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36 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

I just cant comprehend this sudden decision that Ogors may be on the chopping block?

Ogors have way more of a narrative presence than BOC and Bonesplitterz combined.

GW wouldnt have put an Ogor unit inside COS and given it unique lore if they were going to squat the Faction.

Destruction is only 3 and a half* Factions I would highly doubt they would get rid of the only one in need of a refresh for zero reason as they dont even have a presence in TOW.

This is a real problem woth BOC and BS being axed. The uncertainty causing anxiety and fear mongering.


*Sons of Behemat can be taken by any Alliance.

Again I don't really think they'll go but;

Do ogors have more narrative presence? Seems like we've both got a few antagonist roles in novels. A few named characters mentioned but never put into model form. Other than the warcry band what have Ogors gotten?

Beasts are present in the lore of about 5 different armies. And represented in miniature form in 2 or 3 (if you count the spire tyrants) so being in another armies lore and rules is no promise.

The 3.5 factions thing is fair unless they decide they'd rather make something new and "kindly ask" that you buy a whole new army.


Again I don't think they'll go but I think GW deserves not to be trusted after what they've done.

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1 minute ago, The Red King said:

Again I don't think they'll go but I think GW deserves not to be trusted after what they've done.

and  what exactly have they done? Remove models that had a big flashing neon sign above them that screamed "NOT LONG FOR THIS WORLD". The fact you didn't use your eyes or brain isn't GW fault. Also, I thought you were done with the hobby now that Beasts are gone? 

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9 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

Oh there is going to be plenty.

Something completely a challenge to logic. 

Fuff, now you really have my attention. My mind is travelling 100mph as to what that means. My heart says Morghur, Corruption, Mutation. ….But it’s going to be something stupid like making Ogors a cities faction, getting rid of Fyre Slayers and Giving Kragnos a Silly named champion to encourage more sales of that Hoofed Oaf. 

But on the positive side - How Good is Death Looking as a faction. Scroll back 6 years ago and who could have predicted Ossiarch, Night Haunt, Flesh Eater courts with Ushoran and even Soul Blight. I feel the Death Range is a Paragon for What AoS should be. 

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Idk guys, the subtext from wf doesn't look positive to me.

Is like he knows that GW is going to make some more dumb things like the cull of sacrosant.

Edited by Ragest
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5 minutes ago, Hollow said:

and  what exactly have they done? Remove models that had a big flashing neon sign above them that screamed "NOT LONG FOR THIS WORLD". The fact you didn't use your eyes or brain isn't GW fault. Also, I thought you were done with the hobby now that Beasts are gone? 

I dont think u are being reasonable here.

Having ones army removed after 3 editions of full support is a weird move by GW. Simply removing is completely different from replacing them with something new. Like whats been happening with Soulblight, CoS or SCE.

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1 minute ago, Ragest said:

Idk guys, the subtext from ef doesn't look positive to me.

Os like he knows that GW is going to make some more dumb things like the cull of sacrosant.

Yeah this scares me a bit. Like dropping Idoneth or Fyreslayers.

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22 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

Oh there is going to be plenty.

Something completely a challenge to logic. 

In a this news spawned 50 pages of angry comments kind of way, or a popcorn flavoured protein drink kind of way? 

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I'd say fyreslayers and ogors are for sure on chopping block.

1st edition armies
Stormcast - soon to get a redesign/rerelease of original models
Seraphon - second wave already 
Sylvaneth - second wave already
Ironjawz - second wave already
flesh eater courts - second wave already
everchosen - getting second wave now
pestilence skaven - rolled into skaven/squat

Fyreslayers - no second wave
Beastclaw raiders - rolled into mawtribes, no second wave

Edited by Rollcage
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5 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

Yeah this scares me a bit. Like dropping Idoneth or Fyreslayers.

I don't see either going. In fact I really wanna be hopeful that this edition we get some new Idoneth, especaially after a few rumour engines looking like coral and aquatic creatures now. Also with the uncertainty on Disposessed it would mean if they also wanted to get rid of Fyreslayers that would be 2/3 dwarf armies gone and I just don't see that.

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After putting some thought into this im going with a Tzeentch Daemons update along the line of the warband. Its also called Wyrd... and looks weird.

I also think some of the RE fit into this theory.

Edit: didnt someone say Blue Scribes to say "last chance to buy"?


Edited by Gitzdee
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12 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

In my opinion Paladins are gone because 1/Annihilators have already taken their niche of "SCE infantry in the heaviest armour ever" and 2/ Grey Knights also have Paladins that were there before the SCE ones, maybe GW wants to avoid the confusion of "Paladins ? You mean the 40k or AoS ones ?".

Also it's not a very trademarkable name.

This makes me sad since i really dislike 3 man squads for infantry idk why, just feels like im paying more for less or as someone put it shrinkflation

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Fyreslayers got a whole bunch of support. Looking at them they got:

*Initial release in 1E.

*Endless Spells and Terrain in 2E.

*Auric Flamekeeper hero with 3e Battletome.

*Grimhold Exile for Dawnbringers.

*Vulkyn Flameseekers Warband for Warcry.

*New Store Anniversary Runesmiter.

That's far more support than what Beasts got. 

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6 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

After putting some thought into this im going with a Tzeentch Daemons update along the line of the warband. Its also called Wyrd... and looks weird.

I also think some of the RE fit into this theory.


Some new pink horrors and flamers in that style would be awesome 

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6 minutes ago, Rollcage said:

I'd say fyreslayers and ogors are for sure on chopping block.

1st edition armies
Stormcast - soon to get a redesign/rerelease of original models
Seraphon - second wave already 
Sylvaneth - second wave already
Ironjawz - second wave already
flesh eater courts - second wave already
everchosen - getting second wave now
pestilence skaven - rolled into skaven/squat

Fyreslayers - no second wave
Beastclaw raiders - rolled into mawtribes, no second wave

I think we can calm down about Whitefang's "weird" and "challenge to logic" comments referencing the cutting of ranges. 

Cutting poorly performing ranges is scummy and sad but in the wonderful world of hyper capitalism that we all live in, it's not remotely weird or illogical. 

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15 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

That’s honestly not the worst combination. Thematically they’re very good foils. 

The way sigmar talks about nagash during soul wars does make it sound like they're toxic exes lol

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On 4/3/2024 at 1:32 PM, pnkdth said:

And not to be that guy, but I'm getting major 40k vibes. This essentially an accelerated version of primaris and turning old models obsolete ever quicker. I can barely spot the differenc so any SCE player could just rebase their models and I'd be non the wiser.

Seriously though, for AoS to move so quickly past established models is strange. They've barely established SCE "firstborn" or chambers properly before bloating their roster even more. Of course, more cool stuff is good but this is the bare minimum since it doesn't innovate their roster as much as it is iterating on existing units. I don't have any skin the game but if I were an SCE player I'd be a bit annoyed. It is like they realised the SCE roster is bloated but rather addressing the issue they created a new improved unit while leaving the rest behind.

They're insisting on keeping the focus on SCE instead of allowing another army to be in the starter box, but they know the SCE line is bloated and they can't keep endlessly filling it with new units. So we get a Stormcast refresh 10-15 years ahead of schedule (compared to Primaris). Thats the problem with insisting on having a poster faction and trying to artificially recreate space Marine popularity. You burn through decades of releases way to quick and end up trying to force your player base to rebuy the same units they just bought a few years ago.


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3 minutes ago, Luperci said:

The way sigmar talks about nagash during soul wars does make it sound like they're toxic exes lol

At the very least, Arkhan probably ships it. Mostly because he thinks Nagash and Sigmar need to come together in order to truly stop Chaos. 

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On 4/3/2024 at 3:13 PM, Jetlife said:

These new list-building rules present some really interesting options. For starters, it looks like the vanguard/spearhead boxes will basically slot right into a regiment for your larger army. This makes it a super easy and efficient way for new players.

I also hope this leads to multiple different spearhead boxes for each army.  This would be an awesome way to collect and build an army. Regiment by regiment.

Hopium I know... but what if each battletome release came with a small regiment. They could even sell them with the new book included. New Hero and two new units......

It seems like this hero and two-unit box model is becoming more and more popular. Dawnbringers box had this kind of format as well.  It definitely feels more "modular"

Is it more popular? Or do they just like selling us a new hero along with units we already have?

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2 minutes ago, GhostShark said:

They're insisting on keeping the focus on SCE instead of allowing another army to be in the starter box, but they know the SCE line is bloated and they can't keep endlessly filling it with new units. So we get a Stormcast refresh 10-15 years ahead of schedule (compared to Primaris). Thats the problem with insisting on having a poster faction and trying to artificially recreate space Marine popularity. You burn through decades of releases way to quick and end up trying to force your player base to rebuy the same units they just bought a few years ago.


Tbf we know GW are actually listening to fan feedback to some degree, I wouldn't think it's that much of a reach to hope for the 5th ed box to focus CoS and stormcast to take a little bit more of backseat. Idk how CoS sales compare to SCE though, alternatively they launch ulguroth aelves in the starter box for the order side? That'd generate a lot of hype and interest too

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2 minutes ago, GhostShark said:

They're insisting on keeping the focus on SCE instead of allowing another army to be in the starter box, but they know the SCE line is bloated and they can't keep endlessly filling it with new units. So we get a Stormcast refresh 10-15 years ahead of schedule (compared to Primaris). Thats the problem with insisting on having a poster faction and trying to artificially recreate space Marine popularity. You burn through decades of releases way to quick and end up trying to force your player base to rebuy the same units they just bought a few years ago.

I think the first designs of SCE were not well received overall or sold as well as they would have liked. This resulted in the Thunderstrike redesign that seems like its doing better.

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39 minutes ago, Hollow said:

and  what exactly have they done? Remove models that had a big flashing neon sign above them that screamed "NOT LONG FOR THIS WORLD". The fact you didn't use your eyes or brain isn't GW fault. Also, I thought you were done with the hobby now that Beasts are gone? 

Sorry buddy. You can peddle that somewhere else. What I said was I'm not buying anything from GW and this dumpster fire of an opinion might as well have the Warhammer logo stamped on it.

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10 minutes ago, Chikout said:

I think we can calm down about Whitefang's "weird" and "challenge to logic" comments referencing the cutting of ranges. 

Cutting poorly performing ranges is scummy and sad but in the wonderful world of hyper capitalism that we all live in, it's not remotely weird or illogical. 

I think the rumours of chaos dwarfs is either a fyrelslayer second wave, or it's potentially sitting on fyreslayers design space. The endless spells and some of the "magic" that fyreslayers employ is very chaos dwarf from fantasy, It's not a very warhammer fantasy inspired army.  The magma endless spells would fit in a fantasy chaos dwarf army like a glove. The warcry Vulkyn flameseekers look better/different from fyreslayers 1st wave by quite a bit and have more chaos dwarf inspired armour styles on. 

I hope its not a squat and they really do think fyreslayers need a rerelease in the same vein as what stormcast are just getting.

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3 hours ago, GrimDork said:

I’m mixed with the makeup of warcry.

Part of me really likes the crazy mashup warbands with fun buffs. I love tactics videos and tournament reviews from Wargames on Toast & Off Meta Musings.

But I do understand that these optimised lists are not very thematic.

I suppose as with AoS it boils down to the same competitive vs narrative/casual play styles. I suppose the game can cater for both, set limits on warcry only warbands? Or free for all list building?

Personally I really wanted to like Warcry when it first released, but the chaos on chaos thing didn’t really do it for me. When they opened it up to other factions I bought in. Whilst the Gnarlwood setting isn’t my favourite, I do absolutely love this seasons warband releases!

Like many people I was attracted to the game, but not to the Chaos vs Chaos aspect of Warcry V1. I think Warcry is at it's absolute best when it shows off some niche aspect of factions that helps to expand the overall lore just that little bit (Rotmire Creed, Gorger Mawpack, Kruleboyz Monsta-killaz), or offers an alternative take on a faction (Askurgan Warblades). I hope all future releases achieve this benchmark.

I don't have an answer for the optimised vs thematic lists. Its an aspect of the ongoing disucssion in the Warcry community. Some content creators are aware that they are at least partly "at fault" for showing off these optimized lists. They do not hold all the blame, it is everyone, as it is just simply human nature to seek "the best". 

Some content creators are looking to highlight the "fat middle" warbands to show that they are enjoyable and can still put up a fight.

Off Meta Musings: https://www.offmetamusings.com/2024/03/f-tier-are-we-really-problem.html

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5 minutes ago, Rollcage said:

I think the rumours of chaos dwarfs is either a fyrelslayer second wave, or it's potentially sitting on fyreslayers design space. The endless spells and some of the "magic" that fyreslayers employ is very chaos dwarf from fantasy, It's not a very warhammer fantasy inspired army.  The magma endless spells would fit in a fantasy chaos dwarf army like a glove. The warcry Vulkyn flameseekers look better/different from fyreslayers 1st wave by quite a bit and have more chaos dwarf inspired armour styles on. 

I hope its not a squat and they really do think fyreslayers need a rerelease in the same vein as what stormcast are just getting.

Dont really understand the fyreslayers link.

If i follow this logic it would make sense for BoC to be removed because chorf needs the bull endless spell back and everything else with horns.

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