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Liberator (1/10)



  1. Great models. Im still iffy on that curved lipped chest plate though, the standard crafted pecs just looks better to my eyes. Not too big a fan on the helmets myself gives me idoneth or lumineth vibes, was hoping for more valkrie style but the trailer did show them off so that dashed my hopes Also wonder if they will have the same role, i hope not becuase they are way too cool to be used as screen chaff or just cheap harrasers
  2. a sprok is really useful, its a spoon and a fork, ti does the work of two utensils in one!.
  3. Hmmm...for some factions? Maybe, but also...why not both? But speaking as someone who likes fyreslayers but having every unit look almost the same.... ya id like a refresh espically since we gave seen what they could look like instead, 1 new unit and 2 unuts getting refreshed? Yes plz but more than likely...the 7th single hero mini
  4. I really like your anvils of heldenhammer colorscheme
  5. This makes me sad since i really dislike 3 man squads for infantry idk why, just feels like im paying more for less or as someone put it shrinkflation
  6. Belakor was made a demon prince by the powers of the big 4 they own his soul and he failed them hes punished for eternity which is why he takes his anger out on each ever chosen making sure they all fail aka archaon.( difference with archaon is he didnt sell off his soul) I really hope the horned rat does not acctually ascended to actual god hood it just wouldnt make sense the big 4 allowing another rival to appear and is a massive change to the lore to come out of nowhere. The skaven rat is better suited to be a 2nd rate chaos god scheming and plotting to maybe claw their way up to that big 4 lvl imo. But thats just my 2 cents.
  7. I thought they mentioned some special event models would in time be sold as made to order, i think it started with the primaris company champion. Also this so called rules post was just a summary of what was said on the video. That...thats disappointing.
  8. I'd love to see some new skaven characters that are basically pinky and the brain, having grand massive plans that ultimately end up in some grandtastic failure and then they succry away back into the house of their human owner who is probably mad and sees them as pets while brain comes up with another grandnplan to take over the world, or just impress the high council. A new pair to help thanquol fail.
  9. Well most of the chaos std stuff are basically not what chaos was in warhammer fantasy like say norsca who worshipped them and fought for boons. Darkoath for the most part dont worship them at least the tribe of that character they dont, they hate all gods and wish to be left alone they are just forced between a rock and a hard place and for reason thought hey making an oath with chaos is the better option, while still hating them and being weary. Which is similiar to the whole story of std who follow archaon. Most of the mutation stuff is left to the actual mortals who worship chaos in the respective gods mortal faction. Which is interesting but also seems weird there isnt more strife
  10. Offtopic back on I heard silver is said to be the babe of warewolves maybe vampires becuase of this one guy in the bible who sold out jesus for some silver coins
  11. Does it though? Those boxes are made month's in advance from different suppliers, and specially made becuase they are only made for that product compared to everything else having a standard size which are easily mass produced and they prob get at a regular interval, same with the plastic they know how many they need to make and start making them maybe before even the boxes arrive. And they know how many models they sell each month and could account for that espically with at least a year in advance. ( also ive seen how some plastic models are created and its super fast so unless changing the mold takes weeks each time no idea what is making it hard for gw to keep stuff in stock, other than the instructions becuase they could just send it to people in the white boxes which they do) And maybe gw stores destroy excess stock and label it as a write off as we have seen video evidence of that but local shops wont do that they paid for those boxes. Now the worst thing of the top of my head that could be a big problem to local stores and gw would be those boxes taking up valuable storage space but that doesnt really feel like a reason why gw has been having such a bad time keeping stuff in stock for years long after dominion went on sale
  12. Seems strange to me that a demi god i think would be the right term of chaos would be suddenly called a chaos god without the chaos gods doing anything about it becuase it would mean a challenge to their rule/power. Hell theres always tzeetch ****** with even the smallest of plans the other gods do right? Also thought god hood had to do with the amount of souls they have eaten up or something and as we all know skaven dont have souls
  13. Oof.. was hoping theyd pick a different helmet no nose mick gee is no good
  14. All chaos are really just scared little rats already
  15. i believe karl franz's body and soul were consumed by sigmar during the end times which he gave up willingly to combat archaon. but have not read the end times just from what people have told me so don't think its him sadly. the model pose itself isn't bad but idk maybe its just the chunkiness, but i think its just the generic looking model where he looks like a fancy liberator which i dislike about it
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