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3 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

Well, they’ve put themselves in an excellent position to expand OBR, FS, IDK, and KO- OBR square off with Skaven in the Prime Innerlands (Hopefully with Nagash’s return bookending the edition), FS fight to stall the Skaven coming from the east, the Idoneth wreck havoc on their navies, and the KO fight the Much-Great Sky Kill-Armada in Chamon. 

NGL, that would be an extremely fun roadmap if each encounter with the skaven worked to add some to both sides; skaven would get four or five waves of miniatures, and they have so much going on as a faction that I bet you could get a masterclan/pestilines/moulder/skyre/eshin each in a small wave and you wouldn't see much overlap.

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How is this supposed rumor looking after the great squattening of 2024?


I can't find it, but wasn't part of this very same rumor also saying that practically every weapons team was going away or being updated?

Guessing Master Corruptor is actually Moulder?

"Technomage" sounds practically synonymous with the Warlock Engineers, so possible this fella? 

War of Sigmar - New Skaven Clan Rats revealed and new Weapons team leaked ^^

Edit: Added SG Warhound rumors bellow:


On 1/14/2024 at 1:36 PM, SG Warhound said:

New 4th edition rumours



Plague Censer

Rat Swarms

Giant Rats

Gutter Runners







Rat Ogors



new warlock

new warlord

new verminlord

new artillery

new behemoth

new wolfrats


Edited by Magnusaur
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26 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

So was it Hell crown that city shown in the trailer?



Rumours of late have it that there has been a vast incursion of Skaven into Aqshy, that they now control all the land east of Hel Crown and will soon be in a position to threaten the heartlands of the Great Parch, and perhaps eventually even Hammerhal Aqsha itself. Madmen speak of eerie green light beyond the mountains, and the terrible clanging of brass bells. They say that the loathsome ratmen have burst forth in other realms too, that nowhere is safe from the rise of the verminous tide.


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12 minutes ago, Magnusaur said:


How is this supposed rumor looking after the great squattening of 2024?


I can't find it, but wasn't part of this very same rumor also saying that practically every weapons team was going away or being updated?

Guessing Master Corruptor is actually Moulder?

"Technomage" sounds practically synonymous with the Warlock Engineers, so possible this fella? 

War of Sigmar - New Skaven Clan Rats revealed and new Weapons team leaked ^^

It would be interesting to compare that list with the one from SG Warhound.

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Yeah, reviewing the battlescroll changes there are some odd or funny changes to the OBR-

The Soulreaper wasn’t being taken at 110, so why would it be taken at 120? 

Deathriders to 200 points- Just bite the bullet and make Trample The Defiant harder, because these guys were already pillowfisted at 180 and at 200 they’re literally just there to score Trample and then die violently. 

Arch-Kavalos Zandtos to 170 and the Liege-Kavalos to 190- Congratulations Zandtos, now they’re not even pretending you might be better or even remotely as good as your generic counterpart. 

Mortek Crawler to 160- It wasn’t worth it at 170 and it’s not worth it now. It has an unreliable tactic, poor to mediocre at best shooting. If you want to make it worth bringing, let its stele bypass Look Out, Sir! and give its midrange shot a few more attacks, or something to not suck completely. 

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They don’t seem to be particularly interested in looking into why certain units aren’t taken- Why would I take a Morghast Harbinger, a unit which is anti-synergistic with the core Bonereapers mechanic (Relentless Discipline makes Deep Strike units actively harmful to take), isn’t around for getting buffed by our spells and Ossifectors, and frequently drops in unsupported, when for the exact same price and a single command point, I can have the infinitely better Necropolis Stalker, or 10 points more and I can bring the infinitely better Morghast Archai. This thing would need to be way cheaper for me to ever consider bringing it. 

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32 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

Unleash the lava wyverns! Scour the aetheric skies! 🐉 


If we got a Runefather on a four-winged lava wyvern, I might just cry from happiness. (Or just any fyreslayer riding a dragon model).

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6 hours ago, pitzok said:

Just noticed that in the last article there's the Iron Golems in the background of this photo.

Yes. All of these units are tournament legal until 2025, which is why it shouldn't be a surprise GW is using the cultist warbands and Sacrosanct in pictures still tbh. All of these models will still have tabletop-life until 5e. No reason to wipe them from promo/action shots.

3 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

It seems to be the old empire minis, aren't they? Or could it be a hint from a new crossbowman unit?

those are absolutely the old Empire troops WOW. That feels like we can expect to see squatted stuff in future art.

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14 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

Whoa whoa whoa!

Was this mentioned here and I missed it? Had spotted it on Discord for a new Omnibus for the Mortal Realms.

Seems it has stories jumping between the first ever AoS novel “Gates of Azyr” to the newer stuff like Dominion.

Very nifty to see with how much AoS4 has felt like a big callback to AoS1 so good to get newbies caught up and absolutely beautiful cover. That’s an insta-buy for me! 👌 ️ 

(Plus anything Josh is a must)

This is pretty cool, but I’d instantly drop $100+ USD if GW would publish a book that consolidates all the AOS lore up to the end of Dawnbringers into a single tome.

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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

It would be interesting to compare that list with the one from SG Warhound.

I think it's the same leaks

Btw, great article on the skavens from GW. I often prefer to consider 1986 as the foundign year for skavens, but it's true that it was on december of 1985 that the first skaven minis were teased on the third Citadel Compendium.

As Warcom(GW doesn't ****** care about crediting the mfing authors, will be interesting to note that their designs and first-hand lore was crafted by Jes Goodwin himself


Not gonna put all the pages from the third Citadel journal (what I prefer to consider their origin, april 1986) but contrary to what the article says, skavens are the only warhammer race that hasn't changed much in all these 39 years.


I see there's also no mention to William King, Rick Priestley, or Andy Chambers, but know that these guys were also great colaborators on founding the skaven mythos (not even a mention about Thanquol!!!!).

It's also sad that the article talks about the ratckoning when everything moved to plastic,without a mention about Seb, you know, Seb, but oh, I guess it's a full lore article.

But one thing to note


No doubt they would have soon conquered everything had not some fellow named Archaon ushered in the End Times.

You can say that this is technically what it happens, but never forget that skavens did all the dps during End Times. Araby, the Southern Realms, half Cathay, the lizardmen, dwarfs, half the Empire... that was all skaven-doing, but oh well.

Btw, i'm also lacking some narrative direction on objectives and cities to defend. This needed a narrative book puting al lthe details.

Edited by Garrac
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