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11 minutes ago, Vaellas said:

Looking at these models again I am wondering if you choose between axe and shield or the double axe (though there is a shield on his back) but keep the same statline, like dual wield or shield with liberators, or if the double axe is the champion of the pack or if they are like the single non champion that can replace their weapon similar to the Liberator warscroll. Although the trailer focused on a different character the double axe model is the only one with a different helmet by having the comet of Sigmar on the forehead and now rewatching the trailer realise you can see it on the double axe unit there too.

Edit: Just noticed they are also the only one with the raven knee pad.

The Reclusian Prime, but as in the Liberators, the weapons won't matter that much.

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I haven't read anything about the Reclusians but did we really need the attendants modeled? If these Stormcast are so precarious as to need a living reminder to function seems like a massive vulnerability on the battlefield; a lot like Synapse feedback.

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So we got our two infantry Sigmarines anyone think we'll get Stormvermin or a Rat Ogre next week

Warhammer Age Of Sigmar's Time Is Over, The Time Of The Skaven Has Come  

5 hours ago, pitzok said:

I'm not well versed in Fantasy lore but ****** I'd pay a lot of money for a Azazel model in AoS

Azazel was Sigmar almost Brother-in-law. TLDR his twin sister was Sigmar fiance & his older brother was part of Sigmar jock group. After his brother died in a skirmish against Orks he sort of blamed it on Sigmar going so far as to befriend him for seven years just to get close enough to assassinate him.

day of assassination he ****** it up and kill his sister because "she was seceded by allure of sigmar authority" (yeah he was one of those) and failed killed Siggy. In memoriam of his fiance Siggy vow to unite mankind and chaisty which he only kept one of those vows and Azazel went up north and became a demon prince of slaanesh. His whole gimmick is that he chaos talent agent when it came to choosing Everchosen except for Archaon so goes to show how good he is with his job

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3 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

So we got our two infantry Sigmarines anyone think we'll get Stormvermin or a Rat Ogre next week

Warhammer Age Of Sigmar's Time Is Over, The Time Of The Skaven Has Come  

Azazel was Sigmar almost Brother-in-law. TLDR his twin sister was Sigmar fiance & his older brother was part of Sigmar jock group. After his brother died in a skirmish against Orks he sort of blamed it on Sigmar going so far as to befriend him for seven years just to get close enough to assassinate him.

day of assassination he ****** it up and kill his sister because "she was seceded by allure of sigmar authority" (yeah he was one of those) and failed killed Siggy. In memoriam of his fiance Siggy vow to unite mankind and chaisty which he only kept one of those vows and Azazel went up north and became a demon prince of slaanesh. His whole gimmick is that he chaos talent agent when it came to choosing Everchosen except for Archaon so goes to show how good he is with his job

If we go to the equivalent of the Reclusians it would be either the war machine that already leaked or the rat ogre, IMO. And GW won't show us something leaked. So my bet is the rat ogor.

Edited by Ejecutor
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45 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:


Actually this guy puts the lie to the idea that everything in a starter box needs to be easy to paint. I count at least a dozen different materials and textures. Granted he's a character but the Ruinators are positively restrained by comparison.

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34 minutes ago, Silas7 said:

I haven't read anything about the Reclusians but did we really need the attendants modeled? If these Stormcast are so precarious as to need a living reminder to function seems like a massive vulnerability on the battlefield; a lot like Synapse feedback.

I love how AoS has been committed to giving people pets and little weirdos and the idea of a Stormcast with an old man who is his great grandson hanging out and bonding over fights is something I will want a novel of post haste.

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17 minutes ago, neaden said:

I love how AoS has been committed to giving people pets and little weirdos and the idea of a Stormcast with an old man who is his great grandson hanging out and bonding over fights is something I will want a novel of post haste.

I'm not saying the concept isn't interesting, but it would like being on an escort quest 100% of the time when they are fighting. I just think the fluff and the crunch are bleeding over in the wrong kinda ways

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53 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

So we got our two infantry Sigmarines anyone think we'll get Stormvermin or a Rat Ogre next week

Warhammer Age Of Sigmar's Time Is Over, The Time Of The Skaven Has Come  

Azazel was Sigmar almost Brother-in-law. TLDR his twin sister was Sigmar fiance & his older brother was part of Sigmar jock group. After his brother died in a skirmish against Orks he sort of blamed it on Sigmar going so far as to befriend him for seven years just to get close enough to assassinate him.

day of assassination he ****** it up and kill his sister because "she was seceded by allure of sigmar authority" (yeah he was one of those) and failed killed Siggy. In memoriam of his fiance Siggy vow to unite mankind and chaisty which he only kept one of those vows and Azazel went up north and became a demon prince of slaanesh. His whole gimmick is that he chaos talent agent when it came to choosing Everchosen except for Archaon so goes to show how good he is with his job

He was also the marshal of Slaanesh's Daemon legions, so I think you understate his ability a little 😛

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3 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

As someone that plays stormcast and cities... yes... yes I needed them.

Seconded! I already was psyched to combine them with the new Cities minis, but these new mortal attendants have sparked many kitbash ideas....🤔

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8 hours ago, Kronos said:

It did have a decent model back in the day.


OK, it's not as bad as the old Keeper of Secrets... but it's still a dud model in my opinion. Slaanesh had a history of rubbishy named hero miniatures back in the day; Dechala was another dog's breakfast. Thankfully AoS has paid us back tenfold! 

Oh, and I'd sacrifice a limb for a new Azazel model too. He's a great character, and has personal beef with Sigmar - he's a perfect fit! 

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6 hours ago, Gitzdee said:



Bladeguard Eternals lol.

To be fair, a space marine with nothing more than a shield and a sword looks more like a fantasy/medival knight than a stormcast with sword/axe and shield would look sci-fi.

In this case, the SM stole the fantasy looks from AoS. How are you supposed to make SCE look different when the SM looks like a knight...there is only so much design space.

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49 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I noticed as well. Isn't it that the icon from the April's Fool city?

Yes it is. It's in the eastern part of the great parch so presumably it's going to be ground zero for the Skaven attack. I'm definitely curious to learn more about it and to see the map in full. It could be a cool location for the next season of warcry or the next Warhammer quest game. 

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23 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Yes it is. It's in the eastern part of the great parch so presumably it's going to be ground zero for the Skaven attack. I'm definitely curious to learn more about it and to see the map in full. It could be a cool location for the next season of warcry or the next Warhammer quest game. 

Hellcrown would be the new Mordheim?

If we think about it, the April Fools joke wouldn't be such a joke but a little easter egg instead. Warps tone jewels? Warstone as a hint for Mordheim and Hellcrown to tell you where it is going to be!

Edited by Ejecutor
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23 minutes ago, Someravella said:

Now I am looking at the Reclusors again... do you also agree that much of the model looking good is due to the the change of color schema?

Very likely. If we turn them all gold they would look ******.

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