiest with how much they teasing this leap into past the Threshold

This is now my favorite Stormcast Hero alongside the Knight Relictor. The idea of a mercy/team killing stormcast appeals to my Death-Playing side, while his model and little buddy exudes "Come at me and find out."

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1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:



The background one feels like studio terrain to me as its painted pretty dark which they don't normally do for actual terrain. But the other two could be part of some Spearhead terrain pack coming 

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Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

The background one feels like studio terrain to me as its painted pretty dark which they don't normally do for actual terrain. But the other two could be part of some Spearhead terrain pack coming 

The gate looks pretty detailed. It is like a Domicile Shell but with a wall approach. Maybe the Starter Sets scenery?

Edited by Ejecutor
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1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:



Oh Ejecutor has gone Terrain-mad time to send in the Lord-Terminos

honestly im really please with both sides like the only dud i can see is the Liberators & no helm option for the lord Verdite but like latter is like a non-issue really 

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11 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

I was hoping for a roadmap, myself. But also that they kept hyping “and much more to see” then it was literally what they just showed us. 

like I’m not mad, I’m just confused about where’s the hype

I think the clear problems they've been having with their supply chain is the reason we don't have a road map. 

As for the next reveals, they could go a couple of ways. For Dominion they showed off the Stormcast and warclans battletomes on launch day. For 40k  they showed the Tyranids in July but didn't show off the marines until the Nova open which is at the end of August this year. 

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6 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:



Even within the sombre Ruination chambers, the Lord-Terminos is a figure apart. Armed with a massive blade terminos, they range the battlefield to execute the enemies of Sigmar with swift, sure strikes. These lonesome individuals are also responsible for the rites of the Last Threshold, taking the heads of soul-stricken Stormcast Eternals who voluntarily enter oblivion. They are accompanied by Memorian squires, who recount their battle honours and keep them tethered to the present.

now that some tasty lore. They now got to do the Lighting ghiest with how much they teasing this leap into past the Threshold

I love that the memorian squire has not just one but two open flames next to the scribbles on his scales. A great way to remember stuff! Not the sharpest tool in the shed, is he? 

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I like most of the Stormcast heroes and the unit with support dudes.

Others are okay but nothing too exciting. Still don’t like the new helmet designs on the Libs and Prosecutors.

I’m undecided on getting this or the Shatterpoint core set tbh.

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2 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

Oh Ejecutor has gone Terrain-mad time to send in the Lord-Terminos

honestly im really please with both sides like the only dud i can see is the Liberators & no helm option for the lord Verdite but like latter is like a non-issue really 

I am indeed. That CoS terrain fits really well my Heldenstone project.

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looks to be one of the best starter sets, 20 unique clanrats with them all being 2 part kits is legitimately insane and extremely impressive.  skaven look great all-together and the grimmer take on Stormcast is highly appreciated.

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Looking at the Spearhead again its kinda strange the Warlock Engineer is in there (bottom right on the circle) but neither the Jezzails nor the Ratling Warpblaster which would fit him, oh well.

40k later released the two Combat Patrols from Leviathan on their own so everything here shouldn't share a sprue with the stuff not on here so Jezzails/Ratling Warpblaster for Skaven (and since the Warpblaster sprue already leaked we know these two also don't share a sprue) and Reclusians/Knight-Questor/Lord Terminos for Stormcast.

For shared sprues I could see Reclusians/Knight-Questor/Lord Terminos being one since the Reculsions are prime targets for a multipart kit release with their two "basically the same" sculpts. Another candidate could be Prosecutors/Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-stalker.

For Skaven I could see Clawlord/Rat Ogres/Grey Seer which would also no invalidate the old Grey Seer as its own solo box.


But I could also see no shared sprue at all this time



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Posted (edited)

I just noticed this little guy who really didn't want to be part of all this and is getting the ****** out of here haha.

"Hey billy we are doing a group shot so get in here but you are ugly so turn around"


Edited by Matrindur
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16 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

This is now my favorite Stormcast Hero alongside the Knight Relictor. The idea of a mercy/team killing stormcast appeals to my Death-Playing side, while his model and little buddy exudes "Come at me and find out."

He also answers the old question of who it was helping to make Star bridges since we knew since the 2018 battletome some Stormcast chose oblivion from the reforge cost and use their sacrifice to make ethereal bridges to guide Stormcast bolts so the Stormkeeps and Cities could be better protected as those that died could be reforged and sent back faster

-but we didn’t know the procedure on who executed them.

image.png.4d140635c3bd8dd607fdd58e8b91685f.pngNow we do. 



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They too are on the cusp of losing themselves to the curse of Reforging, but their resolve is unshakeable – said to be a gift from the death god Morrda. In truth, their Gryph-stalker mounts can mark people for death, draining their life force and transferring it to their rider in an act unsettlingly akin to necromantic hexes. 

oh look like we even delving into Morr lore pun intent with the connection of other gods in Sigmar pantheon. cool to see if they play around with that in other models stuff like Mirmidh/Myrmidia & Father of Blades


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3 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:



They too are on the cusp of losing themselves to the curse of Reforging, but their resolve is unshakeable – said to be a gift from the death god Morrda. In truth, their Gryph-stalker mounts can mark people for death, draining their life force and transferring it to their rider in an act unsettlingly akin to necromantic hexes. 

oh look like we even delving into Morr lore pun intent with the connection of other gods in Sigmar pantheon. cool to see if they play around with that in other models stuff like Mirmidh/Myrmidia & Father of Blades


One of the Stormhosts already follows Mirmidia... so would be interesting!

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10 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

This new map really emphasises the massive size of the Mortal Realms. Check how time the dots are with the mapped regions we know from each realm.


take a closer look and you can see that Skavenblight is not only bleeding into Aqshy and Ghyran but also Chamon

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19 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

At least we can see warscrolls:


I believe they stated on the stream all the unit characteristics and weapon profiles on the Spearhead warscrolls are the same as the main game. 

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20 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

I believe they stated on the stream all the unit characteristics and weapon profiles on the Spearhead warscrolls are the same as the main game. 

Basic profiles may be the same but we know that clan rats have a different weapon ability in the main game. 

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