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Posted (edited)
On 4/23/2024 at 10:39 PM, Ganigumo said:

Its not a statement on which armies should get updates, but I think there are a lot of signs for a gitz release. If it was based on need Fyreslayers and Ogors would be at the top. We all know popular armies get way more support though, and I think they underestimated the popularity of gitz before they released.

I missed this Whitefang like, maybe we will be getting GSG sooner than i thought.

I am also starting to believe the weird thing to logic is pointing towards Tzeentch. Blue Scribes are also Sold Out.

Edited by Gitzdee
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I mean getting that Snarlfang last edition must have meant something for GSG. Getting an extra units like that was already an outlier but it was also a very standalone unit that had few benefits from the armies rules. The whole release was very odd if it was a one off model release unless there was some plan for them in the future.


side note: that kits has pretty good variety of rider pose with a different bow and spear option for each rider.

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7 minutes ago, novakai said:

side note: that kits has pretty good variety of rider pose with a different bow and spear option for each rider.

Absolute fantastic kit! I have 30 in the pipeline. 😆 I'm kinda banking on a gitmob expansion. 🤘🐺🤘

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11 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

Absolute fantastic kit! I have 30 in the pipeline. 😆 I'm kinda banking on a gitmob expansion. 🤘🐺🤘

Do u think they can split the weapon profiles? For a melee and ranged Snarlfang option? Or doesnt the kit have enough of both?

I would like to buy Snarlfang Riders in the future but i cant really afford it ahead of time. I know rules dont matter most of the time but i like at least a subfaction to go along with my purchases. I also still like my Rippas Warband very much.

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Posted (edited)
20 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

Do u think they can split the weapon profiles? For a melee and ranged Snarlfang option? Or doesnt the kit have enough of both?

I would like to buy Snarlfang Riders in the future but i cant really afford it ahead of time. I know rules dont matter most of the time but i like at least a subfaction to go along with my purchases. I also still like my Rippas Warband very much.

The warscroll has both ranged and melee in one unit. It's a great utility unit with a little bit of everything and speed on top. Minus magic but I'm hoping for a mounted shaman among other things. 

Stats could be better of course but it's a little bit of everything and master of none unit. 

The kit itself has enough for either bow and stashed spear or vice versa for EACH model. It's so wonderful. And it's the same grots from the kruleboyz range and I'm hoping so very much the same sculptor or sculptors does more!

Edit: It's not specifically stated but yu can pretty much build Rippaa Fang from the kit. 

I'd like to see Rippa become a powerful warlord in the lore with a suitably updated model. 

Edited by Vasshpit
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I’m really curious what these index’s will look like. I’ll assume based on what we have seen of rules so far that some traits, artifacts and extra abilities will be copy and pasted while others might require a complete rewrite that will need more of a scope outside of an index. Armies that come to mind and could be early on favorites to come with first wave of Battletomes are :

stormcast (Oldest tome)

Orrucks (Old and KB need a lot of help)

skaven (Now looking back it was obvious that tome was just a filler to fill time before the relaunch)

bonereapers (Change to command abilities and battleshock cuts them at the knees. They need a complete rework)

tzeentch (Changes to magic could alter how they play. While the magic phase isn’t completely different having Tzeentch cast spells in both hero phases could be over powered.)

sylvaneth (Changes to terrain rules could hinder their biggest gimmick and my require more work)

Kharadron (With changes to shooting phase and out of turn shooting will require them to have a legit relook to make sure their shooting is balanced properly)

Sons (with objective size changing and terrain not being able to be smashed to rubble could make it really hard for them to move around the board, plus spearhead challenge could mean they could use the extra work to get them on level playing ground.)

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Chikout said:

First five books, four with just a hero and one bigger release if we follow the 40k model. 

1- slaves to darkness with chaos sorcerer hero

2- Nighthaunt with updated Banshee

3- Seraphon with  saurus hero. Sorry no new temple guard. 

4- gloomspite with 4 or 5 new kits, gitmob expansion and armoured troggoths. 

5- Soulblight Gravelords with new necromancer 

Next summer I'm hoping for a big update for Fyreslayers and/or IDK. 

I was hoping for updated hexwraiths with the next NH, in the style of the like 3 cav heroes they have, a new plastic mourngul would go a long way to add variety to the army profile too.

Edit: it's also worth noting that not every codex so far got 1 model outside of tau, necrons got 3 characters and csm are getting 2 characters 

Edited by Luperci
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1 - Seraphon: Hero

2 - Slaves: Hero

3 - Gloomspite: Hero

4 - Sylvaneth: Hero

5 - Khorne: Mini-wave of 2 heroes + Khornegors

The daemons squatted is false data because 40k Daemons book can be the culprit of that

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2 hours ago, Jetlife said:

Kharadron (With changes to shooting phase and out of turn shooting will require them to have a legit relook to make sure their shooting is balanced properly)

I'm really curious about what are they going to do with vehicles, fly high and all  this stuff.

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I just go with that any army that got a Dawnbringer release (with maybe not Slaves or FEC) will get something more then a foot hero in 4th edition. 

so it be Fyreslayers, Sylvaneth, Soulblight, Gitz, Nurgle, and DoK.

and Ogor is the very last tome to be release in 4th edition right after Chaos Dwarf with their refresh.

personal Hopium will be Kruleboyz separating from Ironjawz and getting a second wave. 

Either OBR or FEC are the 5th edition bad guy (lol I don’t want to think that far)

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1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:

1 - Seraphon: Hero

2 - Slaves: Hero

3 - Gloomspite: Hero

4 - Sylvaneth: Hero

5 - Khorne: Mini-wave of 2 heroes + Khornegors

The daemons squatted is false data because 40k Daemons book can be the culprit of that

I hoped that only a hero + BT was a thing of the past. It should be atleast  monster (ridden) + BT or unit + hero + BT. 🙂

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28 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

I hoped that only a hero + BT was a thing of the past. It should be atleast  monster (ridden) + BT or unit + hero + BT. 🙂

It would be similar to 40k releases. Some factions a few small heroes and others one only.

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2 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

1 - Seraphon: Hero

2 - Slaves: Hero

3 - Gloomspite: Hero

4 - Sylvaneth: Hero

5 - Khorne: Mini-wave of 2 heroes + Khornegors

The daemons squatted is false data because 40k Daemons book can be the culprit of that

When emperor's children comes out I wouldn't be surprised if all the daemons just go to their respective cult book and belakor goes to csm

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9 hours ago, ScionOfOssia said:

1 and 2 are Skaven and Stormcast. 3 I predict Gloomspite or Kruleboyz. 4 will most likely be SBGL. 5 is a wildcard, but I predict Fyreslayers and the first major expansion and lore event. 

He said to list the first 5 apart of the Stormcast and Skaven one. I agree those will be the first ones.

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8 hours ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Fyreslayers should logically be be getting a lot. They're in due for an update and live in Aqshy, which is the primary setting for this edition. And there's the old Dwarfs vs Skaven rivalry to capitalize on.  

Yeah. I considered them but thought that the first 5 won't be getting any meaty release, so I discarded them.

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6 hours ago, novakai said:

I mean getting that Snarlfang last edition must have meant something for GSG. Getting an extra units like that was already an outlier but it was also a very standalone unit that had few benefits from the armies rules. The whole release was very odd if it was a one off model release unless there was some plan for them in the future.


side note: that kits has pretty good variety of rider pose with a different bow and spear option for each rider.

Maybe the UW counterpart was selling super well and they wanted to test if those sales would be translated into AoS sales to decide if they deserved a whole wave or not.

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If I had to bet on BT that will release early on in the next edition apart from SCE and Skaven, I'd actually pick the factions who always start up early on the roadmap based on the previous editions (including 3rd) : Nurgle, Nighthaunt, Sylvaneth, and either GSG or IJ/KB for the early Destro representation. 

IDK and Fyreslayers could be there too but I really want them to have a subtsantial release but that can come early on in an edition too (a bit like what the Dark Angels got).

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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

Maybe the UW counterpart was selling super well and they wanted to test if those sales would be translated into AoS sales to decide if they deserved a whole wave or not.

I see a Gitmob wave for AoS 5.0. i think It is too soon for that. Although, to clarify something, the Squigboss kit was a BR dated one. Meanwhile the Snarlfang were mentioned on BR but the kit was dated for 2023. So It was not that the Snarlfang were a test, the thing that happened was that Squigboss was delayed.

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13 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

I see a Gitmob wave for AoS 5.0. i think It is too soon for that. Although, to clarify something, the Squigboss kit was a BR dated one. Meanwhile the Snarlfang were mentioned on BR but the kit was dated for 2023. So It was not that the Snarlfang were a test, the thing that happened was that Squigboss was delayed.

I would have assumed that too but gitmob has been pretty much the only thing Whitefang has been teasing and they don't tend to talk about anything too far away. Because of this  I'm now expecting Gloomspite to get the first larger release of the edition. The only other thing we've heard concrete rumours about after launch is Chaos Duardin but the rumours are suggesting they aren't coming for a while. 

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Posted (edited)
22 minutes ago, Chikout said:

I would have assumed that too but gitmob has been pretty much the only thing Whitefang has been teasing and they don't tend to talk about anything too far away. Because of this  I'm now expecting Gloomspite to get the first larger release of the edition. The only other thing we've heard concrete rumours about after launch is Chaos Duardin but the rumours are suggesting they aren't coming for a while. 

Like Kurnothi or Eshin clan? When Whitefang speaks doesn't mean that a huge release is coming. A loney warboss on a chariot could be the "famous Gitmob coming". Gloomspite is gonna change a lot when only the Arachnarok and shaman  still like the only Spiderfang units.

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I don't think seraphon will be one of the first 4th edition battletomes, since they had one of the last 3rd edition ones. The saurus rumor engine is either for Warcry or Underworlds. Based on this snippet from the seraphon book, I think there might be a Warcry box later this year involving seraphon vs skaven (possibly Cult of Sotek vs Clan Pestilens, as this is an ancient rivalry).


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